Hi all,
This may not apply to many of you directly but you may have colleagues, or know of graduate students who are close to graduating in this field that you could encourage to apply.
Salve currently has a Tenure-Track position open for an Animal Physiologist/Biologist, in particular we are most interested in an invert person who can work with marine organisms, in addition, if they look at either the behavior or neuro aspects it would be a plus. They would have a strong interest in working with Undergraduate students.
Salve is a great place to work, and the department is very close and works very well together. The students are bright and work hard. There are also opportunities for funding through either the RI EPSCoR programs, or through RI INBRE. Not to mention living in Newport RI which is a certainly a perk!
I have attached the job description below, if you know of anyone who could fit this description and be on the job market right now, please encourage them to apply, or contact me if they need any further information.
Thanks all!
JD Swanson, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Biology and Class Dean
Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences
Salve Regina University
100 Ochre Point Ave
Newport RI 02840
Ph) 401-341-3165
To book an appointment please go to
Salve Regina University - Asst or Assoc Professor in Biology/Physiology
Thank you for considering Salve Regina University in your search.
Category: Academic / Faculty
Department: Biology
Locations: Newport, RI
Posted: Oct 23, '13
Type: Full-time
E-mail to a friend<https://www.interviewexchange.com/sendemail.jsp?JOBID=43831>
About Salve Regina University:
Salve Regina University, ranked among the best institutions of higher education in the United States by U.S. News & World Report, is a Catholic Liberal Arts University located in scenic Newport, Rhode Island. Salve Regina offers challenging academic programs in a highly supportive environment and an innovative core curriculum that provides students with a solid foundation and broader perspective. The historic, 75-acre campus enrolls approximately 2,500 men and women and offers Associate, Baccalaureate, and Master's degrees, the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study, and the Ph.D. in Humanities.
Job Description:
The Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track position beginning September 2014. The successful candidate will be a broadly educated animal physiologist knowledgeable in molecular, cell and in vivo techniques. Expertise with non-mammalian vertebrates or marine or freshwater invertebrates is required. Interest in neurobiology or behavior is desirable. Teaching responsibilities include participating in freshmen and sophomore level majors curriculum and non-majors courses, as well as teaching courses in the area of expertise on the advanced level. Maintaining an active research program with undergraduate students is required.
The candidate must hold an earned doctorate in Biology or in a related field. Post-doctoral experience or similar research experience is expected. The candidate will have a demonstrable record of excellence in teaching and the ability to maintain a successful research program with undergraduate majors.
Additional Information:
Salve Regina University offers generous benefits to eligible employees including: health and dental coverage, life insurance, long-term disability, 403B plan, tuition benefits and more.
Salve Regina University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. The University actively seeks diversity among its employees.
Application Instructions:
The candidate should supply 1) a letter of application, 2) a CV, 3) names and contact information from three references; 4) a statement of teaching philosophy and ideas for integrating new courses into our current curriculum and 5) a tentative plan for engaging our Biology majors in research and out-of-classroom activities.
Candidates must apply on-line only at http://www.salve.edu/offices/hr/employment.cfm
Hello everybody!
Can’t believe it is November! I hope you all have had a productive fall and are ready for winter.
This is a last call for nominations for this years election for RosExec. As it stands, we have a total of seven people (five from the US, and two of our international liaisons).
I have received five nominations for US people and two for international Liaisons. I am in the process of contacting them and making sure they are still interested in running. Are there any other arms we can twist to get a larger pool? If so, could you let me know and I will contact them.
I will have voting open mid november, in time for this years RosEXEC meeting in January.
JD Swanson, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Biology and Class Dean
Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences
Salve Regina University
100 Ochre Point Ave
Newport RI 02840
Ph) 401-341-3165
To book an appointment please go to
Hello everyone,
We currently have several options for pre- and post-conference tours for RGC7. Descriptions for the tours can be found at http://www.rosaceae.org/conferences/rgc7/tours. We are trying to determine if there is enough interest for further planning for these pre- and post-tours in order to provide those interested with the cost for the tours.
We have heard from a few people, but would like to know from more attendees which pre- and post-tours are of the most interest. By letting us know which tours you are interested in now, you will not be obligated to register for the tour. We are only gauging interest to see if there will be enough people to make these tours cost-effective.
Please email which tour options you might be interested in to rgc7(a)rosacae.org<mailto:rgc7@rosacae.org> by October 31st.
Thank you,
Jodi Humann, Ph.D.
Main Lab Bioinformatics Project Coordinator
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
PO Box 646414
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Hello everybody!
I hope you all had a wonderful and productive summer and are all ready for the fall to start!
It is now time to start thinking about RosExec elections for the upcoming year.
Five US people will be rotating off at the end of this year (Kate Evans, Jay Norelli, Mercey Olmstead, Janet Slovin, and Vance Whitaker).
Now, looking at the numbers, we will have the following make up next year with those left:
Inst: Univ 6, Gvt 4, Ind 2
Region: South 2, West 6, East 4
So we really need people from industry and/or the South to help bolster representation.
We will be looking for nominations over the next few weeks. If you know of someone who may be interested in serving on RosExec, please have them contact me and I can help them, or send me their information and I can contact them. We will need a short Bio from them.
I have a timeline in place as follows:
Nominations to me By Oct 15, 2013
Voting will be carried out Between Nov 1-15, 2013
Secretary nominations and Election Early December
Announcement of Results at PAG
Once again, hope you are looking forward to your new semesters and look forward to catching up with you soon!
