The Malus x domestica genome v1.0 pseudo haplotype assemblies are a set of four different assemblies (primary and alternates 1, 2 and 3) derived from the contigs of the original v1.0 assembly. These pseudo haplotypes are intended to divde overlapping contigs in the original assembly into four different consensus sequences representing the four different haplotypes present in the apple genome. However, these assemblies are not true haplotypes, hence the name "pseudo haplotypes". Currently, only the primary pseudo haplotype assembly is available on GDR. Gaps of 200,000 N's were used to space scaffolds in the assembly. These pseudo haplotype assembles were constructed at the Instituo<> <> Agrario Di San Michelle <> All'Adige in collaboration with the NCBI<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go/>.
For more information, downloads and GBrowse visualization see the apple genome project page<>.
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept. of Horticulture and landscape Architecture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)<><>
The U.S. Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC) will be meeting at the PAG XX conference on Sunday, 15Jan in the Dover Meeting Room (not our usual location) from 8:00-10:00 am PST. It will be followed by a meeting of the Rosaceae International Genomics Initiative (RosIGI) from 10-noon. Both meetings are open to all who are interested in attending.
An agenda for the RosEXEC meeting is attached.
If you are interested in participating via skype, please email Chris Dardick ( in case contact information changes.
Hope to see you at PAG,
Jay Norelli
2012 RosEXEC Chair
John (Jay) Norelli
Research Plant Pathologist
USDA-ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station
telephone: (304) 725-3451 x264
email: jay.norelli(a)<>
fax: (304) 728-2340
address: 2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
Dear Rosaceae Community,
I would like to invite you to a community discussion in San Diego sponsored
by RosBREED. The goal of this discussion is to present an update on the
informativeness of the 8K apple, 9K peach, and 6K cherry Illumina Infiinium
SNP arrays and progress toward the development of a strawberry SNP array.
The meeting is at 3:30 PST, Friday, January 13th, 2012 in the Courtyard
Marriott San Diego Mission Valley (595 Hotel Circle South, San Diego)
Inspire Ballroom. (Also see attached announcement.)
We look forward to your joining us. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday
Sincerely, Amy
Amy Iezzoni
Michigan State University
Department of Horticulture
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 355 -5191 x 1391
LAST chance to VOTE in RosEXEC 2012 Membership Election
To cast your ballot go to:…
ALL US Rosaceae community members are eligible to vote.
International members are eligible to vote for international liaisons.
Polls will close Sunday, October 16, 2011 at midnight, Pacific ST. Detailed information below.
VOTE Now<…>
RosEXEC Membership 2012 Ballot Announcement
Five US RosEXEC committee members are rotating off the Committee this year:
Angela Baldo, Nahla Bassil, Jim Hancock, Bryon Sosinski and Phil Stewart
Two international liaisons are rotating off: David Chagne and Herman Silva
To replace these members, you are voting to elect five new U.S.-based members to serve 3 year terms and two international liaisons to serve 2 year terms on the RosEXEC committee. All US community members are eligible to vote. International members are eligible to vote for international liaisons.
A brief bio and vision statement has been prepared by all candidates and is available at Candidate Bios<>.
Because the 2 continuing international liaisons are from Europe, to preserve a balance between European and non-European representation, the non-European candidate receiving the most votes and the remaining candidate with the most votes will be elected as international liaisons.
There are a total of 16 elected U.S. members on RosEXEC, and we try to represent the diverse interests of the Rosaceae genomics, genetics, and breeding community. To preserve a balance between US members representing industry, academia and government representation, the industry candidate receiving the most votes and the four remaining candidates with the most votes will be elected as US members. The 11 continuing U.S. RosEXEC committee members are working in the following areas (under represented areas [<20%] are asterisked):
No. of members
Kerriodae (Prunus)
Pyrodae (Malus, Pyrus)
U.S. Geographic Region
Members who will continue to serve in 2012 :John Clark, Chris Dardick, Kate Evans, Kevin Folta, Ksenija Gasic, Amy Iezzoni, Jim McFerson, Jay Norelli, Mercy Olmstead, Janet Slovin, J.D. Swanson and Vance Whitaker
John (Jay) Norelli
Research Plant Pathologist
USDA-ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station
telephone: (304) 725-3451 x264
email: jay.norelli(a)<>
fax: (304) 728-2340
address: 2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
VOTE NOW in RosEXEC 2012 Membership Election
To cast your ballot go to:…
ALL US Rosaceae community members are eligible to vote.
