A vacancy for a GS 2210-IT Specialist (Data Management)-13/14 opened today in the USDA-ARS National Germplasm Resources Laboratory (NGRL). It will close on December 17, 2018.
The announcement and information about how to apply can be found on USA JOBS at ARS-S18Y-0486<https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/518716600>.
This position is an important hire for NGRL, and the entire U.S. National Plant Germplasm System, in ensuring the ongoing and long-term development and operation of GRIN and GRIN-Global.
I encourage you to circulate this information to prospective applicants. Doing so does not generate any advantage for them; the position is open to all qualified U.S. citizens.
Gary R. Kinard
Research Leader
National Germplasm Resources Lab
Beltsville, MD
301-504-5951 (voice)
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Made a few edits and added comments to be addressed by some of you-
Thank you Lise,
From: rosexec-list-bounces(a)bioinfo.wsu.edu [mailto:rosexec-list-bounces@bioinfo.wsu.edu] On Behalf Of Mahoney, Lise
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 1:48 PM
To: gdr-list(a)bioinfo.wsu.edu; 'RosEXEC Group' <rosexec-list(a)bioinfo.wsu.edu>
Subject: [Rosexec-list] Ros-Exec Meeting Minutes
To all,
Please find attached the meeting minutes from our October meeting. Please check them over and edit as necessary using track changes. A few items that I was not sure about I have in red font. I would like to make any further edits within the next week. The minutes includes that the next Ros Exec and Ros IGI meetings will be held at PAG January 13, 2019 from ___ to ___in Garden Salon 1. Please fill in the time if you have it.
Best regards,
Lise L Mahoney, Ph D
Research Assistant Professor
University of New Hampshire
Kendall Hall, 214
129 Main Street,
Durham, NH 03824
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.
Hello everyone,
Sorry about any duplication of this message! Please distribute this announcement to all your colleagues that do Rosaceae research! Please hang the attached announcement in the hallways of your department!
I wanted to remind students and advisors of our NEW award for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs for excellence in Rosaceae research.
There are some excellent students doing excellent research - and we hope to highlight their efforts at our next RosEXEC (U.S. Rosaceae Executive; https://www.rosaceae.org/community/us_rosexec) meeting in San Diego while everyone is there for the Plant and Animal Genome Conference!
As a reminder:
Submissions will be judged upon the following criteria:
- Novelty of the research
- Clear and concise presentation
- Ability to have high impact on the current understanding in the field
- Current and future applications of the research
Awards will be presented at the U.S. RosEXEC meeting in January 2019 at the Plant and Animal Genome Meeting in San Diego, CA. Award winners do not need to be present to receive the award.
Eligibility Requirements:
* Full-time undergraduate, M.S., Ph.D. student, or postdoctoral student
* Relevant basic or applied research in a Rosaceae crop area
* Publication and first authorship in a peer-reviewed journal
Submission Requirements:
* Full name
* Institution
* Abstract
* Layperson summary of the research (i.e., for the general public) to include the impact of the research on current understanding in the field and on future research
All submissions should be submitted to Mercy Olmstead (RosEXEC chair) at molmstead(a)calstrawberry.org<mailto:molmstead@calstrawberry.org> by DECEMBER 3rd, 2018. Please let your colleagues and students know about this award, and distribute this announcement.
If you have any questions, please contact Mercy Olmstead (molmstead(a)calstrawberry.org<mailto:molmstead@calstrawberry.org>).
Thank you so much,
Mercy Olmstead
2018 RosEXEC Chair
Mercy Olmstead, Ph.D.
Sr. Mgr. Production Research and Education
California Strawberry Commission<http://californiastrawberries.com/>
Main: (831) 724-1301
Direct: (831) 200-4682
Cell: (831) 228-2404
[Commission Logo_4cp]
Incumbent will be assigned to the Integrated Orchard Management and
Automation for Deciduous Tree Fruit Crops Research Unit, in Kearneysville,
WV. The Integrated Production and Automation project develops and
integrates entomological, horticultural, and engineering technology to
solve major problems affecting temperate tree fruit production.
