Hi Folks,
Please find attached the second 2016 GDR biannual newsletter highlighting work completed and work in progress. Please feel free to provide feedback or suggestions for improvement to GDR. Please note we will be holding an user-taught GDR workshop at PAG on Saturday, January 14th from 4 to 6.10 PM.
As always, we thank you for your support of GDR
Dorrie, Sook and the GDR team
Dorrie Main, PhD
Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu<mailto:dorrie@wsu.edu>
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu<http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>
Dear Rosaceae community members,
This is a friendly reminder to please take the time to vote for RosEXEC membership. To make sure you have enough time to do it voting has been extended till November 4th.
Thank you,
Ksenija Gasic
RosEXEC, Chair Elect and Membership Subcommittee Chair in 2016
From: Ksenija Gasic
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2016 3:26 PM
To: 'gdr-list(a)bioinfo.edu.edu' <gdr-list(a)bioinfo.edu.edu>; 'rosexec-list(a)bioinfo.wsu.edu' <rosexec-list(a)bioinfo.wsu.edu>
Subject: RosEXEC 2017 membership election
Dear Rosaceae Community Members:
We are ready to vote on the 2017 candidates for RosEXEC.
Voting begins October 17 and ends October 31st.
Please go to the following web site on GDR to fill out your electronic ballot. You can learn more about any candidates' background and vision for RosEXEC contribution by clicking on their name.
http://tinyurl.com/RosEXEC-voting2017 or
The community will elect five new U.S. members and two new International members to a 3-year term. U.S.-based members vote for both U.S. candidates and International candidates. International community members vote for International candidates only.
This year's slate is diverse. We encourage you to consider voting to create a leadership group that will appropriately represent the amazing diversity of the Rosaceae community. Current RosEXEC membership can be found at https://www.rosaceae.org/rosexec_2016
As a reminder, the mission of RosEXEC is to:
* Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community
* Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research community
* Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams
* Promote research priorities
* Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
Thanks again to the following U.S. and International members rotating off for their service to our community:
U.S. International
Gina Fernandez Michael Dossett
Briana Gross Riccardo Velasco
Duke Lane
Gregory Reighard
Gayle Volk
Ksenija Gasic
RosEXEC, Chair Elect and Membership Subcommittee Chair in 2016
Dear All,
I am seeking a post-doc to work on a project focused on fruit tree architecture. The ad is below. Please forward to anyone you think may be interested. Thank you for your help.
Courtney Hollender, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Horticulture
Plant and Soil Science Building
1066 Bogue Street, Room A342-C
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1325
office: (517) 353-0446
Post-Doctoral Scientist Position in Plant Architecture Available at Michigan State University
The Hollender Lab in the Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University is seeking a post-doctoral scientist for a project on plant architecture. The goal of this project is to identify molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying aspects of shoot architecture, including branch orientation, and apply this knowledge to tree fruit agriculture. This project is part of an on-going program in deciduous fruit tree breeding.
The research project relies on molecular biology, genetics, and genomics techniques and utilizes both model plant systems and fruit trees (eg. apple, cherry, and plum). Requirements include a PhD, a strong background in plant molecular biology and genetics, excellent written and oral communication skills, and an interest in transitioning the research to the field (orchard). A background in plant development or experience with bioinformatics (e.g. genomic and transcriptomic sequencing analysis) is preferred. No prior experience with trees or other crops is necessary, but enthusiasm for horticulture and tree fruit agriculture is required.
Candidates should email a single PDF file containing their CV, contact information for three references, and a cover letter describing their interests in plant biology and future goals to Dr. Courtney Hollender (chollend(a)msu.edu <mailto:chollend@msu.edu>). Please write “Tree Architecture Post-Doc” in the subject line. The position is available as early as December 2016.
Cornell University – College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
School of Integrative Plant Science – Section of Plant Pathology and Plant Microbe Biology
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, New York
Post-Doctoral Associate Position
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with an interest in interdisciplinary research into understanding disease resistance mechanisms in rosaceous fruit trees. The primary responsibility of this position is to identify loci, pathways, and candidate genes underlying disease resistance in rosaceous fruit trees using a combination of omics and quantitative genetic approaches.
