--East Malling Research registered office: New Road, East Malling, Kent ME19 6BJ. Tel. 01732-843833. Registered in England No. 5019373. Charity registration No.1102243. The information in this E-Mail and any attachments is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended to be for the use of the intended recipient/s. If you are not the recipient named above please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited and may not represent the views of EMR. Activity and use of the East Malling Research E-mail system and any communications using it are monitored to secure its effective operation and for other lawful business purposes.
Dear Sir/Madam,
In 2013, East Malling Research will be celebrating 100 years of plant science at this world-famous research institute - science that has shaped the way we understand and can manipulate plants to produce high value, nutritious fruit crops across the globe.
To mark this Centenary, East Malling Research is working closely with colleagues at the Association of Applied Biologists (AAB) to organise a two-day international conference on 16-17 April 2013. Entitled, 'Fruit and Roots: A Celebration and Forward Look', this event has confirmed key-note speakers from New Zealand and the United States, as well as the UK.
It is with pleasure that I attach a pdf of the first announcement and call for papers. We very much hope that you can circulate or inform Members of the Rosaceae group some of whom we hope will be able to participate in this event through presenting a paper/poster or attending the conference as a delegate.
To mark this very special year for East Malling Research, we will be organising a number of other events and activities, and I very much hope that we can look forward to welcoming your Members here during 2013.
With kind regards
[Description: Description: Description: cid:image003.jpg@01CDA55D.E38AFA10]
Prof. Peter J. Gregory,
Chief Executive
East Malling Research
East Malling Research
New Road
East Malling
Kent ME19 6BJ
Tel: +44 (0) 1732 843833
Fax: +44 (0) 1732 849067<>
--East Malling Research registered office: New Road, East Malling, Kent ME19 6BJ. Tel. 01732-843833. Registered in England No. 5019373. Charity registration No.1102243. The information in this E-Mail and any attachments is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended to be for the use of the intended recipient/s. If you are not the recipient named above please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited and may not represent the views of EMR. Activity and use of the East Malling Research E-mail system and any communications using it are monitored to secure its effective operation and for other lawful business purposes.
--East Malling Research registered office: New Road, East Malling, Kent ME19 6BJ. Tel. 01732-843833. Registered in England No. 5019373. Charity registration No.1102243. The information in this E-Mail and any attachments is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended to be for the use of the intended recipient/s. If you are not the recipient named above please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited and may not represent the views of EMR. Activity and use of the East Malling Research E-mail system and any communications using it are monitored to secure its effective operation and for other lawful business purposes.
The fall meeting of the US RosEXEC will take place Wednesday, October 3, NOT October 6, at the RGC6 in Mezzocorona, Italy.
John (Jay) Norelli, Ph.D.
Research Plant Pathologist
Appalachian Fruit Research Station
2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
(304) 725-3451 x264
FAX: (304) 728-2340
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The fall meeting of the US RosEXEC will take place Wednesday, October 6 at the RGC6 in Mezzocorona, Italy. Meeting Agenda is attached.
RosEXEC Meeting at RGC6 (open meeting)
Mezzocorona -Palarotare, Italy
15:40-16:40 Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Welcome (10 min)
* Current officers, Jay Norelli, Chris Dardick, JD Swanson, and Jim McFerson, send their best wishes for an excellent meeting and regret they are unable to join you.
* Ksenija Gasic, Acting Chair (KGASIC(a)<>)
* Nahla Bassil, Acting Secretary (nahla.bassil(a)<mailto:(>
* Self-introductions and sign-up sheet
* Mission
* Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the US Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community
* Define and promote research priorities based on input from the industry and research community
* Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams
* Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
Adopt Minutes of Summer Meeting (July 31, 2012) (Nahla Bassil) (5 min)
· Proposed revisions
· Adoption of minutes
2013 RosEXEC election (2 min)
* After 3 years of excellent service the following US members: John Clark, Kevin Folta, Ksenija Gasic, Amy Iezzoni, and Jim McFerson, will be rotating off the RosEXEC in January of 2013.
* International liaison members, Michela Troggio (EU) and Thomas Debener (EU) will be rotating off in January of 2013 after 2 years of excellent service.
* 2013 RosEXEC election of new members to replace those rotating off the Committee is currently underway. To date there are 6 confirmed RosEXEC nominees and 4 international liaison nominees. The election is tentatively scheduled for Nov 5th to Nov 16th. Newly elected members will begin their terms at PAG XXI.
Emerging Technologies (Ksenija Gasic) (20 min)
* Future genotyping platforms: SNP arrays versus GBS
* Currently available arrays
* Current GBS projects within Rosaceae
* Current limitations
* Future potential
USDA-NIFA-SCRI RosBREED2 Project Proposal (Amy Iezzoni, Cameron Peace) (8 min)
* Update
Coordination (Ksenija Gasic) (15 min)
* Research Project Updates
* Newly funded projects within the Rosaceae?