Major Duties:
Specific objectives of the incumbent's independent and collaborative
research include:
1) identifying and understanding key whole tree and rootstock-scion
2) identifying physiological, genetic, and/or cultural mechanisms that
enhance tolerance to environmental stress (drought, freezing, heat,
elevated CO2), nutrient- and water use-efficiency, growth habits and/or
fruit quality;
3) developing new production systems that are designed specifically for
automated practices and/or for value-added products. Objectives will be met
through field, greenhouse, growth chamber, and laboratory experiments.
Methodologies necessary to carry out this work include: equipment and
protocols to assess drought tolerance and WUE, photosynthesis, and
dormancy, quantification of phytochemicals such as hormones, sugars,
lipids, and other signaling molecules, molecular biology techniques,
phloem/xylem sampling and analysis, tissue fixation and microscopy,
horticultural techniques for assessing phenotypes associated with plant
growth and development as well as fruit quality, and technologies for
studying genotype-by-environment interactions.
Travel Required
Occasional travel - Domestic and International travel may required to
attend scientific meetings, training, and conferences.
Supervisory status
Promotion Potential
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the email immediately.
Hello to the Rosaceae Community!
The U.S. Rosaceae Executive Committee has some exciting news to share with students and their advisors!
This year we are introducing a new award for excellence in Rosaceae research as demonstrated through publications. There will be four awards, one each for undergraduates, M.S., Ph.D., and postdoctoral students.
Submissions will be judged upon the following criteria:
- Novelty of the research
- Clear and concise presentation
- Ability to have high impact on the current understanding in the field
- Current and future applications of the research
Awards will be presented at the U.S. RosEXEC meeting in January 2019 at the Plant and Animal Genome Meeting in San Diego, CA. Award winners do not need to be present to receive the award.
Eligibility Requirements:
* Full-time undergraduate, M.S., Ph.D. student, or postdoctoral student
* Relevant basic or applied research in a Rosaceae crop area
* Publication and first authorship in a peer-reviewed journal
Submission Requirements:
* Full name
* Institution
* Abstract
* Layperson summary of the research (i.e., for the general public) to include the impact of the research on current understanding in the field and on future research
All submissions should be submitted to Mercy Olmstead (RosEXEC chair) at molmstead(a)calstrawberry.org by DECEMBER 3rd, 2018. Please let your colleagues and students know about this award, and distribute this announcement.
If you have any questions, please contact Mercy Olmstead (molmstead(a)calstrawberry.org<mailto:molmstead@calstrawberry.org>).
Good luck and we are looking forward to seeing everyone at the PAG meeting for the January RosEXEC meeting!
Mercy and the RosEXEC Student Award Committee
Mercy Olmstead, Ph.D.
Sr. Mgr. Production Research and Education
California Strawberry Commission<http://californiastrawberries.com/>
Main: (831) 724-1301
Direct: (831) 200-4682
Cell: (831) 228-2404
[Commission Logo_4cp]
*Cornell University – College of Agriculture and Life Sciences*
*School of Integrative Plant Science – Section of Plant Pathology and Plant
Microbe Biology*
*New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, New York*
*Post-Doctoral Associate Position*
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with a strong
interest to study genetic mechanisms of disease resistance, and disease
management in fruit trees. The candidate will have the opportunity to do
excellent and cutting edge research in genomics, phenomics and quantitative
genetics and will have access to world’s largest apple collection, apple
orchards, and state-of-the-art computational and genome sequencing
facilities. *Please read the “Required Qualifications” carefully to apply
for this position.*
The main responsibilities of this position are to 1) identify QTLs
underlying disease resistance in bi-parental mapping populations and
association mapping panels, 2) develop high-throughput phenotyping methods
to screen seedlings from breeding program, and 3) develop remote-sensing
methods to establish relationship between spectral changes in fruit trees
in response to pathogen infection and disease severity. This position will
require the design and execution of experiments in the lab, greenhouse and
field as well as publishing peer-reviewed journal articles, developing
research proposals, and presenting at international conferences.