The responsibilities of the candidate are: 1) to conduct research to understand resistance/susceptibility mechanisms in rosaceous fruit trees; 2) identify QTLs, candidate genes, and underlying disease resistance pathways using omics and bioinformatics approaches; 3) support development of research proposals; and 4) present at international conferences and publish peer-reviewed journal articles.
Specific Work Responsibilities: Specific focus of this position will be
Genetics of Disease Resistance in Apples (85%):
QTL and association mapping to dissect genetic basis of apple diseases
Bioinformatics to mine high-throughput omics data for candidate gene identification
Design molecular biology and transcriptomics experiments to identify and validate candidate genes
Research Communication (10%): Excellent presenter at scientific meetings, seminars, workshops and to develop both web-based and traditional tools for outreach and research extension.
Proposal Development (5%): Motivated and creative thinker to support development of research proposals for basic and applied plant genetics and molecular biology.
Required Qualifications: Must possess a PhD in plant molecular biology, plant genetics/breeding, plant pathology, or a related field. Must have demonstrated experience with work in molecular biology laboratory, greenhouse and field for plant pathology, molecular markers and quantitative genetics. Must have first-author publications in peer-reviewed journals. Ambitious and self-motivated.
Preferred Qualifications:
Experience and interest in application of CRISPR/CAS based genome editing is desirable. Candidate should have excellent writing and oral communication skills, and a record of publications in highly respected peer-reviewed journals. Candidate should be able to multi-task and have good time management and attention to detail to meet tight deadlines, and work independently to initiate communications and collaborative research. Creativity and pro-activeness are assets, as well as enthusiasm to work and interact in an international scientific environment. Excellent student supervision/mentoring skills are beneficial.
Interested candidates should send letter of motivation, Curriculum Vitae, and names and contact information for three references to:
Awais Khan, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology Section,
School of Integrative Plant Science,
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
Cornell University
221 Barton Lab, 630 West North Street
Geneva, NY 14456 USA
Email: awais.khan(a)cornell.edu<mailto:awais.khan@cornell.edu>
Dorrie Main, PhD
Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu<mailto:dorrie@wsu.edu>
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu<http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>
Research Associate, Molecular Fruit Breeding Program at Sun World Innovations Variety Development Center
About the Role: Sun World Innovations, a division of Sun World International LLC (www.sun-world.com<http://www.sun-world.com/>), is seeking applicants for a Research Associate position for its molecular fruit breeding program at the renowned Sun World Innovations Variety Development Center located near Bakersfield, California. The Research Associate will work with breeders, research associates and others at the Variety Development Center in the areas of marker assisted selection and other molecular capabilities, as well as post harvest evaluations within the breeding programs to aid in the identification and development of new table grape and stone fruit varieties.
Responsibilities include management of the molecular and post harvest labs as well as coordination of greenhouse seedling organization and field seedling phenotyping, as related to Molecular Lab work. The Research Associate will also be involved in other duties in the breeding programs as needed. At Sun World, all jobs include broad responsibilities for continually improving the processes and tools used to develop new fruit varieties. Specific skills required include previous experience with large-scale DNA extraction, PCR/qPCR, and allele calling. Background in association analysis, QTL analysis, and candidate gene work for marker development are preferred. Additionally, experience with fruit post-harvest lab operation is preferred but not required.
About the Company: Sun World International LLC is one of California's top table grape grower-marketers and operates the world's preeminent fruit breeding and licensing enterprise with more than 1,600 licensed growers on five continents. The company's variety development center focuses on development of new seedless table grape, peach, nectarine, plum, apricot, and cherry varieties. Sun World's company culture is to create a supportive work environment that nurtures open and friendly communication, provides targeted focus and direction, and encourages collaboration and team interaction. Sun World is committed to providing opportunities for individuals to grow along with the company, as well as cultivate their personal well-being.
The successful candidate will have the following skills, experience and attributes:
* M.S. degree and/or 2+ years' hands-on experience in plant molecular biology, molecular plant breeding, molecular plant pathology, or a related field. Demonstrated experience in plant molecular biology techniques is required.
