Apologies for the cross-posting, but I’m writing to you because this may be of interest to you and your colleagues.
Early bird registration (and abstract submission) is still available for The Fourth International Horticulture Research Conference being held in East Malling, Kent, 16th-19th July 2017. The deadline is 30th April.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together international researchers conducting basic research on horticultural crops, to showcase the latest research findings and to network with colleagues from around the world. Please visit the website to submit your abstract and register http://www.hortres-conference.org/
I attach a link to a flyer that you could print and put on your nearest noticeboard! Please circulate this information widely (https://tinyurl.com/l6wvr28).
Session Themes:
1 Genome engineering in horticultural crops
2 Fruit development, functional food and quality
3 Flowering and environmental adaptation
4 Root-shoot interactions and grafting
5 Plant-microbe insect and environment interactions
6 Post-harvest biology
7 Evolutionary biology and comparative genomics
8 Precision horticulture
The Conference Dinner will be held on Tuesday 18th July 2017 at Bradbourne House. Bradbourne House is a Queen Anne Grade I listed building, surrounded by 20 acres of parkland with a large lake, stream and Hatton Fruit Garden. A drinks reception will be held in the Hatton Fruit Garden followed by a Hog Roast accompanied by buffet salads and condiments. The vegetarian option of Spiced Vegetable Shawarma Skewers with Chermoula Dressing will be available upon request. The dinner will be followed by a Ceilidh (traditional English dance) held in the Blue Room.
On the final afternoon, you will have an opportunity to visit Fruit Focus, the largest technical event in the UK for the fruit industry, http://www.fruitfocus.co.uk/ which will include tours of the East Malling Vineyard, Strawberry Breeding Programme and other technical presentations.
If you have any queries, please reply to this email conference.admin(a)emr.ac.uk<mailto:conference.admin@emr.ac.uk>
We look forward to welcoming you to East Malling in July.
Best wishes,
The local organising committee
Dr. Richard Harrison
Head of Department | Genetics, Genomics and Breeding
NIAB-EMR | New Road, East Malling, Kent, ME19 6BJ
' | 01732 523747 (| 07773 059456
•| http://www.emr.ac.uk/projects/harrisonlab/
This email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential or privileged information which are intended for the addressee only. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorised and any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken or reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the named addressee or the person responsible for delivering the message to the named addressee, please delete the email and any attachments and contact: enquiries:emr.ac.uk For any information about NIAB EMR or for a copy of the Terms of Business, please contact +44 (0)1732 843833 or visit www.emr.ac.uk. NIAB EMR is a charitable company limited by guarantee | Registered in England : 09894859 | Registered Charity : 1165055. Registered office: NIAB EMR, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, CB3 0LE, UK.
Hi All,
We received a survey request from University of Maryland on data practices
of agricultural researchers. If applicable, please consider participating
in the survey.
Greetings on behalf of the Agricultural Data Curation project at the
University of Maryland College of Information Studies. We are studying the
data practices of agricultural researchers in multiple settings. As part of
our project, we are conducting a survey of these communities.
We will ask you about your research practice, data management, reuse, and
data sharing practices, in addition to some questions about the current
state of research data management. This survey is voluntary and will take
approximately 15 minutes to complete.
The survey is located at http://ter.ps/db6.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. The data we collect
from you and others will be reported in aggregate to provide valuable
insight into data curation practice among agricultural researchers.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email (
Ricky Punzalan, Assistant Professor
Morgan Daniels, Postdoctoral Fellow
Kathryn Gucer, Postdoctoral Fellow
Adam Kriesberg, Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Maryland College of Information Studies
Conference 16-19th July- East Malling
Early bird registration (and abstract submission) is still available for The Fourth International Horticulture Research Conference being held at East Malling, Kent, 16th-19th July 2017. The deadline is 30th April.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together international researchers conducting basic research on horticultural crops, to showcase the latest research findings and to network with colleagues from around the world. Please visit the website to submit your abstract and register http://www.hortres-conference.org/
I attach a link to a flyer<http://www.hortres-conference.org/uploadfiles/Horticulture_Research_Flyer.p…> that you could print and put on your nearest noticeboard! Please circulate this information widely!