*Specific Work Responsibilities:* The specific focus of this position will
*Quantitative Genetics Analysis (40%):* Design of experiments and analysis
for quantitative trait loci (QTL) and association mapping of disease
resistance including genomics and genotyping, inoculations, and assessment
of disease.
*Development and Application of HTPP, and Remote-sensing Methods
(40%): *Development
and application of HTPP methods to collect and process data of mapping
populations to dissect genetic basis of disease resistance, and to screen
seedlings from breeding program. Development and application of
remote-sensing methods for early disease symptom detection in the orchards
to identify and quantify disease severity for timely deployment of
appropriate management.
*Research Communication (15%):* Train students, publish peer-reviewed
journal articles, present at scientific meetings, seminars, workshops and
develop both web-based and traditional tools for outreach and research
*Proposal Development (5%):* Motivated and creative thinker to support
development of research proposals for basic and applied phenomics and
*Required Qualifications:* Must possess a PhD in plant genetics/breeding,
plant pathology, molecular biology or a related field. Must have
demonstrated experience with the collection and processing of phenotypic
and genotypic data, and quantitative genetics and good experience in lab,
greenhouse and field. Candidate must have skills in molecular biology,
genomics, genetics, and statistics. Candidate must have a record of
publications with at least two first-author publications in highly
respected peer-reviewed journals and be self-motivated for data analysis
and writing research articles.
*Preferred Qualifications:*
Experience with remote-sensing, multi-spectral imaging and high-throughput
phenotyping to access biotic or abiotic stress tolerance is preferred.
Candidate should be able to multi-task and have good time management and
attention to detail in order to meet tight deadlines, and work
independently to initiate communications and ambitious collaborative
research. Creativity and proactiveness are assets, as well as enthusiasm to
work and interact in an international scientific environment. Excellent
student supervision/mentoring skills are beneficial.
Interested candidates should send letter of motivation, Curriculum Vitae, a
statement of contribution to diversity, equity and inclusion,
and names and contact information for three references to:
*Awais Khan, Associate Professor*
*Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology*
*Cornell University*
112 Barton Lab, 630 W North St, Geneva, NY 14456 USA
*Phone: +1 315 787 2446*
*Email: awais.khan(a)cornell.edu <awais.khan(a)cornell.edu>*
*http://blogs.cornell.edu/khanlab/ <http://blogs.cornell.edu/khanlab/>*
Hi everyone,
The Breeding Information Management System (BIMS) is now available in GDR.
We would like to have a one hour webinar (can be extended as needed) on
April 30th, 2018, 10 am PDT (1 pm EDT) to demonstrate how to use BIMS. The
webinar will cover how to create a private breeding program within BIMS,
how to control access levels to the personnel in their program, how to load
data in templates and/or in Field Book App output, how to
view/search/download data, how to perform various searches, and how to
create input files for the Field Book App.
You can access the sweet cherry public data in GDR BIMS and below is the
tutorial on BIMS.
Please join us and learn what BIMS can offer to your breeding/research
Below is the GoToMeeting access information.
BIMS webinar
Mon, Apr 30, 2018 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3412
Access Code: 158-205-197
Joining from a video-conferencing room or system?
Cisco devices: 158205197(a)
First GoToMeeting? Let's do a quick system check:
*Cornell University – College of Agriculture and Life Sciences*
*School of Integrative Plant Science – Section of Plant Pathology and Plant
Microbe Biology*
*New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, New York*
*Post-Doctoral Associate Position*
The College of Agriculture and Life Science is a pioneer of purpose-driven
science and Cornell University's second largest college. We work across
disciplines to tackle the challenges of our time through world-renowned
research, education and outreach. The questions we prove and the answers
we seek focus on three overlapping concerns: natural and human systems;
food, energy and environmental resources; and social, physical and economic
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with an interest
in interdisciplinary research into understanding disease resistance
mechanisms in rosaceous fruit trees. The candidate will have the
opportunity to do excellent and cutting edge research in genomics,
bioinformatics, and quantitative genetics and will have access to world’s
largest apple collection and state-of-art computational and genome
sequencing facilities. *Please read the “Required Qualifications” carefully
to apply for this position.*
The main responsibilities of this position are to identify QTLs, pathways,
and candidate genes underlying disease resistance in rosaceous fruit trees
through: 1) the application and development of bioinformatics tools for
heterozygous species to integrate high throughput genotyping, DNA
sequencing, RNA-Seq data with disease resistance/susceptibility phenotypes;
2) design and execution of experiments in the greenhouse and lab; as well
as to 3) publish peer-reviewed journal articles; 4) help develop research
proposals; and 5) present at international conferences.
