Hi everybody,
Due to the great interest in tomorrow's webinar, I am resharing the details and Zoom link again.
Thanks, everyone, and welcome to the new members.
Presenters: Pascal Neveu, UMR MISTEA, INRAE (France)
Abstract: *PHIS, an ontology-based Information System for Plant Phenotyping*
The European EMPHASIS infrastructure aims to enable researchers to use facilities, resources, and services for high-throughput phenotyping of plants. Within the infrastructure, we are leading actions to help scientists better understand plant performance and translate this knowledge into applications. This presentation will look at some examples of data management and implementation of data standards carried out in this context to add value to the phenotyping data. In particular, we will look at PHIS, an ontology-based information system based on the OpenSILEX framework.
*| 1P ET | 12P CT | 11A MT | 10A PT |*
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