* Updates from other funded SCRI, AFRI and NSF projects
* Other research updates
* GDR (Dorrie Main, Sook Jung)
* International Project Collaborations
Meeting reports and announcements for upcoming meetings (10 min)
* Meeting Reports
* 1st Rosaceae Tree Fruit Joint Crop Germplasm Committees (CGC) Meeting: ASHS, Friday Aug 3
* NCCC 212 Coordinating Comm for Small Fruit and Small Fruits CGC, 30Oct 2012, Tampa, FL
* Other meeting reports?
* Upcoming Meetings
* X International Symposium on Integrating Canopy, Rootstock and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems, December 3-6, 2012, Stellenbosch , South Africa
* PAG XXI, January 12-16, 2013, San Diego, California, USA
* II International Symposium on Discovery and Development of Innovative Strategies for Postharvest Disease Management, April 29 - May 2, 2013, Kusadasi , Turkey
* VI International Symposium on Almonds and Pistachios, May 27-31, 2013, Murcia, Spain
* VIII International Peach Symposium, June 17-20, 2013, Matera, Italy
* VII International Cherry Symposium, June 22-26, 2013, Plasencia, Spain
* XIII International Workshop on Fire Blight, July 2-5, 2013, Zürich, Switzerland
* VI International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation, August 25-30, 2013, Hannover, Germany
* II International Symposium on Plum Pox Virus, September 3-6, 2013, Olomouc , Czech Republic
* Other upcoming meetings?
Other business: (5 min)
Adjourn: 16:40
John (Jay) Norelli, Ph.D.
Research Plant Pathologist
Appalachian Fruit Research Station
2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
(304) 725-3451 x264
FAX: (304) 728-2340
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Dear Rosaceae Community,
The deadline for nominations has been extended to Friday, September 21st. We have 5 committee positions to fill and need 2 new international liaisons. We encourage anyone who has not participated before to consider serving on RosEXEC. By serving on RosEXEC you can help our research community remain competitive and it will provide you with excellent opportunities for building research collaborations. Candidates are welcome to nominate themselves. Please send nomination materials to Chris.dardick(a)<>. See attached for additional details.
Call for nominations of new members to US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC)
The mission of the RosEXEC is to:
* Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the US Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community.
* Define and promote research priorities based on input from the industry and research community.
* Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
After 3 years of excellent service the following US members (John Clark, Kevin Folta, Ksenija Gasic, Amy Iezzoni, and Jim McFerson) will be rotating off the RosEXEC in January of 2013.
In Fall, 2012 five new RosEXEC members will be elected to a 3 year term starting January, 2013. All members of the Rosaceae community are invited to nominate candidates for election. Nomination of candidates who have not previously served on the RosEXEC including younger scientists and new faculty are encouraged. Industry representation is currently lacking and candidates from industry are also strongly encouraged. Members rotating off RosEXEC in January 2012 are not eligible for nomination (see list above). Members who will continue to serve in 2013 include, David Byrne, Thomas Chao, Bob Curtis, Sook Jung, Cameron Peace, Kate Evans, Mercy Olmstead, Janet Slovin, JD Swanson, Vance Whitaker, Jay Norelli, and Chris Dardick- so no need to nominate them as they will already be serving. Other former members of RosEXEC are eligible for nomination (see list below).
We are also seeking nomination of 2 new international liaisons to a 2 year term on RosEXEC. International liaison members, Michela Troggio (EU) and Thomas Debener (EU) will be rotating off in January after 2 years of excellent service. Emily Buck (Australia/New Zealand) and Lee Meisel (S. America) will continue to serve in 2013.
Prior to nomination, the nominator is required to contact the nominee and confirm their willingness to serve on RosEXEC. Committee members are expected to participate in quarterly telephone conference meetings and provide several hours of work in support of the RosEXEC mission. Nominations should be sent to Chris Dardick (chris.dardick(a)<>), Chair of the RosEXEC membership committee by September 15, 2011. Nominees will then be contacted by the membership committee and asked to provide a CV or bio, and a brief vision statement. The community wide election will be held in October.
Former RosEXEC members: Bert Abbott, Abhaya Dandekar, Tom Davis, Amit Dhingra, Gennaro Fazio, Chad Finn, Stan Hokanson, Schuyler Korban, Kim Lewers, Jim Luby, Vladimir Shulaev, Dariusz Swietlik, Gary van Sickle, Angela Baldo, Nahla Bassil, Jim Hancock, Bryon Sosinski, Phil Stewart and Gayle Volk.
Former international liaisons: Pere Arús, Sue Gardiner, Jasper Rees, Dan Sargent, Herman Silva, David Chagné and Eric van de Weg.
Chris Dardick
USDA, ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station
2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
phone: 304-725-3451 ext. 387
fax: 304-728-2340
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.
Call for nominations of new members to US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC)
The mission of the RosEXEC is to:
· Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the US Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community.
· Define and promote research priorities based on input from the industry and research community.
· Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
After 3 years of excellent service the following US members (John Clark, Kevin Folta, Ksenija Gasic, Amy Iezzoni, and Jim McFerson) will be rotating off the RosEXEC in January of 2013.