Session Themes:
1 Genome engineering in horticultural crops
2 Fruit development, functional food and quality
3 Flowering and environmental adaptation
4 Root-shoot interactions and grafting
5 Plant-microbe insect and environment interactions
6 Post-harvest biology
7 Evolutionary biology and comparative genomics
8 Precision horticulture
The Conference Dinner will be held on Tuesday 18th July 2017 at Bradbourne House. Bradbourne House is a Queen Anne Grade I listed building, surrounded by 20 acres of parkland with a large lake, stream and Hatton Fruit Garden. A drinks reception will be held in the Hatton Fruit Garden followed by a Hog Roast accompanied by buffet salads and condiments. The vegetarian option of Spiced Vegetable Shawarma Skewers with Chermoula Dressing will be available upon request. The dinner will be followed by a Ceilidh (traditional English dance) held in the Blue Room.
On the final afternoon, you will have an opportunity to visit Fruit Focus, the largest technical event in the UK for the fruit industry, http://www.fruitfocus.co.uk/ which will include tours of the East Malling Vineyard, Strawberry Breeding Programme and other technical presentations.
If you have any queries, please reply to this email conference.admin(a)emr.ac.uk<mailto:conference.admin@emr.ac.uk>
We look forward to welcoming you to East Malling in July.
Best wishes,
Richard Harrison
Dr Richard Harrison
Head of Department | Genetics, Genomics and Breeding
NIAB-EMR | New Road, East Malling, Kent, ME19 6BJ
' | 01732 52 3747 (| 07773 059456
•| richard.harrison(a)emr.ac.uk <mailto:richard.harrison@emr.ac.uk>
•| http://www.emr.ac.uk/projects/harrisonlab/
Sign up here<http://www.hortres-conference.org/> for The Fourth International Horticulture Research Conference 16-20 July 2017.
This email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential or privileged information which are intended for the addressee only. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorised and any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken or reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the named addressee or the person responsible for delivering the message to the named addressee, please delete the email and any attachments and contact: enquiries:emr.ac.uk For any information about NIAB EMR or for a copy of the Terms of Business, please contact +44 (0)1732 843833 or visit www.emr.ac.uk. NIAB EMR is a charitable company limited by guarantee | Registered in England : 09894859 | Registered Charity : 1165055. Registered office: NIAB EMR, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, CB3 0LE, UK.
*Postdoctoral position in Rosaceae Genetics and Genomics at CRAG
(Barcelona, Spain)*
The Rosaceae Genetics and Genomics group at CRAG (Agrigenomics Research
Center, http://www.cragenomica.es) is seeking to incorporate a highly
talented and motivated postdoctoral scientist under the International
“Severo Ochoa” Postdoctoral program.
*The Rosaceae Genetics and Genomics group*, led by Dr. Pere Arús, is
interested in different aspects of Rosaceae genome organization,
variability and evolution that help elucidating the genetics of important
agricultural characters and incorporating novel genes and innovative
methods in commercial breeding programs. *The research project* will
involve the use of molecular and genomics tools for the analysis of
introgression of exotic genes into cultivated genomes, and the development
of novel fast-track breeding methods for the recovery of top quality
varieties with introgressed valuable genes. This will be done in peach as
model for perennial species.
*The Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG)* is located at the
UAB campus, near Barcelona, recently recognized “Severo Ochoa” Center of
Excellence. CRAG currently hosts 200 members, including about 60 PhD
students and 30 postdoctoral researchers. Research at CRAG encompasses
basic science in plant development, physiology, metabolism and genetics;
bioinformatics and genomics on plants and animals; and applied projects
developed together with Agrotechnology and Breeding companies.
