Hi everybody,
It's that time of the month to advertise our monthly webinar!
We will have our first webinar of the year this Wed, February 2nd, with *Baron Koylass* and *Timothee Cezard* from EMBL-EBI. They are going to talk about the European Variation Archive, a primary open repository for archiving and accessioning genetic variation.
Below you can find more details about the webinar and the *NEW zoom link* to attend the webinar.
We hope you will join us.
Presenters: Dr. Baron Koylass and Dr. Timothe Cezard, EVA/EGA Team, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) https://www.ebi.ac.uk/about/teams/ega-eva-archive/
Host: Marcela Karey Tello-Ruiz
*The European Variation Archive: Genetic variation archiving and accessioning*
The European Variation Archive (EVA) is a primary open repository for archiving, accessioning, and distributing genetic variation, including single nucleotide variants, short insertions and deletions (indels), and larger structural variants (SVs) in any species. Created in 2014 to provide FAIR access to genetic variation data, it has since grown to be a primary resource for genomic variants hosting >3 billion records and now maintains and provides the permanent variant locus identifiers (rs IDs) for all non-human species.
*| 1P ET | 12P CT | 11A MT | 10A PT |* Find your local time here https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=AgBioData+Monthly+Webinar&iso=20220202T10&p1=2035&ah=1
Topic: AgBioData Monthly Webinar Time: This is a recurring meeting
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