Dear US Based Rosaceae Genomics and Genetics Community,
Thank you for nominating candidates to serve as RosEXEC and International
Liaison Members.
To vote on new members please go to…
and vote for 5 RosEXEC members and 2 International Liaison members.
For more information on RosEXEC see
If you have any problems voting please email me at dorrie(a) or
Please note voting must be completed by 5pm PST on Wednesday January 6th.
Many thanks
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Email: dorrie(a)
Tel: (509) 335 2774
Fax: (509) 335 8690
Dear US Based Rosaceae Genomics and Genetics Community,
Thank you for nominating candidates to serve as RosEXEC and International
Liaison Members.
To vote on new members please go to…
and vote for 5 RosEXEC members and 2 International Liaison members.
For more information on RosEXEC see
If you have any problems voting please email me at dorrie(a) or
Please note voting must be completed by 5pm PST on Wednesday January 6th.
Many thanks
Wishing you all the best in 2010.
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Email: dorrie(a)
Tel: (509) 335 2774
Fax: (509) 335 8690
The University of New Hampshire is advertising a cluster hire (seven
positions!) in the areas of Sustainable Agriculture and Ecosystems
Science. At least four of these positions have direct relevance to
horticultural crops. Please see attached document for more details.
Hi Folks,
Please forward this postition description to anyone you think might be interested in this position.
We are seeking a cadre of tomorrow's leaders to join our team on an exciting new "science to the marketplace" federally funded project. "RosBREED: Enabling Marker-Assisted Breeding in Rosaceae" is a four-year trans-disciplinary project focused on rosaceous crops (apple, cherry, peach, and strawberry) involving 12 U.S. research institutions, international collaborators, and private sector participants. RosBREED aims to identify crucial fruit breeding selection targets and efficient selection strategies, including a software-based pipeline for utilizing genomics and socio-economics knowledge for efficient delivery of new cultivars with superior fruit quality. Recruited team members will regularly interact with scientists and stakeholders across institutions and countries to achieve RosBREED goals.
BIMS Developer Position
We are seeking a post-doctoral associate to lead the development of breeding decision aid tools, databases, and other information management software aimed for the plant breeding community. The incumbent will interact closely and regularly with U.S. Rosaceae breeding programs to identify needs, gaps, and strengths of current breeding information management practices, and work with a programmer to synthesize a state-of-the-art Breeding Information Management System (BIMS) that is interoperable with genomic databases, statistical analysis packages, and able to match and surpass the needs of the Rosaceae breeding community. A strong background in quantitative genetics and great communication skills are required, and experience with plant breeding is highly desirable. The position is based on the Washington State University Campus in beautiful Pullman, WA and has a duration of 3-4 years (see <> ) Contact Dr. Cameron Peace cpeace(a) <> or Dr. Gennaro Fazio gf35(a) <> for further information.
Gennaro Fazio, PhD
Apple Rootstock Breeder and Geneticist
Plant Genetic Resources Unit USDA ARS
Cornell University - 630 W. North St., Geneva, NY 14456
(315) 787-2480 Office (315) 787-2216 Fax
Dear US Based Rosaceae Genomics and Genetics Community,
I would like to thank all community members who nominated candidates for
RosEXEC. The list of nominees obtained so far does not have a single
Maloideae or industry candidate.
Therefore, the RosEXEC Membership subcommittee is extending nominations
until Friday Dec 4th to give you the opportunity to nominate Maloideae
members and industry members.
Please make sure to please confirm with the prospective candidates that
they are willing to be nominated and potentially serve before you submit
them as candidates to me.
A copy of the previous letter is pasted below.
Thank you,
Nahla Bassil, Chair, RosEXEC Membership Committee
Plant Geneticist
33447 Peoria Rd.
Corvallis, OR 97333-2521
Tel: (541) 738-4214
Fax: (541) 738-4205
It is time to nominate the 2010 USRosEXEC members.
After three/four years of excellent service the following US members are
rotating off the RosEXEC committee:
* Albert Abbott (Amygdaloideae, Univ, S),
* Chad Finn (Rosoideae, ARS, W),
* Abhaya Dandekar (Maloideae, Amygdaloideae Univ, W)
* Schuyler Korban (Maloideae, Univ, E)
* Gennaro Fazio (Maloideae, ARS, E)
The committee thus loses:
* 1 Rosoideae, 2.5 Maloideae and 1.5 Amygdaloideae crop focus
* 3 university and 2 ARS representatives;
* 2 eastern location (E), 2 western location and 1 southern (S)
location representatives.