Candidates with a high-quality research trajectory and competitive
publication track record are encouraged to apply. Interested candidates are
required to discuss the proposal with the principal investigator (
mariajose.aranzana(a)irta.cat ) before February 27. (Application deadline is
March 31, 2017)
*See the attached file for more information on eligibility and application.*
*Maria José Aranzana Civit, PhD*
Marker-Assisted Breeding
Consorci CSIC-IRTA-UAB (Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica)
Campus UAB, Edifici CRAG
Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallés)
Tel: +34 935636600 ext 3316 <+34%20935%2063%2066%2000>
Fax: +34 935636601 <+34%20935%2063%2066%2001>
mariajose.aranzana(a)irta.es <http://urlblockederror.aspx/>
CENTRE DE RECERCA EN AGRIGENÒMICA <http://www.cragenomica.es/>
Dear Colleagues,
We would like you to know of this opportunity for a PhD student-
Nahla V. Bassil
Plant Molecular Geneticist
USDA-ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository
33447 Peoria Rd.
Corvallis, OR 97333-2521
Tel: (541) 738-4214
Oregon State University - College of Agriculture
Department of Horticulture
USDA-ARS, Corvallis, Oregon
Graduate Research Assistant Position
We are seeking a highly motivated Ph.D. student with interest in both plant breeding and bioinformatics. The primary objective of the research project is to develop molecular markers for aphid resistance in black raspberry using a combination of omics and quantitative genetic approaches. The student will work closely with USDA-ARS researchers as well as Oregon State University faculty.
The responsibilities of the candidate are: 1) to conduct research to understand aphid resistance/susceptibility mechanisms in black raspberry breeding populations; 2) identify QTLs, candidate genes, and underlying disease resistance pathways using omics and bioinformatics approaches; 3) validate QTLs in wider black raspberry germplasm; 4) support development of research proposals; and 5) present at international conferences and publish peer-reviewed journal articles.
Specific Work Responsibilities:
Genetics of aphid resistance in black raspberry (85%):
QTL and association mapping to dissect genetic basis of aphid resistance.
Bioinformatics to mine high-throughput omics data for candidate gene identification.
Design molecular biology and transcriptomics experiments to identify and validate candidate genes.
Research Communication (10%): Oral presentations and posters at scientific meetings, seminars, workshops.
Proposal Development (5%): Motivated and creative thinker to support development of research proposals for basic and applied plant genetics and molecular biology.
Minimum Qualifications: M.S. in plant biology, plant genetics/breeding, plant pathology, or a related field. Ambitious and self-motivated.
Preferred Qualifications:
Course work or undergraduate research experience in bioinformatics or computer programming. Experience in a molecular biology laboratory, greenhouse and field for plant pathology, molecular markers and quantitative genetics desirable. Candidate should have excellent writing and oral communication skills. Candidate should be able to multi-task, work independently and as part of a team, and have good time management and attention to detail. Creativity and pro-activeness are assets, as well as enthusiasm to work and interact in an international scientific environment.
Interested candidates should send letter of interest, Curriculum Vitae, and names and contact information for three references to:
Kelly Vining, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Department of Horticulture
Oregon State University
4019 Ag and Life Sciences
Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Email: kelly.vining(a)oregonstate.edu<mailto:kelly.vining@oregonstate.edu>
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.
Dear all,
I am pleased to invite you all to the 4th International Horticulture Research Conference which we are holding at East Malling on the 16th-20th July 2017. We have a great line up of speakers from around the globe and are now accepting abstracts for selected talks and posters.
The conference includes a half day at Fruit Focus- the soft fruit show as well as optional tours to London and beyond!
Visit the website - http://www.hortres-conference.org/ for more information.
