The Peach Team in the Department of Plant and Environmental Science, at Clemson University, seeks to employ a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to conduct research to unravel the genetic basis of Armillaria Root Rot (ARR) resistance/tolerance/susceptibility in Prunus species. This position will be dynamically integrated among an interdisciplinary research team as part of newly funded USDA-Specialty Crop Research Initiative program entitled "Solutions to the Armillaria root rot threat affecting the U.S. stone fruit industry". The long-term goal of the project is to improve the profitability and sustainability of the U.S. stone fruit and nut industries through the development of Armillaria Root Rot - resistant and horticulturally acceptable rootstocks. The outcomes of this proposal will provide the 'building blocks' needed to enable and accelerate on-going Prunus breeding programs, as well as support the testing of cultural practices as short-term solutions to increase tree longevity on replant sites. A combination of novel horticultural approaches with immediate implementation will be combined with genomics, genetic diversity, metabolomics and functional genomics approaches to discover natural (local and exotic) sources of ARR resistance and translate it directly into DNA and biochemical diagnostic tools that will lead to novel rootstocks for long-term sustainability of the peach, cherry, and almond industries. This position is located at the Clemson University main campus and will focus on identifying, characterizing, and utilizing sources of durable genetic resistance to Armillaria/Desarmillaria to enable breeding solutions for ARR resistance/tolerance; monitoring effects of short- and long-term system approaches to manage ARR; and participate in outreach activities to facilitate the adoption of results.
The application period is open until suitable candidate is found. Review and selection of applicants will start after October 16th. The announcement can be viewed using the following link:
We seek applicants who have a strong background in horticulture, plant molecular genetics, genomics, and functional genomics. Excellent oral and written communication skills and the ability and willingness to work in both field and in the molecular lab in a collaborative research environment are essential. Applications must be submitted electronically and include a resume that includes educational background, publications, and work experience (Ph.D. thesis and beyond), as well as a brief statement of research interests and goals. Please also provide contact information for at least three references. This position requires a doctoral (Ph.D.) degree in the field of horticulture, plant sciences, genetics, plant breeding or related disciplines. This is a fixed-term appointment funded on yearly basis until the end of the project (August 2024) from date of hire. More information about Clemson University and resources for Postdoctoral scholars can be found in the following website:
Professor of Horticulture
Peach Breeding and Genetics
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Office: 306A Biosystems Research Complex |105 Collings St., Clemson, SC 29634
Office Phone: 864.656.3664 | Cell 864.723.2009
*From:* Hummer, Kim <kim.hummer(a)>
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 11, 2020 11:01 AM
*Subject:* Curator position at the National Clonal Germplasm Repository at
Dear Germplasm Folks!
An announcement for the *curator* position (Horticulturist/Geneticist) with
the USDA ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Corvallis, Oregon,
has been posted on USAJOBS.GOV.
This will replace the *vice-Postman* position.
The application period is *Tuesday, August 11, 2020, until Monday August
31, 2020*. The announcement can be viewed using the following link:
This is a SY position (GS12) for someone with experience in Specialty Crop
(Fruit/Nut/Hop/Mint) germplasm. Responsibilities will include plant
exploration, management of clean germplasm collections, evaluation and
characterization of traits, and data management in GRIN.
Thanks for your help in forwarding this message.
We encourage all qualified scientists to apply.
*Kim E. Hummer*
Research Leader for USDA ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository
Specialty Crop Curator
33447 Peoria Road
Corvallis, Oregon 97333-2521
phone 541.738.4201
work cell 541.224.4127
fax 541.738.4205
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely
for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message
or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law
and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you
have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete
the email immediately.
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Dear colleagues/apple community,
The Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture in Germany asked the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops (ZO) to develop a 50K SNP array for the genotyping of the apple germplasm collected in the Deutsche Genbank Obst (German Fruit Gene Bank). A future purpose of the genotypic data will be GWAS. The array will be available to the public.