Members who will continue to serve in 2009 include Nahla Bassil, Chris
Dardick, Amit Dhingra, Jim Luby, Gayle Volk, Angela Baldo, Jim Hancock,
Jim McFerson, Bryon Sosinski, Philip Stewart and Cameron Peace, so no
need to nominate them as they will already be serving.
To help maintain a balanced committee, we are asking you to nominate, by
email, research and industry community members of whom one should have a
major focus on Rosoideae, two on Maloideae and two on Amygdaloideae.
Individuals with mixed focus can also be nominated. Please take this
into account when you nominate candidates and please confirm with the
prospective candidates that they are willing to be nominated and
potentially serve before you submit them as candidates to Nahla.
International liason member rotating off this year include Sue Gardiner
(Aus/NZ), Herman Silva (South Americ) and Dan Sargeant (Europe).
Remaining members through 2010 are Jasper Rees (Africa) and Eric van de
Weg (Europe). Two new members are needed to serve two year terms where
we are seeking at least one to be outside of Europe. Please nominate
candidates and again confirm their interest before submitting your
US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding community members may
nominate as many candidates as you wish at this stage by sending a list
of the nominees to membership chair, Nahla Bassil at
nahla.bassil(a) You have until November 20th to nominate
candidates. Following these nominations, we will compile a candidate
list for the actual vote via a webform. If you have any questions
please contact Nahla Bassil at the aforementioned email address.
Many thanks
Nahla Bassil
Plant Geneticist
33447 Peoria Rd.
Corvallis, OR 97333-2521
Tel: (541) 738-4214
Fax: (541) 738-4205
Thank you to the members who nominated new members and a quick reminder
that the deadline for new nominations is Friday November 20th.
Dear US Based Rosaceae Genomics and Genetics Community,
It is time to nominate the 2010 USRosEXEC and International Liaison
After three/four years of excellent service the following US members are
rotating off the RosEXEC committee:
* Albert Abbott (Amygdaloideae, Univ, S),
* Chad Finn (Rosoideae, ARS, W),
* Abhaya Dandekar (Maloideae, Amygdaloideae Univ, W)
* Schuyler Korban (Maloideae, Univ, E)
* Gennaro Fazio (Maloideae, ARS, E)
The committee thus loses:
* 1 Rosoideae, 2.5 Maloideae and 1.5 Amygdaloideae crop focus
* 3 university and 2 ARS representatives;
* 2 eastern location (E), 2 western location and 1 southern (S)
location representatives.
Members who will continue to serve in 2009 include Nahla Bassil, Chris
Dardick, Amit Dhingra, Jim Luby, Gayle Volk, Angela Baldo, Jim Hancock,
Jim McFerson, Bryon Sosinski, Philip Stewart and Cameron Peace, so no
need to nominate them as they will already be serving.
To help maintain a balanced committee, we are asking you to nominate, by
email, research and industry community members of whom one should have a
major focus on Rosoideae, two on Maloideae and two on Amygdaloideae.
Individuals with mixed focus can also be nominated. Please take this
into account when you nominate candidates and please confirm with the
prospective candidates that they are willing to be nominated and
potentially serve before you submit them as candidates to Nahla.
International liaison members rotating off this year include Sue
Gardiner (Aus/NZ), Herman Silva (South America) and Dan Sargent
(Europe). Remaining members through 2010 are Jasper Rees (Africa) and
Eric van de Weg (Europe). Two new members are needed to serve two year
terms where we are seeking at least one to be outside of Europe. Please
nominate candidates and again confirm their interest before submitting
your nominations.
US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding community members may
nominate as many candidates as you wish at this stage by sending a list
of the nominees to membership chair, Nahla Bassil at
nahla.bassil(a) You have until November 20th to nominate
candidates. Following these nominations, we will compile a candidate
list for the actual vote via a webform. If you have any questions
please contact Nahla Bassil at the aforementioned email address.
