Hi everybody,
Next Wed, *June 1st*, we will have *Camille Rustenholz *from the University of Strasbourg (France) talking about the INTEGRAPE project and how they defined data integration standards to maximize the power of omics in grapevine.
Below you can find more details about the webinar and the zoom link to attend the webinar.
We hope you will join us.
Presenters: Dr. Camille Rustenholz, University of Strasbourg (France). INTEGRAPE https://integrape.eu/
Host: Annarita Marrano
*COST ACTION INTEGRAPE: Data integration to maximise the power of omics in grapevine improvement and beyond.* The European network INTEGRAPE seeks the establishment of an open, international, and representative network, insuring that omics and phenotyping data generated in the grapevine research community are being produced in a secure and standardized format, following the F.A.I.R. principles of findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability. Amongst the most significant deliverables of INTEGRAPE:
- the elaboration of Guideline ‘cookbooks’ and Dictionary of unified grape-sample ontologies; - the release of the PN40024 fourth genome assembly and its annotation; - the creation of the Gene Reference Catalogue; - the enlisting of Online repositories and tools for omics data exploration and visualization, which to date are not yet interoperable among them.
To tackle this last challenge, we applied for a COST Innovative Grant with the GRAPEDIA project (Grapevine Encyclopedia of genes and omics), which goal is to provide the community with a single open-access database, allowing data exploration and visualization of all grapevine resources, with tools for comparative analysis and customized services. In the GRAPEDIA database, we aim at centralizing, interconnecting, and showcasing these dispersed resources, and integrating them with those genomic efforts generated by the worldwide community. The target group is the entire scientific community working on the grapevine or using grapevine as their model plant for an “orphan” plant species, and also the private sector working on R&D in vitiviniculture.
*| 1P ET | 12P CT | 11A MT | 10A PT |* Find your local time here https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=AgBioData+Monthly+Webinar&iso=20220601T13&p1=43&ah=1
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