I would therefore like to ask again for your support in the development of a new apple 50k Axiom SNP array, which is in progress with few international partners (Michela Troggio, Helene Muranty, Charles-Eric Durel, Eric van de Weg, Luca Bianco and Nicholas Howard).
The new array shall deliver a good and evenly coverage of the apple genome and comparability to both the 20K Illumina SNP array and the 480K Axiom SNP array. The new reference genome HFTH1 will be used to fill in the gaps existing in GDDH13 with SNPs. Therefore, a discovery panel was defined for realignment to HFTH1 by Eric, Nick and Luca. Cultivars were chosen from different clusters gained from principle component analysis done by Nick to ensure high diversity.
Eric, Nick and Luca also selected a set of Malus wild species accessions of M. baccata, M. orientalis, M. sieversii, M. sylvestris and M. ×robusta, for realignment to HFTH1 to possibly identify introgressions from these wild species in domesticated apple.
WUR in Wageningen has offered capacity for realignment and is in progress.
The Axiom array will have space for 46K SNPs in a 6 × 6 µM matrix. The size of the sequences on the array will be 35 nts.
We decided to work with haplo blocks. A haplo block will span 125K and will be represented by 8 SNPs with additional blocks for chromosome ends. With an estimated size of 651 Mb of the apple genome, this would require around 41,800 SNPs.
The remaining 4,200 SNPS will be contributed towards Malus wild species specific SNPs, for SNPs related to traits (e.g. resistance, quality, self-incompatibility) and possibly to maternal inherited SNPs.
We suggest one species specific SNP / Mb. If we calculate 650 Mb for the apple genome this would require a total of 3,250 SNPs that will be needed for wild species.
We have 950 SNPs left for trait related and maternal inherited SNPs.
I would like to invite you to support and participate in the development of the array by contributing sequences of reliable SNPs linked to traits of interest and/or SNPs inherited maternal and/or your experience.
The deadline for contributing SNP sequences is July 1st 2020. If you are willing to promote this project in another way, please contact me as soon as possible.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Im Auftrag
Dr. Andreas Peil
Institut für Züchtungsforschung an Obst
Julius Kühn-Institut
Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen
Pillnitzer Platz 3a,
01326 Dresden
Tel.: +49 (0) 3946 47 8010
Fax: +49 (0) 3946 47 8002
E-Mail: andreas.peil(a)<><><>
[10 Jahre gruen Slogan.jpg]
Das Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) vereint unter seinem Dach 17 Fachinstitute.. Das JKI berät als Forschungsinstitut des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) die Politik. Es forscht u. a. in den Bereichen Pflanzenbau, Züchtung, Pflanzen-, Bienen- und Vorratsschutz sowie der Pflanzengesundheit. Hauptsitz ist Quedlinburg. Weitere Standorte sind Braunschweig, Berlin, Kleinmachnow, Dresden, Darmstadt, Dossenheim, Münster, Siebeldingen und Groß Lüsewitz.
Dear colleagues,
the Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Cops (ZO) in Dresden-Pillnitz (Germany) is currently developing a 50 k Axiom® SNP array for apple. JKI is the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants in Germany and belongs to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. In agreement with the ministry, ZO is responsible for coordinating the activities on preservation of fruit genetic resources. Genotyping as a tool to improve the preservation efficiency (e.g. identification of duplicates, synonyms, homonyms) is therefore one of our tasks. Based on a multi-year discussion with the ministry and the advisory board of our national genebank network we got the order to develop an optimized SNP array useful for genotyping of the German apple collection (DGO) and other applications like GWAS. Making this array useful for the whole apple community is of high priority for us. Therefore, we initiated a discussion with international partners and ThermoFisher (array producer) and TraitGenetics (genotyping service provider) to support the development. Based on this discussion the new array should fulfill the following demands:
§ Results should be (at least to high content) comparable to results obtained with the Illumina 20k SNP array1 and the 480k Axiom® array2.
