• 328 discussions

Job Position open at Salve Regina University
by John-David Swanson
11 years, 4 months

Last Call for nominations
by John-David Swanson
11 years, 4 months

RGC7 pre- and post-tour options interest
by Humann, Jodi Lynn
11 years, 4 months

Elections for 2014 RosExec
by John-David Swanson
11 years, 5 months

Re: [GDR] SNP nomenclature working group
by Bassi Daniele
11 years, 5 months

SNP nomenclature working group
by Main, Doreen
11 years, 5 months

Rapid Cycle Crop Breeding Conference
by Dardick, Chris
11 years, 5 months

RGC7 will be June 24-26, 2014 in Seattle, WA, USA
by Humann, Jodi Lynn
11 years, 5 months

II International Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops
by Main, Doreen
11 years, 5 months

GDR down for maintenance
by Main, Doreen
11 years, 5 months
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