Hi everybody,
Join us tomorrow, *August 2nd, *at 12 PM CT for a *virtual round-table discussion on phenotypic data management issues*!
In Year 2 of our current NSF RCN grant, the AgBioData database community indicated sharing and managing phenotypic data as one of the primary data issues to address. We have surveyed our member databases, and many of them agreed that curating phenotypic data is challenging due to *their diversity in terms of data types* (e.g., images vs. spreadsheets) *and data sources* (e.g., breeding program, experimental trials, or literature), *as well as the lack of standardization*. We are inviting the AgBioData member databases and the larger community to discuss these challenges to understand their importance for AgBioData member databases and if they can be addressed entirely or partially in a new AgBioData working group.
As usual, the meeting will be 1-hour long and will feature breakout room sessions! *Zoom link to attend the event at the bottom of this email.*
I hope you will join us.
*| 1P ET | 12P CT | 11A MT | 10A PT |*
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Topic: AgBioData Monthly Webinar Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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