§ New reliable SNPs linked to specific traits or SNPs should be added to improve the evenly coverage of SNPs on all LGs and to fill existing gaps. The distribution of SNPs will be determined on both the GDDH133 genome sequence as well as the HFTH14 genome sequence.
§ If possible, SNPs markers specific for e.g. Malus sieversii and M. sylvestris should be added to allow the identification of wild species introgressions.
JKI would be happy if you would agree to provide data/SNPs that could be useful for the new array. The array should be produced until the end of 2020 and later on commercially available for the whole apple community via ThermoFisher.
JKI would appreciate your support and input very much.
Do not hesitate to ask for more information. Contact details are:
Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Breeding Research on Fruit Crops
Andreas Peil
Pillnitzer Platz 3a
D-01326 Dresden-Pillnitz
Tel.: +49 (0)3946 478010
Fax: +49 (0)3946 478002
Email: andreas.peil(a)<>
If you would like to participate and deliver SNP data and the respective information, please send them to:
until 31st of May 2020.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Andreas Peil
1 Bianco, L. et al. Development and validation of a 20K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) whole genome genotyping array for apple (Malus ×domestica Borkh). PLoS One 9, e110377 (2014).
2 Bianco, L. et al. Development and validation of the Axiom® Apple480K SNP genotyping array. The Plant Journal 86, 62-74 (2016).
3 Daccord, N. et al. High-quality de novo assembly of the apple genome and methylome dynamics of early fruit development. Nat. Genet. 49, 1099-1106 (2017).
4 Zhang, L. et al. A high-quality apple genome assembly reveals the association of a retrotransposon and red fruit colour. Nature Communications 10, 1494, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-09518-x (2019).
Im Auftrag
Dr. Andreas Peil
Institut für Züchtungsforschung an Obst
Julius Kühn-Institut
Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen
Pillnitzer Platz 3a,
01326 Dresden
Tel.: +49 (0) 3946 47 8010
Fax: +49 (0) 3946 47 8002
E-Mail: andreas.peil(a)<><><>
[10 Jahre gruen Slogan.jpg]
Das Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) vereint unter seinem Dach 17 Fachinstitute.. Das JKI berät als Forschungsinstitut des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL) die Politik. Es forscht u. a. in den Bereichen Pflanzenbau, Züchtung, Pflanzen-, Bienen- und Vorratsschutz sowie der Pflanzengesundheit. Hauptsitz ist Quedlinburg. Weitere Standorte sind Braunschweig, Berlin, Kleinmachnow, Dresden, Darmstadt, Dossenheim, Münster, Siebeldingen und Groß Lüsewitz.
Dear All,
ISHS X Peach Symposium will be held on 31 May - 4 June 2021 in Naoussa,
[image: cid:image001.jpg@01D5CD30.C65AEE70]
The Conference will be comprised of plenary and ordinary sessions and
poster display sessions in the following sections:
*Section 1:* Breeding (germplasm, rootstocks, cultivars)
*Section 2:* Genetics, genomics and biotechnology
*Section 3:* Plant physiology and abiotic stress conditions
*Section 4:* Plant pathology and pest management
*Section 5:* Nutrition, irrigation
*Section 6:* Cultivation practices/Mechanizations
*Section 7:* Postharvest physiology and technology/processing
*Section 8:* Economy, trade and marketing policies
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11:28:20 AM
Hi Folks,
Please find attached the agenda for Sunday's open to all annual RosEXEC/RosIGI meeting and the minutes from the last meeting.
The meeting will be held Sunday 10 to Noon in the Tower Room of the Handerley Hotel (shuttles provided from the Town and Country, or it's about an 8 min walk).
Zoom access is available (see below).
P.s. I will send out the GDR report later today. Please note, the RosEXEC elections will be held later this month, after PAG.
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Dorrie Main, PhD
Professor of Bioinformatics
Interim Chair, Department of Horticulture
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)<>