In Fall, 2012 five new RosEXEC members will be elected to a 3 year term starting January, 2013. All members of the Rosaceae community are invited to nominate candidates for election. Nomination of candidates who have not previously served on the RosEXEC including younger scientists and new faculty are encouraged. Industry representation is currently lacking and candidates from industry are also strongly encouraged. Members rotating off RosEXEC in January 2012 are not eligible for nomination (see list above). Members who will continue to serve in 2013 include, David Byrne, Thomas Chao, Bob Curtis, Sook Jung, Cameron Peace, Kate Evans, Mercy Olmstead, Janet Slovin, JD Swanson, Vance Whitaker, Jay Norelli, and Chris Dardick- so no need to nominate them as they will already be serving. Other former members of RosEXEC are eligible for nomination (see list below).
We are also seeking nomination of 2 new international liaisons to a 2 year term on RosEXEC. International liaison members, Michela Troggio (EU) and Thomas Debener (EU) will be rotating off in January after 2 years of excellent service. Emily Buck (Australia/New Zealand) and Lee Meisel (S. America) will continue to serve in 2013.
Prior to nomination, the nominator is required to contact the nominee and confirm their willingness to serve on RosEXEC. Committee members are expected to participate in quarterly telephone conference meetings and provide several hours of work in support of the RosEXEC mission. Nominations should be sent to Chris Dardick (chris.dardick(a)<>), Chair of the RosEXEC membership committee by September 15, 2011. Nominees will then be contacted by the membership committee and asked to provide a CV or bio, and a brief vision statement. The community wide election will be held in October.
Former RosEXEC members: Bert Abbott, Abhaya Dandekar, Tom Davis, Amit Dhingra, Gennaro Fazio, Chad Finn, Stan Hokanson, Schuyler Korban, Kim Lewers, Jim Luby, Vladimir Shulaev, Dariusz Swietlik, Gary van Sickle, Angela Baldo, Nahla Bassil, Jim Hancock, Bryon Sosinski, Phil Stewart and Gayle Volk.
Former international liaisons: Pere Arús, Sue Gardiner, Jasper Rees, Dan Sargent, Herman Silva, David Chagné and Eric van de Weg.
Chris Dardick
USDA, ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station
2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
phone: 304-725-3451 ext. 387
fax: 304-728-2340
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.
Dear members of Rosaceae community,
USRosEXEC will be meeting next week at the ASHS Annual Conference on Tuesday July 31, 2012 from 8:00-10:00 am in the Windsor Room of the InterContinental Hotel, Miami, Florida. If you will be attending ASHS, we hope to see you there. The meeting agenda is attached.
During the meeting, Amy Iezzoni and Cameron Peace will discuss plans for the renewal of the USDA-NIFA-SCRI RosBREED project. You will also find attached a questionnaire they developed to solicit information from those in the Rosaceae community interested in participating in a 2nd RosBREED project.
If you will not be attending the ASHS Annual Conference and would like to participate in the meeting via Skype, please contact JD Swanson (
Hope to see you next Tuesday,
Jay Norelli
2012 Chair RosEXEC
John (Jay) Norelli, Ph.D.
Research Plant Pathologist
Appalachian Fruit Research Station
2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
(304) 725-3451 x264
FAX: (304) 728-2340
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.
Registration for RGC6, the biennial focal point for the Rosaceae community, to be held in San Michele all’Adige, Italy between 30th September and 4th October 2012 is now open along with the submission of abstracts portal for both oral and poster presentations.
Please see the conference website<> for information relating to the conference, accommodation, travel and social activities.
If you require any additional information, please email info(a)<>
We look forward to seeing you in Italy in the Fall!
--East Malling Research registered office: New Road, East Malling, Kent ME19 6BJ. Tel. 01732-843833. Registered in England No. 5019373. Charity registration No.1102243. The information in this E-Mail and any attachments is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended to be for the use of the intended recipient/s. If you are not the recipient named above please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited and may not represent the views of EMR. Activity and use of the East Malling Research E-mail system and any communications using it are monitored to secure its effective operation and for other lawful business purposes.
*First Announcement - Sixth Rosaceous Genomics Conference*
The Sixth Rosaceous Genomics Conference will be hosted by the Edmund Mach
Foundation and will be held in San Michele all’Adige in the province of
Trento, Italy between the 30th September 2012 and the 4th October 2012. The
conference will be held at the PalaRotary wine cantina and conference
centre and will bring together the entire Rosaceous Genomics community, as
well as incorporating the Fall meetings of the RosExec and RosIGI.
The first announcement has been posted on the official website for the
conference: and information will be available soon regarding
the the programme, registration, accommodation and travelling to/from the
conference, as well as details about the social programme and planned
If you require an invitation letter for your visa application for the
conference, please visit the official website and use one of the methods of
contacting us, so that we can assist in your application as soon as
Looking forward to seeing you in San Michele all'Adige!
The RGC6 organising committee
Approximately 6,000 peach SNPs were selected at UC Davis for two breeding populations: Pop DF ('Dr. Davis' × 'F8, 1-42') and Pop DG ('Dr. Davis' × 'Georgia Belle'). These SNPs are now available for viewing in GBrowse as well as an Excel spreadsheet available on the peach genome project page<>.
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept. of Horticulture and landscape Architecture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)<><>