Hello everyone,
This is just another reminder that abstracts for RGC7 must be submitted by February 28th, 2014. All the details about abstract submission and registration can be viewed at http://www.rosaceae.org/conferences/rgc7. If you have any questions, please contact us at rgc7(a)rosaceae.org<mailto:rgc7@rosaceae.org>.
We are still finalizing the details for the conference pre-tours, but here is a description of the pre-conference activities we have planned. We will be providing details about the costs soon.
Pre-conference tours:
WSU Cherry and Apple Breeding Programs and Genomics-Genetics-Breeding Workshop (June 21-22, Sat-Sun)
Depart from Seattle via bus mid-day of Saturday, June 21 and enjoy a scenic drive across the Cascade Mountains and through eastern Washington State. There will be stops at the WSU Cherry Breeding program in Prosser and orchard tours in Mattawa (yes, there will be cherries to sample). The group will then head to Wenatchee for an overnight stay. On Sunday, June 22, participants will attend a Genomics-Genetics-Breeding Workshop at the WSU-Wenatchee Research Station and tour the WSU Sunrise Research Orchard and learn about the WSU Apple Breeding Program. The group will travel back to Seattle in the early evening.
Mount Rainier National Park (June 23, Monday before the conference)<http://www.nps.gov/mora/index.htm>
Seattle has a great view of Mt. Rainier in the distance. Part of the Cascade Mountain Range, Mt. Rainier is the most glaciated peak in the contiguous United States and is surrounded by old growth forest. This trip will depart in the morning and travel to Mount Rainier National Park for a day of sight-seeing. While at the National Park, enjoy the stunning views and see the historic Paradise Inn and new Paradise Jackson Visitor Center and other roadside attractions. The bus will return to Seattle in the afternoon.
Other Pre-conference Activities:
Space on June 23 for other meetings.
GDR Training Workshop on June 23. Most likely will be later in the day after the Mount Rainier trip gets back.
See you in Seattle!
Jodi Humann, Ph.D.
Main Lab Bioinformatics Project Coordinator
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
PO Box 646414
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Registration and abstract submission for the 7th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference (June 24-26, 2014) is now open. The conference website, http://www.rosaceae.org/conferences/rgc7, has links for registration and abstract submission as well as information on the negotiated hotel room rate. We will have the costs for the tours soon.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission closes February 28, 2014
Registration closes May 1, 2014
If you have any questions about the conference or have problems registering or submitting an abstract, please email us at rgc7(a)rosaceae.org<mailto:rgc7@rosaceae.org>.
We look forward to seeing you in Seattle in 2014!
Jodi Humann, Ph.D.
Main Lab Bioinformatics Project Coordinator
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
PO Box 646414
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Hi all,
Hope you are all fairing well! PAG is underway and we had a wonderful fruit and nut workshop this morning!
The US RosExec meeting will be held in the Stratford room here at PAG Sunday Jan 12 (tomorrow) from 8am-10am with an international meeting following immediately from 10am-12pm.
I have attached an agenda for the meeting as well as two set of minutes form the previous meetings that we need to accept.
If anyone is not at PAG and wants to join the US RosExec meeting, please drop me an e-mail, friend me on Skype (jd.swanson1), and I’ll sign you in! Please be online by at 7.50 Pacific time so we can get rolling here. From what I understand it can be a little hard to listen in, but I’ll do my best. I will also record the meeting which you can request from me at any time to listen at your convenience.
Looking forward to catching up and see you tomorrow!
JD Swanson, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Biology and Class Dean
Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences
Salve Regina University
100 Ochre Point Ave
Newport RI 02840
Ph) 401-341-3165
To book an appointment please go to
Hello Everyone,
I hope that you had a great break. I have an opening this year for a postdoctoral position, focusing on plant nutrition, specifically nitrogen on the development of peach flavor.
If you know of someone, (and maybe that's you!) - I will say that Florida has nice sunny and warm weather when everyone else is freezing. :)
Thanks so much everyone!
Take care and Happy New Year,
[e-mail signature]
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
-Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Rosaceae Community Member:
Hi all, here is your last chance to vote for the 2014 Candidates for RosExec! I am closing the Polls Monday at 12pm EST, so this is your last chance to squirrel in a vote if you haven’t done so!
Please go to the following web site to fill out your electronic ballot. You can learn more about any candidates’ background and vision for RosEXEC by clicking on their name.
The community will elect five new U.S. members and two new International members to a 3-year term. U.S.-based members will vote for both U.S. candidates and International candidates. International community members will vote for International candidates only.
This year’s slate is diverse. We encourage you to consider voting to create a leadership group that will appropriately represent the amazing diversity of the Rosaceae community. Current RosEXEC membership can be found at http://www.rosaceae.org/node/2708694
As a reminder, the mission of RosEXEC is to:
· Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community.
· Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research community.
· Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams.
· Promote research priorities.
· Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
Thanks again to the following U.S. and International members rotating off:
U.S. International
Kate Evans Emily Buck
Mercy Olmstead Lee Meisel
Janet Slovin
Vance Whitaker
Jay Norelli
Please contact JD Swanson (jd.swanson(a)salve.edu<mailto:jd.swanson@salve.edu>), Chair, RosEXEC membership committee.
JD Swanson, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Biology and Class Dean
Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences
Salve Regina University
100 Ochre Point Ave
Newport RI 02840
Ph) 401-341-3165
To book an appointment please go to
Rosaceae Community Member:
We are ready to vote on the 2013 candidates for RosEXEC.
Voting begins 22 Dec. and ends Jan 4th.
Please go to the following web site to fill out your electronic ballot. You can learn more about any candidates’ background and vision for RosEXEC by clicking on their name.
The community will elect five new U.S. members and two new International members to a 3-year term. U.S.-based members will vote for both U.S. candidates and International candidates. International community members will vote for International candidates only.
This year’s slate is diverse. We encourage you to consider voting to create a leadership group that will appropriately represent the amazing diversity of the Rosaceae community. Current RosEXEC membership can be found at http://www.rosaceae.org/node/2708694
As a reminder, the mission of RosEXEC is to:
· Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community.
· Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research community.
· Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams.
· Promote research priorities.
· Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
Thanks again to the following U.S. and International members rotating off:
U.S. International
Kate Evans Emily Buck
Mercy Olmstead Lee Meisel
Janet Slovin
Vance Whitaker
Jay Norelli
Please contact JD Swanson (jd.swanson(a)salve.edu), Chair, RosEXEC membership committee.
JD Swanson, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Biology and Class Dean
Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences
Salve Regina University
100 Ochre Point Ave
Newport RI 02840
Ph) 401-341-3165
To book an appointment please go to
Hi Folks,
If you have transcriptome data for any of the Rosaceae species that you would like housed in GDR could you please contact us. Although reads are available in the NCBI SRA, access to the assemblies are not available and these are valuable resources we should make available if possible. Full credit will be given on GDR to data contributors.
Many Thanks
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)wsu.edu<mailto:dorrie@wsu.edu>
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu<http://www.bioinfo.wsu.edu/>
Registration and abstract submission for the 7th International Rosaceae Genomics Conference is now open. The conference website, http://www.rosaceae.org/conferences/rgc7, has links for registration and abstract submission as well as information on the negotiated hotel room rate. We will have the costs for the pre- and post-tours soon. If you have any questions about the conference or have problems registering or submitting an abstract, please email us at rgc7(a)rosaceae.org<mailto:rgc7@rosaceae.org>.
We look forward to seeing you in Seattle in 2014!
Reminder: Rapid Cycle Crop Breeding (RCCB) conference to be held Jan 7-10, near Washington, D.C. Please note that the abstract and early registration deadlines have been extended to December 1st after which walk-in registration rates will apply.
On behalf of our organizing committee, we would like to invite all of you to the 1st international conference on Rapid Cycle Crop Breeding (RCCB) which will be held January 7 through the 10th, 2014 (the week prior to Plant and Animal Genome) just outside of Washington DC (Landsdowne, VA). There will be four aspects covered; practical breeding systems, science of shortened juvenility, regulatory aspects concerning novel transgenic crops, and a workshop on how to talk about biotechnology to the public. Invited speakers include: Bert Abbott, Sue Gardner, Pace Lubinsky, Magda-Viola Hanke, Leandro Pena, Steve Strauss and Ralph Scorza. Further information is on our website including how to register: http://www.ars.usda.gov/SP2UserFiles/Place/19310505/RCCB%20Conference.docx
Submitted abstracts to rapidcyclecropbreeding(a)yahoo.com<mailto:rapidcyclecropbreeding@yahoo.com> will be considered for presentations.
Attached is an information sheet with all the details on registration, location and agenda.
If further information is needed, please feel free to contact Ralph Scorza, ralph.scorza(a)ars.usda.gov<mailto:ralph.scorza@ars.usda.gov>.
Also attached is a flyer for the conference.
Chris Dardick
Chris Dardick
Plant Molecular Biologist/Pathologist
USDA ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station
2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
Office: 304-725-3451 ext. 387
Cell: 304-991-9528
Chris Dardick
Plant Molecular Biologist/Pathologist
USDA ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station
2217 Wiltshire Road
Kearneysville, WV 25430
Office: 304-725-3451 ext. 387
Cell: 304-991-9528
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