* Expertise with techniques required for marker-assisted breeding (i.e. DNA extraction, PCR/qPCR, and allele calling on a large scale) and other molecular techniques that support a molecular breeding program.
* Excellent laboratory and greenhouse organizational skills with attention to detail.
* Expertise using, maintaining, and troubleshooting equipment, and protocols used in a molecular biology lab.
* Ability to perform molecular biology research with commercial kits and classical protocols that require preparation of diverse reagents and materials.
* Strong passion for working with fruit; self-motivated, dedicated, and willing to work and balance a diverse set of yearly tasks.
* A positive team member, excellent communicator, and willing collaborator across diverse scientific disciplines.
Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, CV and summary of scientific work to:
[cid:image006.jpg@01D217FB.6D4738E0]Sun World International LLC, Human Resources Department
5701 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 200, Bakersfield, CA 93308
twoods(a)sun-world.com<mailto:twoods@sun-world.com>, 661-631-4100
Dear All,
RosEXEC (the U.S. Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding Executive Committee,) is ready for another round of elections to renew membership for 2017. As a reminder, RosEXEC helps coordinate research initiatives in the U.S. Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding community (www.rosaceae.org/community/us_rosexec<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.rosaceae.org_commun…>).
We need nominations! We are looking to add five new U.S. members (three-year terms) and two new international liaisons (two-year terms). If you are willing to join or know of someone else who would be great for RosEXEC participation, please email me at kgasic(a)clemson.edu<mailto:kgasic@clemson.edu>the following info for each nominated candidate prior to Monday 10th October<x-apple-data-detectors://7>:
* name
* CV (short version)
* brief statement (100-word max) on proposed contributions to the RosEXEC mission
Just names are good enough to get us moving – although if you are nominating someone else, it’s best if you have checked their interest first. I can contact them soon after to obtain the CV and brief statement.
Past service: Five U.S. people will be rotating off as of Jan 2017, after three-year terms: Gina Fernandez, Briana Gross, Duke Lane, Greg Reighard and Gayle Volk, who served as Chair in 2015. Two international liaisons will also be rotating off after two-year terms: Michael Dossett and Riccardo Velasco. Thanks to all of these RosEXEC members for their service! As a reward, these people get a one-year respite (unless voted in as the 2017 Secretary) and so are not eligible for immediate re-election. However, those who rotated off in prior years are allowed to rejoin.
Current members continuing into 2017 are, Cameron Peace (Chair -> Past Chair) Ksenija Gasic (Vice chair -> Chair), Mercy Olmstead (Secretary -> Vice Chair), Richard Bell, Jill Bushakra, Chunxian Chen, Amy Iezzoni, Kenong Xu, Bob Curtis, Steve Knapp, Jim McFerson, Vance Whitaker, Eric van de Weg (Intl), David Chagne (Intl), and Dorrie Main (ex officio).
Diversity is important to any committee – we aim to represent (1) roughly equally the various Rosaceae crop production and research regions of the U.S., (2) at least a couple members each of university, government / USDA-ARS, and industry, (3) rosoid, pome, and stone fruit research focuses, roughly equally, and (4) various parts of the rest of the research world. Current members continuing into 2017 add up to:
U.S. regions: 3 south, 3 east, and 6 west – slightly skewed towards west
Institutions: 7 university, 2 government, 1 industry – need more industry and govt
Crop groups: 3.0 rosoid, 2.8 pome, and 6.3 stone – need more rosoid and pome
International: 1 NZ/Aus, 1 Europe – need Asia, S. Africa, Down Under, S. America
The only mandate for new 2017 membership is that one U.S. member must be industry. Details above are just a guide for areas most needing representation. Another area that would be particularly useful to have represented is bioinformatics (in Rosaceae), given RosEXEC’s recently acquired new role as steering committee for the GDR.
Our next in-person, open meeting will be within the Plant & Animal Genome (PAG) Conference in San Diego, CA on Sunday January 15, 2017 from 8-10 am<x-apple-data-detectors://12>. All welcome! Specific details will be distributed closer to the event.