Many thanks,
Nahla Bassil
Plant Geneticist
33447 Peoria Rd.
Corvallis, OR 97333-2521
Tel: (541) 738-4214
Fax: (541) 738-4205
Dear US Based Rosaceae Genomics and Genetics Community,
It is time to nominate the 2010 USRosEXEC and International Liaison
After three/four years of excellent service the following US members are
rotating off the RosEXEC committee:
* Albert Abbott (Amygdaloideae, Univ, S),
* Chad Finn (Rosoideae, ARS, W),
* Abhaya Dandekar (Maloideae, Amygdaloideae Univ, W)
* Schuyler Korban (Maloideae, Univ, E)
* Gennaro Fazio (Maloideae, ARS, E)
The committee thus loses:
* 1 Rosoideae, 2.5 Maloideae and 1.5 Amygdaloideae crop focus
* 3 university and 2 ARS representatives;
* 2 eastern location (E), 2 western location and 1 southern (S)
location representatives.
Members who will continue to serve in 2009 include Nahla Bassil, Chris
Dardick, Amit Dhingra, Jim Luby, Gayle Volk, Angela Baldo, Jim Hancock,
Jim McFerson, Bryon Sosinski, Philip Stewart and Cameron Peace, so no
need to nominate them as they will already be serving.
To help maintain a balanced committee, we are asking you to nominate, by
email, research and industry community members of whom one should have a
major focus on Rosoideae, two on Maloideae and two on Amygdaloideae.
Individuals with mixed focus can also be nominated. Please take this
into account when you nominate candidates and please confirm with the
prospective candidates that they are willing to be nominated and
potentially serve before you submit them as candidates to Nahla.
International liaison members rotating off this year include Sue
Gardiner (Aus/NZ), Herman Silva (South America) and Dan Sargent
(Europe). Remaining members through 2010 are Jasper Rees (Africa) and
Eric van de Weg (Europe). Two new members are needed to serve two year
terms where we are seeking at least one to be outside of Europe. Please
nominate candidates and again confirm their interest before submitting
your nominations.
US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding community members may
nominate as many candidates as you wish at this stage by sending a list
of the nominees to membership chair, Nahla Bassil at
nahla.bassil(a) You have until November 20th to nominate
candidates. Following these nominations, we will compile a candidate
list for the actual vote via a webform. If you have any questions
please contact Nahla Bassil at the aforementioned email address.
Many thanks,
Nahla Bassil
Plant Geneticist
33447 Peoria Rd.
Corvallis, OR 97333-2521
Tel: (541) 738-4214
Fax: (541) 738-4205
From: Pankaj Jaiswal (OSU) []
Sent: Wed 7/15/2009 11:27 AM
To: Main, Doreen
Subject: Research Associate (Post Doc) at Oregon State Univ.
Please post to the GDR list.
Position Title: Research Associate (Post Doc)
The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology has an immediate opening
for a Research Associate (Post Doc) to work on a cereal plant genome
wide gene expression analysis. This is a full-time, (1.0 FTE),
12-month, fixed-term position working in Dr. Pankaj Jaiswal's lab
How to Apply:
To review the position description and apply, go to posting #0004455 at When applying, you will be required to
electronically submit your application, a Letter of Intent, and a
Curriculum Vitae (including 3 references). For full consideration,
apply by 07/31/09 when review of applications will begin.
This position is required to develop a comprehensive gene expression
catalog of rice and other cereal plant genes in various the plant
development stages. The project includes histological studies, whole
genome transcriptome and proteome data generation and analysis. The
incumbent will be responsible for designing microarray and whole genome
transcriptome/digital gene expression experiment(s) using newer high
throughput sequencing technologies developed by Illumina,
454-LifeSciences, etc. Development of methods suitable to the
experimental conditions and plant material being investigated, carrying
out the experiments on analysis of anatomical samples using microscopy
and whole genome transcriptome, data analysis and publication of the
results in peer reviewed journals and submission to major data
repositories. Besides this, the incumbent will also participate in lab's
outreach activities, help in mentoring undergraduates and graduate students.
Successful candidate will work with existing lab personnel and various
collaborators that includes project PIs, faculty, highly trained PhD.
level bioinformatics specialists, software developers and the
department's fellow postdoc and graduate students.
Required qualifications:
- PhD in Plant Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry,
Chemistry, Metabolomics, or related field.
- Worked previously on gene expression data generation and analysis in
their PhD studies or postdoctoral training. Demonstrated expertise in
studying plant development, anatomy, histology, microarrays, gene
expression, proteomics, genetics and general understanding of plant
biochemistry and gene regulation.
- Demonstrated ability for independent and critical thinking, excellent
communication skills in oral and written presentations in English and
ability to work in teams.
Pankaj Jaiswal
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology
3082 Cordley Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR, 97331-2902, USA