Key dates are:
* Early Registration Before April 30, 2017
* Regular Registration After May 1, 2017
* Registration Deadline June 15, 2017
* Conference July 16-20, 2017
Session Themes are:
1. Genome engineering in horticultural crops
2. Fruit development, functional food and quality
3. Flowering and environmental adaptation
4. Root-shoot interactions and grafting
5. Plant-microbe insect and environment interactions
6. Post-harvest biology
7. Evolutionary biology and comparative genomics
8. Precision horticulture
Hope to see you there!
Dr Richard Harrison
Head of Department | Genetics, Genomics and Breeding
NIAB-EMR | New Road, East Malling, Kent, ME19 6BJ
' | 01732 52 3747 (| 07773 059456
•| richard.harrison(a)emr.ac.uk <mailto:richard.harrison@emr.ac.uk>
•| http://www.emr.ac.uk/projects/harrisonlab/
This email and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential or privileged information which are intended for the addressee only. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorised and any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken or reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. If you are not the named addressee or the person responsible for delivering the message to the named addressee, please delete the email and any attachments and contact: enquiries:emr.ac.uk For any information about NIAB EMR or for a copy of the Terms of Business, please contact +44 (0)1732 843833 or visit www.emr.ac.uk. NIAB EMR is a charitable company limited by guarantee | Registered in England : 09894859 | Registered Charity : 1165055. Registered office: NIAB EMR, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, CB3 0LE, UK.
Hi there,
Dorrie Main (dorrie(a)wsu.edu) invites you to participate in the Doodle
poll "GDR Training Workshop at PAG."
04.00 PM Using GDR: An Overview - Sook Jung
04:20 PM Use of
Strawberry Genomic Resources in GDR - Richard J. Harrison
04:40 PM
Using the New Apple Genome Assembly v4.0 Data in GDR - Riccardo
05:00 PM The GDR Is a Critical Resource for Developing and
Refining Trait-Predictive DNA Tests - Cameron Peace
05:20 PM Using
Field Book App and Bims in GDR for Peach Breeding - Ksenija Gasic,
05:40 PM - Open Discussion on GDR - Michael Coe
Participate now
What is Doodle? Doodle is a web service that helps Dorrie Main to find
a suitable date for meeting with a group of people. Learn more about
how Doodle works.
You have received this e-mail because "Dorrie Main" has invited you to
participate in the Doodle poll "GDR Training Workshop at PAG."
Doodle is also available for iOS and Android.
Doodle AG, Werdstrasse 21, 8021 Zürich
Call for applications for a 17 months Postdoctoral Fellowship on “Evolution
of genomes in the genus Rosa” at the Research Institute in Horticulture and
Seeds (Angers, France)
A 17-months postdoctoral researcher position is available at the University
of Angers (France). The project is a collaboration between the "Research
Institute of Horticulture and Seeds" in Angers, astride two teams “Genetics
and Diversity of Ornamentals” (GDO,
http://www6.angers-nantes.inra.fr/irhs_eng/Research/GDO) and
“Bioinformatics” (BioInfo,
http://www6.angers-nantes.inra.fr/irhs_eng/Research/BioInfo), and the group
of Pr Thomas Debener from the “Institute for Plant Genetics” at the
Leibniz University of Hannover (Germany;
http://www.genetik.uni-hannover.de/index.html?&L=1). The project will be a
bio-informatic analysis of the evolution of genomes in the genus Rosa, at
levels: (i) the research of structural variants (SVs), and (ii) the study of
the evolution of resistance gene families (see details below). Applications
are open for candidates who did not have spent more than 12 months in France
within the last 3 years immediately prior to the expected date of
recruitment. The net salary (after taxes) is 2409.58 €/month. The
opportunity to apply for AgreenSkills programmes
(https://www.agreenskills.eu/) may allow to increase this salary. The
beginning of the contract is expected for February or March 2017. The
postdoctoral researcher will be based in Angers, regularly cited as the most
pleasant city to live in France, and at proximity to the Loire Valley.
Travels are planned between Angers and Hanover.