International members are eligible to vote for international liaisons.
Polls will be open until October 7, 2011, detailed information below.
VOTE Now<…>
RosEXEC Membership 2012 Ballot Announcement
Five US RosEXEC committee members are rotating off the Committee this year:
Angela Baldo, Nahla Bassil, Jim Hancock, Bryon Sosinski and Phil Stewart
Two international liaisons are rotating off: David Chagne and Herman Silva
To replace these members, you are voting to elect five new U.S.-based members to serve 3 year terms and two international liaisons to serve 2 year terms on the RosEXEC committee. All US community members are eligible to vote. International members are eligible to vote for international liaisons.
A brief bio and vision statement has been prepared by all candidates and is available at Candidate Bios<>.
Because the 2 continuing international liaisons are from Europe, to preserve a balance between European and non-European representation, the non-European candidate receiving the most votes and the remaining candidate with the most votes will be elected as international liaisons.
There are a total of 16 elected U.S. members on RosEXEC, and we try to represent the diverse interests of the Rosaceae genomics, genetics, and breeding community. To preserve a balance between US members representing industry, academia and government representation, the industry candidate receiving the most votes and the four remaining candidates with the most votes will be elected as US members. The 11 continuing U.S. RosEXEC committee members are working in the following areas (under represented areas [<20%] are asterisked):
No. of members
Kerriodae (Prunus)
Pyrodae (Malus, Pyrus)
U.S. Geographic Region
Members who will continue to serve in 2012 :John Clark, Chris Dardick, Kate Evans, Kevin Folta, Ksenija Gasic, Amy Iezzoni, Jim McFerson, Jay Norelli, Mercy Olmstead, Janet Slovin, J.D. Swanson and Vance Whitaker
各位朋友大家好, 很抱歉,我的邮箱被人黑客,并发出不健康的网站链接,请勿打开链接!
Hi,everyone, I am so sorry. My email adrress has been hacked and sent some bad website links to my contacts. Please donn't open them.
Best regards,
Zhaohe Yuan, PhD, Professor
Shandong Institute of Pomology,
64 Longtan Rd., Tai'an, Shandong Province,
China, 271000
手机(Cell): 86-13953817188 (in China)
办公(Office): 86-538-8334070 (in China)
传真(Fax): 86-538-8266350(in China)
The call for nominations to RosEXEC has been extended until August 26, 2011. If you are interested in serving on the RosEXEC you can nominate yourself. See instructions below.
Call for nominations of new members to US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC)
The mission of the RosEXEC is to:
· Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the US Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community.
· Define and promote research priorities based on input from the industry and research community.
· Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
After 3 years of excellent service the following US members (Angela Baldo, Nahla Bassil, Jim Hancock, Bryon Sosinski and Phil Stewart) will be rotating off the RosEXEC in January of 2012.
In 2011, five new RosEXEC members will be elected to a 3 year term to replace them in January. All members of the Rosaceae community are invited to nominate candidates for election. Nomination of candidates who have not previously served on the RosEXEC and representatives of industry are encouraged. Members rotating off RosEXEC in January 2012 are not eligible for nomination (see list above). Members who will continue to serve in 2012 include, John Clark, Chris Dardick, Kate Evans, Kevin Folta, Ksenija Gasic, Amy Iezzoni, Jim McFerson, Jay Norelli, Mercy Olmstead, Janet Slovin, J.D. Swanson and Vance Whitaker , so no need to nominate them as they will already be serving. Other former members of RosEXEC are eligible for nomination.
International liaison members, Herman Silva (South America) and David Chagné (Australia/New Zealand) will be rotating off in January after 2 years of excellent service and we are also seeking nomination of international liaisons to a 2 year term on RosEXEC. Liaison members remaining through 2013 are Thomas Debener (Europe) and Michela Troggio (Europe).
Prior to nomination, the nominator is required to contact the nominee and confirm their willingness to serve on RosEXEC. Committee members are expected to participate in quarterly telephone conference meetings and provide several hours of work in support of the RosEXEC mission. Nominations should be sent to Jay Norelli (jay.norelli(a) <file:///C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\jnorelli\My%20Documents\Administration\Rosaceae%20Community\RosEXEC%20officer\Election2011\> ), Chair of the RosEXEC membership committee by August 15, 2011. Nominees will then be contacted by the membership committee and asked to provide a CV or bio, and a brief vision statement. The community wide election will be held in September.
