Our annual meeting is set for the same time and place as customary, in conjunction with the PAG Conference, San Diego:
Sun 8-10am
Towne Room, Town & Country Center
I will be sending out an agenda shortly.
All Community members are welcome. Jim
James R. McFerson, PhD
WA Tree Fruit Research Commission
1719 Springwater Ave
Wenatchee, WA 98801
off: 509-665-8271
mob: 509-669-3900
Dear Colleague,
If you are attending PAG XIX, San Diego this year, I invite you to attend
the PAG Plant Phenotypes Workshop Sunday Jan 16 8-10:10 am Pacific Salon 1,
and also to visit Exhibit Booth #427 PAG XIX Outreach Consortium for Plant
Genome Data Resources.
At the WORKSHOP, there will be a panel discussion about phenotype data
resources. Towards that end, we would greatly appreciate if you would spend
10-15 minutes to take a survey of your data needs.
Workshop program:
8:00 Welcome
>>> Featured talks (in order)
>>> 8:10 Sean May "If you build it.....(NASC phenomics)"
>>> 8:30 Matt Vaughn "iPlant's cyberinfrastructure for high-throughput image
>>> analysis"
>>> 8:50 Richard Poire "Next generation plant biofuel research and the High
>>> Resolution Plant Phenomics Centre"
>>> 9:10 Geoff Fincher "Evaluation of next generation phenotyping: the
>>> Australian Plant Phenomics Facility"
>>> UPDATES, Wrap-up and discussion
>>> 9:30 Laurel Cooper "Plant Ontology"
>>> 9:35 Elizabeth Arnoud "Crop Ontology update"
>>> 9:40 Eva Huala "RCN Phenotype Ontology Plants, animals, etc."
>>> 9:45 Chi-Ren Shyu "Next generation phenotype data mining update" and
>>> wrap-up/survey discussion.
9:50-10:10 Panel Discussion and community input
We are looking forward to meeting you.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Mary Schaeffer and Chi-Ren Shyu, Co-Organizers of Plant Phenotype
>>> Workshop at PAG 2011
Go to the GDR and follow the link to elect your U.S. RosEXEC!!!
Voting ends TODAY 19 Nov 2010
You are voting for individuals to serve for a three-year term on the U.S. Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC). There are five open seats on the 15 member Committee and 2 open seats for international liaisons.
Check out the candidate bios and RosEXEC vision statements. Vote for candidates to represent the diversity of our fabulous family. Any individual working in Rosaceae is eligible to vote, including students. Non-U.S. community members are urged to vote for their international liaisons.
Questions? Contact Jim McFerson (mcferson(a)treefruitresearch.com), Chair of the RosEXEC membership committee.
My email address is - sujeet.verma(a)email.wsu.edu
Sujeet Verma
Ph.D Candidate
Tree Fruit Genetics and Genomics
Department of Horticulture and LA
Lab: 509-335-5298,
Office: FSHN 322 (509-335-0543)
Washington State University,
Pullman, USA
My email:
Oron Gar PhD. student
The Hebrew university of Jerusalem
The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
The Robert H. Smith Institute of Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture
Professor Dani Zamir Laboratory
P.O Box 12, Rehovot 76100
Tel: 972-52-5676460, 972-8-9489250
Fax: 972-8-948-9943
P Please consider the environment before printing this email or its
Community Members:
Many of you have already voted for new members to RosEXEC. Be aware that
voting will terminate on 19 Nov, two weeks from now.
Please visit the GDR web site to cast your ballot electronically.
All community members are eligible to vote. Thanks! Jim
James R. McFerson, PhD
WA Tree Fruit Research Commission & Vice-Chair, RosEXEC
1719 Springwater St
Wenatchee, WA 98801
work: 509.665.8271 x1
mob: 509.669.3900
Rosaceae Community Member:
We are ready to vote on the 2011 candidates for RosEXEC.
Voting begins 26 Oct and ends 19 Nov.
Please go to the following web site to learn about the candidates¹
background and vision for RosEXEC. Then submit your electronic ballot.
The community will elect five new U.S. members and two new International
members to a 3-year term. U.S.-based members will vote for both U.S.
candidates and International candidates. International community members
will vote for International candidates only.
This year¹s slate is diverse. We encourage you to consider voting to create
a leadership group that will appropriately represent the amazing diversity
of the Rosaceae community. Current RosEXEC membership can be found at
As a reminder, the mission of RosEXEC is to:
· Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S.
Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community.
· Define research priorities based on input from the industry and
research community.
· Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research
· Promote research priorities.
· Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the
industry and the public.
Thanks again to the following U.S. and International members rotating off:
U.S. International
Chris Dardick David Chagné
Amit Dhingra Jasper Rees
Jim Luby Eric van de Weg
Cameron Peace
Gayle Volk
Please contact Jim McFerson (mcferson(a)treefruitresearch.com), Chair, RosEXEC
membership committee.
Hi Folks,
The deadline to register is 5 pm PDT Friday October 22.
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu
Tel: (509) 335 2774
Fax: (509) 335 8690
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu <http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>
Hi Folks,
If you are planning on attending the SNP summit in South Africa on November 13 and 14, can you please register using the form on GDR. http://www.rosaceae.org/node/375
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu
Tel: (509) 335 2774
Fax: (509) 335 8690
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu <http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>