Summary of the project: The rose bush is the most economically important
ornamental plant and the model plant for many studies about ornamental
(flowering, fragrance, disease resistance). The rose bush, constituting the
genus Rosa, has a complex evolutionary history with interspecific
hybridization events and polyploidizations. Little information about these
events is presently available, mainly hypotheses drawn from sparse molecular
markers. Recently, as part of an international consortium, co-coordinated by
the GDO team, the first version of the genome sequence of a variety of rose
(Rosa chinensis cv. ‘Old Blush’) has been obtained. In this genomic
context, we propose to study the evolutionary history of the genus Rosa by
resequencing different species of the genus Rosa. The objective is to
understand the evolution of genomes in the genus Rosa, and especially to
focus on the processes that led to the creation of wild species, including
polyploid ones, which are at the base of cultivated modern roses. From short
reads (paired-end) obtained from different representative Rosa species
involved in cultivated rose breeding, (i) the research of structural
(SVs as insertions, deletions, duplications, inversion, translocations …),
and (ii) the study of the evolution of resistance gene families will be
Mission of the postdoctoral fellow: The production of raw reads will be done
before the postdoc arrival. The hired postdoc with a strong background in
bioinformatics or genome analysis will make a survey of the best methods to
analyze structural variations in rose genomes. He/she will then be in charge
of the computer bio-analyses to research the structural variants and to
gene family evolution.
Expected skills: The desired applicant is expected to be a bioinformatician
or a bioanalyst with an expertise in genome assembly and genetics. Expertise
in the detection of genomic rearrangements, identification of homologous
relations within gene family and/or gene family evolution study would be
appreciated. Programming skills for one or several languages are needed.
Social skills are also important for the success of interactions.
Applications should be sent by email to jeremy.clotault(a)univ-angers.fr,
fabrice.foucher(a)inra.fr, debener(a)genetik.uni-hannover.de and include a
of motivation, a CV, and names and contact information of three referees.
dead line for application is January 3rd, 2017.
Dear Rosaceae community members,
This is a final reminder to please cast your vote for RosEXEC membership. Thank you to all of those that already voted and apology for repeated emails. Voting is ending on November 4th.
Thank you,
Ksenija Gasic
RosEXEC, Chair Elect and Membership Subcommittee Chair in 2016
From: Ksenija Gasic
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 3:26 PM
To: 'gdr-list(a)bioinfo.edu.edu' <gdr-list(a)bioinfo.edu.edu<mailto:gdr-list@bioinfo.edu.edu>>; 'rosexec-list(a)bioinfo.wsu.edu' <rosexec-list(a)bioinfo.wsu.edu<mailto:rosexec-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu>>
Subject: RosEXEC 2017 membership election
Dear Rosaceae Community Members:
We are ready to vote on the 2017 candidates for RosEXEC.
Voting begins October 17 and ends October 31st.
Please go to the following web site on GDR to fill out your electronic ballot. You can learn more about any candidates' background and vision for RosEXEC contribution by clicking on their name.
http://tinyurl.com/RosEXEC-voting2017 or
The community will elect five new U.S. members and two new International members to a 3-year term. U.S.-based members vote for both U.S. candidates and International candidates. International community members vote for International candidates only.
This year's slate is diverse. We encourage you to consider voting to create a leadership group that will appropriately represent the amazing diversity of the Rosaceae community. Current RosEXEC membership can be found at https://www.rosaceae.org/rosexec_2016
As a reminder, the mission of RosEXEC is to:
* Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community
* Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research community
* Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams
* Promote research priorities
* Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
Thanks again to the following U.S. and International members rotating off for their service to our community:
U.S. International
Gina Fernandez Michael Dossett
Briana Gross Riccardo Velasco
Duke Lane
Gregory Reighard
Gayle Volk
Ksenija Gasic
RosEXEC, Chair Elect and Membership Subcommittee Chair in 2016