Former RosEXEC members: Herb Aldwinckle, Bert Abbott, Abhaya Dandekar, Tom Davis, Amit Dhingra, Gennaro Fazio, Chad Finn, Stan Hokanson, Schuyler Korban, Kim Lewers, Jim Luby, Cameron Peace, Vladimir Shulaev, Dariusz Swietlik, Gary van Sickle, and Gayle Volk.
Former international liaisons: Pere Arús, Sue Gardiner, Jasper Rees, Dan Sargent, and Eric van de Weg.
Jay Norelli
Chair of RosEXEC membership committee
John (Jay) Norelli
Research Plant Pathologist
USDA-ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station
telephone: (304) 725-3451 x264
email: jay.norelli(a) <>
fax: (304) 728-2340
address: 2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
Call for nominations of new members to US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC)
The mission of the RosEXEC is to:
· Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the US Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community.
· Define and promote research priorities based on input from the industry and research community.
· Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
After 3 years of excellent service the following US members (Angela Baldo, Nahla Bassil, Jim Hancock, Bryon Sosinski and Phil Stewart) will be rotating off the RosEXEC in January of 2012.
In 2011, five new RosEXEC members will be elected to a 3 year term to replace them in January. All members of the Rosaceae community are invited to nominate candidates for election. Nomination of candidates who have not previously served on the RosEXEC and representatives of industry are encouraged. Members rotating off RosEXEC in January 2012 are not eligible for nomination (see list above). Members who will continue to serve in 2012 include, John Clark, Chris Dardick, Kate Evans, Kevin Folta, Ksenija Gasic, Amy Iezzoni, Jim McFerson, Jay Norelli, Mercy Olmstead, Janet Slovin, J.D. Swanson and Vance Whitaker, so no need to nominate them as they will already be serving. Other former members of RosEXEC are eligible for nomination.
International liaison members, Herman Silva (South America) and David Chagné (Australia/New Zealand) will be rotating off in January after 2 years of excellent service and we are also seeking nomination of international liaisons to a 2 year term on RosEXEC. Liaison members remaining through 2013 are Thomas Debener (Europe) and Michela Troggio (Europe).
Prior to nomination, the nominator is required to contact the nominee and confirm their willingness to serve on RosEXEC. Committee members are expected to participate in quarterly telephone conference meetings and provide several hours of work in support of the RosEXEC mission. Nominations should be sent to Jay Norelli (jay.norelli(a), Chair of the RosEXEC membership committee by August 15, 2011. Nominees will then be contacted by the membership committee and asked to provide a CV or bio, and a brief vision statement. The community wide election will be held in September.
Former RosEXEC members: Herb Aldwinckle, Bert Abbott, Abhaya Dandekar, Tom Davis, Amit Dhingra, Gennaro Fazio, Chad Finn, Stan Hokanson, Schuyler Korban, Kim Lewers, Jim Luby, Cameron Peace, Vladimir Shulaev, Dariusz Swietlik, Gary van Sickle, and Gayle Volk.
Former international liaisons: Pere Arús, Sue Gardiner, Jasper Rees, Dan Sargent, and Eric van de Weg.
John (Jay) Norelli
Research Plant Pathologist
USDA-ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station
telephone: (304) 725-3451 x264
email: jay.norelli(a) <>
fax: (304) 728-2340
address: 2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
Hi Folks,
We are planning to generate new unigene data sets for Rosaceae genera and would like to be able to include next generation transcript data in the unigene data sets. Some of you have already provided your assembled data and we will include those in the next builds (unigene v5) with acknowledgement of who generated the data sets and what tissues/development stage etc were included.
Please let me know if you have any datasets you would like included by the end of March as we will begin the process at the beginning of April.
In terms of the annotation we will provide the following for the unigene sequences.
GO Terms, InterPro Scan domains, KEGG, Swissprot, TrEMBL annotation, relevant plant protein homologs which will be searchable, browsable and downloadable (with all summary statistics)
Mapping of the unigenes to the peach, apple and strawberry genomes (excel file linked to GBrowse and a GBrowse track)
Identification of microsatellites and COS markers (also available as downloadable file and linked to GBrowse).
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Email: dorrie(a)
Tel: (509) 335 2774
Fax: (509) 335 8690
URL: <>