Nominations to me by Monday 10th October<x-apple-data-detectors://13>
Voting will be carried out 17 -31 October<x-apple-data-detectors://14> (U.S. researchers may cast votes)
New members will be announced by mid-November
Secretary nominations and election (internal RosEXEC process) by Christmas/the PAG meeting
RosEXEC Vice Chair and Membership Subcommittee Chair in 2016
Hi Folks,
Please find attached the first of our two biannual newsletters for GDR.
We would like to thank all of you who have taken time to complete the survey of GDR. Be assured we will use your responses to help us to further improve GDR as a resource for the community.
As always thanks for your data, support and feedback.
Hope to see you at RGC8
Dorrie, Sook and the GDR team
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu<mailto:dorrie@wsu.edu>
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu<http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>
Hi Folks,
Dr Michael Coe will be sending out an online survey to members of the GDR mailing list later today. We would very much appreciate if you could take the time to complete the survey so we can get your feedback about GDR and make sure we develop it in ways that are of most use to you.
Many thanks
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu<mailto:dorrie@wsu.edu>
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu<http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>
*Link for Details:*
http://jobs.uark.edu:80/postings/10816 <http://jobs.uark.edu/postings/10816>
*Working Title *
Assistant Professor - Fruit Breeding and Genetics
*Summary of Job Duties*
The Department of Horticulture at the University of Arkansas Division of
Agriculture, Fayetteville, invites applications to fill a 12-month, tenure
track faculty position (80% research, 20% teaching) with an applied
emphasis on fruit breeding and genetics. The University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, is a land-grant institution and the flagship research
university in Arkansas.
Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be expected to develop a
robust, extramurally funded research program focused on multiple aspects of
fruit breeding and genetics. Marker-assisted breeding and other molecular
applications in applied fruit breeding will be a key focus. Collaboration
with current breeding personnel and/or future leadership in cultivar
development programs will be another major aspect of the position. The
candidate will be expected to demonstrate excellence in grantsmanship,
present research results in peer-reviewed publications, and teach graduate
and undergraduate level courses. The candidate also will be expected to
advise and mentor graduate students, provide service to the department,
college, university and state as appropriate for his/her expertise, and
collaborate effectively with departmental research and extension faculty
and colleagues in related disciplines.
Preferred applicants will utilize marker-assisted techniques in fruit
breeding as well as classical breeding approaches in the position. Areas of
research specialization include, but are not limited to, marker development
and validation, marker-assisted technology procedure developments and
innovations, investigations in trait inheritance, and applied cultivar
development using classical improvement methods.
Preferred applicants will focus on fruit crops that are actively being
improved including peaches, nectarines, blackberries, and grapes.
Hi Folks,
The RosEXEC meeting will be followed by the RosIGI meeting in the same room at PAG. Both meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend from the Rosaceae community. We don't have a specific agenda for the RosIGI meeting, rather it will be the usual discussion of information pertaining to global Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding efforts.
Best regards
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu<mailto:dorrie@wsu.edu>
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu<http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>
From: Peace, Cameron
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 10:21 PM
To: jd.swanson(a)salve.edu; hokan017(a)umn.edu; Layne, Desmond; judson.ward(a)driscolls.com; michael.wisniewski(a)ars.usda.gov; gayle.volk(a)ars.usda.gov; gina_fernandez(a)ncsu.edu; kgasic(a)clemson.edu; blgross(a)d.umn.edu; duke3(a)lanepacking.com; grghrd(a)clemson.edu; richard.bell(a)ars.usda.gov; jill.bushakra(a)ars.usda.gov; chunxian.chen(a)ars.usda.gov; iezzoni(a)msu.edu; kx27(a)cornell.edu; fabrizio.costa(a)fmach.it; michael.dossett(a)agr.gc.ca; riccardo.velasco(a)fmach.it; sjknapp(a)ucdavis.edu; rcurtis(a)almondboard.com; mercy1(a)ufl.edu; McFerson, James R; vwhitaker(a)ufl.edu; eric.vandeweg(a)wur.nl; david.chagne(a)plantandfood.co.nz
Cc: Main, Doreen; Sook Jung
Subject: RosEXEC meeting on Sunday
Attached is the agenda for Sunday’s RosEXEC meeting, 8-10 am. It will be in the Stratford Room, which is the same as last year.