*Specific Work Responsibilities:* The specific focus of this position will
*Bioinformatics and quantitative genetics analysis (70%): *Application and
development of bioinformatic and quantitative genetic methods to dissect
genetic basis and candidate gene identification underlying disease
*Research Communication (15%):* Publish peer-reviewed journal articles,
present at scientific meetings, seminars, workshops and develop both
web-based and traditional tools for outreach and research extension.
*Experiments for assessment of disease resistance in Apples (10%):* Design
of experiments, inoculations, and assessment of disease; Sample collection,
DNA/RNA extraction, and sequencing
*Proposal Development (5%):* Motivated and creative thinker to support
development of research proposals for basic and applied plant genetics and
molecular biology.
*Required Qualifications:* Must possess a PhD in plant genetics/breeding,
plant pathology, plant molecular biology, or a related field. Candidate
must have excellent skills in bioinformatics, data mining, programing, and
statistics. Must have demonstrated experience with high-throughput genome
sequencing, RNAseq data, molecular markers and quantitative genetics and
good experience in molecular biology laboratory and greenhouse. Candidate
must have a record of publications with at least two first-author
publications in highly respected peer-reviewed journals and
be self-motivated for data analysis and writing research articles.
*Preferred Qualifications:*
Candidate should be able to multi-task and have good time management and
attention to detail in order to meet tight deadlines, and work
independently to initiate communications and ambitious collaborative
research. Creativity and proactiveness are assets, as well as enthusiasm to
work and interact in an international scientific environment. Excellent
student supervision/mentoring skills are beneficial.
Interested candidates should send letter of motivation, Curriculum Vitae,
and names and contact information for three references to:
*Awais Khan, Ph.D., Associate Professor,*
*Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section,*
*School of Integrative Plant Science,*
*New York State Agricultural Experiment Station*
*Cornell University*
*221 Barton Lab, 630 West North Street*
*Geneva, NY 14456 USA*
*Email: **awais.khan(a)cornell.edu* <awais.khan(a)cornell.edu>
Hi Everyone,
Plant Reactome Pathway database is pleased to announce a webinar on
'Plant Reactome pathway updates and new features'.
*Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 *
*Time: 11:00 AM PST - 11:30 AM PST*
*Register for the webinar
*Plant Reactome <http://plantreactome.gramene.org>* (
http://plantreactome.gramene.org/) is a freely available resource for
comparative analyses of plant pathways. It features Oryza sativa (rice) as
a reference species for the curation of cellular-level pathway networks by
employing the Reactome data model. This reference set of curated rice
pathways is being used to generate gene-orthology based pathway projections
for 74 additional species.
In this webinar, Justin Preece
from Plant Reactome will summarize addition of new content and
functionality, and demonstrate visualization and integration of of
gene-gene interaction data on pathways using examples from Arabidopsis.
Similar analysis can be done with gene sets from any of the 75 species
data we host including on maize, soy, wheat, barley, sorghum, etc.
We will also demonstrate how your bioinformatics resources and analysts can
fetch the pathway annotations and images remotely using APIs.
The Gramene webinar series consists of monthly FREE 30-min webinars during
which we strive to provide a quick overview of the data, tools, and
services that the Gramene Project offers for comparative genomics
visualization and analysis. At the end of this webinar, participants will
have an opportunity to ask questions and interact with Gramene staff.
More information on the webinar and speaker can be found *here
for the webinar
Pankaj Jaiswal, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology
2082 Cordley Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR, 97331