JD Swanson, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Biology and Class Dean
Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences
Salve Regina University
100 Ochre Point Ave
Newport RI 02840
Ph) 401-341-3165
To book an appointment please go to
Dear Dorrie
can you please include also Filippo (filippo.geuna(a)unimi.it), from my
He is interrsted too
At 07:43 02/10/2013, Main, Doreen wrote:
>Content-Language: en-US
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>Dear Rosaceae Community Members,
>As part of an effort to standardize data for inclusion in GDR we
>would like to form a work group to come up with a standardized
>nomenclature for SNPs. If you would be interested in participating
>in this work group please let us know and we can start the process.
>Many thanks
>Dorrie Main, PhD
>Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
>Department of Horticulture
>Washington State University
>45 Johnson Hall
>Pullman, WA 99164-6414
>Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
>Email: <mailto:dorrie@wsu.edu>dorrie(a)wsu.edu
>URL: <http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>www.bioinfo.wsu.edu
>Main Bioinformatics Laboratory
>GDR-LIST mailing list
Dear Rosaceae Community Members,
As part of an effort to standardize data for inclusion in GDR we would like to form a work group to come up with a standardized nomenclature for SNPs. If you would be interested in participating in this work group please let us know and we can start the process.
Many thanks
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu<mailto:dorrie@wsu.edu>
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu<http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>
On behalf of our organizing committee, we would like to invite all of you to the 1st international conference on Rapid Cycle Crop Breeding (RCCB) which will be held January 7 through the 10th, 2014 (the week prior to Plant and Animal Genome) just outside of Washington DC (Landsdowne, VA). There will be four aspects covered; practical breeding systems, science of shortened juvenility, regulatory aspects of using transgenes for generating non-transgenic crops, and a workshop on how to talk about biotechnology to the public. Invited speakers thus far include: Bert Abbott, Sue Gardner, Pace Lubinsky, Magda-Viola Hanke, Leandro Pena, Steve Strauss and Ralph Scorza. Further information is on our website including how to register: http://www.ars.usda.gov/SP2UserFiles/Place/19310505/RCCB%20Conference.docx
Submitted abstracts to rapidcyclecropbreeding(a)yahoo.com<mailto:rapidcyclecropbreeding@yahoo.com> will be considered for presentations.
Attached is an information sheet with all the details on registration, location and agenda.
If further information is needed, please feel free to contact Ralph Scorza, ralph.scorza(a)ars.usda.gov<mailto:ralph.scorza@ars.usda.gov>.
Also attached is a flyer for the conference.
Chris Dardick
Chris Dardick
Plant Molecular Biologist/Pathologist
USDA ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station
2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
Office: 304-725-3451 ext. 387
Cell: 304-991-9528
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.
On behalf of the RGC7 executive committee (Dorrie Main, Cameron Peace, Kate Evans, Jim McFerson) I would like to invite you to attend the 7th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference to be held in Seattle, Washington, USA from June 24-26, 2014. Attached is a flyer with more details about the conference. You can also view conference details on the website http://<http://www.rosaceae.org/conferences/rgc7>www.rosaceae.org/conferences/rgc7<http://www.rosaceae.org/conferences/rgc7>. We will be providing updates and further details on the website as they become available.
Currently, we are determining the interest in a few different pre- and/or post-conference tours. Details about the proposed tours can be viewed from the conference website. Please let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in any of these tours. Please send this information or any questions about the conference to rgc7(a)rosaceae.org<mailto:rgc7@rosaceae.org>.
Thank you and we hope to see you in Seattle,
Jodi Humann, Ph.D.
Main Lab Bioinformatics Project Coordinator
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
PO Box 646414
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
From: Decroocq Véronique [decroocq(a)bordeaux.inra.fr]
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2013 2:54 AM
To: Main, Doreen
Subject: Re: [GDR] GDR down for maintenance
Dear Doreen,
Could you please relay the following information on the rosaceae GDR mailing list and WSU's bioinfo list ?
AGRI (Azerbaijan Genetic Resources Institute) is planning to organize II International Symposium on Wild Relatives of Subtropical and Temperate Fruit and Nut Crops (http://www.ishs.org/symposium/289) in Baku-Azerbaijan between 7-12th of April, 2014 as International Society for Horticultural Science<http://www.ishs.org/> (ISHS) and Genetic Resources Institute of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (AGRI), along with other national and international organizations. Registration will be open in the following weeks.
Zeynal Akparov
Convener of the Conference
National Coordinator on Biodiversity and PGRFA
Director of the Genetic Resources Institute of ANAS
Address: 155, Azadlig ave., AZ1106, Baku, Azerbaijan
tel.: (+994 12) 563 91 71; (+994 50) 611 47 40
fax: (+994 12 ) 449 92 21
e-mail: akparov(a)yahoo.com<mailto:akparov@yahoo.com>
Thanks for your help
Dr Véronique DECROOCQ (Research Director)
INRA Centre de Recherches de Bordeaux
IBVM, UMR BFP 'Biologie du Fruit et Pathologie' INRA-Université Bordeaux II
Equipe de Virologie
33882 Villenave d'Ornon (FRANCE)
Tel:(33) (0)5 57 12 23 83
Fax:(33) (0)5 57 12 23 84
Hi Folks,
We are currently implementing a new version of GDR, so the site will likely be down for the rest of the day. We will send out an email when it's back online.
Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu<mailto:dorrie@wsu.edu>
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu<http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>