If you won’t be in San Diego, details for how to attend the meeting electronically will be sent out beforehand.
Also attached are the updated membership list and the minutes to last October’s teleconference.
From: Peace, Cameron
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2016 3:20 PM
To: 'jd.swanson(a)salve.edu' <jd.swanson(a)salve.edu>; 'hokan017(a)umn.edu' <hokan017(a)umn.edu>; 'Layne, Desmond R' <desmond.layne(a)wsu.edu>; 'judson.ward(a)driscolls.com' <judson.ward(a)driscolls.com>; 'michael.wisniewski(a)ars.usda.gov' <michael.wisniewski(a)ars.usda.gov>; 'gayle.volk(a)ars.usda.gov' <gayle.volk(a)ars.usda.gov>; 'gina_fernandez(a)ncsu.edu' <gina_fernandez(a)ncsu.edu>; 'kgasic(a)clemson.edu' <kgasic(a)clemson.edu>; 'blgross(a)d.umn.edu' <blgross(a)d.umn.edu>; 'duke3(a)lanepacking.com' <duke3(a)lanepacking.com>; 'grghrd(a)clemson.edu' <grghrd(a)clemson.edu>; 'richard.bell(a)ars.usda.gov' <richard.bell(a)ars.usda.gov>; 'jill.bushakra(a)ars.usda.gov' <jill.bushakra(a)ars.usda.gov>; 'chunxian.chen(a)ars.usda.gov' <chunxian.chen(a)ars.usda.gov>; 'iezzoni(a)msu.edu' <iezzoni(a)msu.edu>; 'kx27(a)cornell.edu' <kx27(a)cornell.edu>; 'fabrizio.costa(a)fmach.it' <fabrizio.costa(a)fmach.it>; 'michael.dossett(a)agr.gc.ca' <michael.dossett(a)agr.gc.ca>; 'riccardo.velasco(a)fmach.it' <riccardo.velasco(a)fmach.it>; 'sjknapp(a)ucdavis.edu' <sjknapp(a)ucdavis.edu>; 'rcurtis(a)almondboard.com' <rcurtis(a)almondboard.com>; 'mercy1(a)ufl.edu' <mercy1(a)ufl.edu>; McFerson, James R <jim.mcferson(a)wsu.edu>; 'vwhitaker(a)ufl.edu' <vwhitaker(a)ufl.edu>; 'eric.vandeweg(a)wur.nl' <eric.vandeweg(a)wur.nl>; 'david.chagne(a)plantandfood.co.nz' <david.chagne(a)plantandfood.co.nz>
Cc: Main, Doreen <dorrie(a)wsu.edu>
Subject: New RosEXEC members!
Importance: High
Dear RosEXEC,
Happy New Year!
Congratulations to the following people for being voted in to join RosEXEC in 2016!
U.S. members:
Bob Curtis
Steve Knapp
Jim McFerson
Mercy Olmstead
Vance Whitaker
International Liaisons:
David Chagne
Eric van de Weg
Between now and Sunday’s in-person meeting in San Diego, we have a Secretary to elect. This election will involve two steps:
(1) Identifying who is willing to run for Secretary (between now and Wed pm)
(2) Voting for the candidates (between Thu and Sunday’s meeting)
All new, ongoing, and rotating-off U.S. members are eligible to become Secretary candidates, except for the current officers (JD, Gayle, me, and Ksenija). However, all of you receiving this email may vote, except ex officio Dorrie. As a reminder, the Secretary for 2016 automatically becomes Vice-Chair for 2017 and then Chair for 2018. The 2016 Secretary is also responsible for taking minutes of RosEXEC minutes during 2016, including this Sunday’s meeting (although if the Sec is not in attendance, we’ll find an alternative).
So, to get this going, if you are willing to become Secretary, please email me back by this Wednesday evening.
And please let me know if you have any suggested agenda items for Sunday’s meeting.