Hi everybody,
Next Wed, *December 7th*, we will have Sushma Naithani http://naithanilab.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/ from Oregon State University talking about Plant Reactome https://plantreactome.gramene.org/index.php?lang=en, a platform that allows the integration of OMICs data for the biocuration of plant genes and pathways.
Below you can find more details about the webinar and the zoom link to attend the webinar.
We hope you will join us.
Presenters: Dr. Sushma Naithani, Oregon State University
Host: Dr. Annarita Marrano
*Plant Reactome: Using OMICs data for biocuration of plant genes and pathways* The major challenge in analyzing and connecting genotype to phenotype data at the organismal level is their integration and visualization for knowledge synthesis, which is required for generating OMICs data-driven predictive models for precision breeding of crops as well as accessing the needs of conservation of biodiversity and long-term sustainability. The Plant Reactome (https://plantreactome.gramene.org) is one such platform that allows integration of data from heterogeneous sources (i.e., published literature, transcriptome, proteome and metabolome data, orthology-based projections) for synthesizing in silico modeling of system-level plant pathway networks including metabolic pathways, biological processes associated with plant development and reproduction, and genetic-regulatory mechanisms that mediate plant survival under varied stress conditions. It provides a valuable framework for understanding how a gene, a group of connected genes, or genotypic differences culminate into a phenotype and supports the generation of data-driven hypotheses for understanding the intra-and -inter-species differences for basic and translational research and precision breeding. Here, we emphasize our recent efforts in using Omics data for improving gene/gene family functional annotations and biocuration of gene-gene networks.
*| 1P ET | 12P CT | 11A MT | 10A PT |*
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