For details on the application, please refer to Announcement<… >.
The US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC) will evaluate applications and select up to 4 awardees. Submit your application to: Dr. Per McCord (phmccord(a) and Dr. Ksenija Gasic (kgasic(a)
Dear Rosaceae Community,
As the year 2024 is coming to an end, in RosEXEC we are getting ready for the year 2025 by renovating energy and motivation. Thus, from the RosEXEC leadership we are pleased to announce new additions to the RosEXEC membership.
Dr. Alejandro Calle, at Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology in Spain, and Dr. Yuepeng Han at Wuhan Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Science Sciences, in China, are joining us as International Liaisons for the European and …
[View More]Asian regions, respectively, for the term 2025-2028.
Dr. Chunxian Chen, at Fruit and Tree Nut Research in Byron, GA, with USDA-ARS, and Dr. Seonghee Lee, at the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center of the University of Florida, are joining us as US-based committee members for the term 2025-2028, as well. Also, thank you to Dr. Tom Gradizel, at UC Davis, for his willingness to serve and additional year in this capacity.
Please join us to thank for their service to RosEXEC to rotating off members Dr. Gayle Volk, Dr. Jim Luby, Dr. Josette Lewis, who served as US-based RosEXEC members. Also, to Dr. Daniele Bassi, Dr. Sara Montanari, and Dr. Iban Eduardo Muñoz, who served as international liaisons. Their service and commitment to the Rosaceae Community is appreciated.
RosEXEC is looking forward for the exciting opportunities that the year 2025 will bring. Of high relevance is the RGC12, May 6-9, 2025, in the Costa Brava of Spain, as an opportunity to engage and bring together the Rosaceae Community on the advances of genomics and allied fields for Rosaceae species. Under the lead of Dr. Per McCord as chair of RosEXEC, and Dr. Chris Gottchalk as vice chair, RosEXEC aims to continue fulfilling its mission of serving as a communication, coordination, and focal point for the Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding Community.
Wishing you all a successful year 2025,
RosEXEC Leadership
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From: Scagel, Carolyn - REE-ARS <carolyn.scagel(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 5:03 PM
Subject: National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Corvallis, OR is accepting applications for a Horticulturist/Geneticist (Plants) GS-0437/0440-12 w/ FPL GS-14
The Corvallis National Clonal Germplasm Repository has an opening for a CAT 4 Horticulturist/Curator.
This is an extremely important position. See below and attached.
[View More]The opening period on the position is short and we really want to get as many qualified applicants as possible.
Please help us by distributing to anyone you feel might be interested.
Type of appointment: Permanent
Open: December 18, 2024 Closes: December 26, 2024
Position Title: Horticulturist/Geneticist (Plants)
PP/Series/Grade(s): GS-0437/0440-12 (FPL GS-14)
Location: Corvallis, OR
Vacancy Announcement: ARS-D25PWA-12649101-MDS
USAJobs Control Number: 824903300
Direct Link to the Announcement--> ARS-D25PWA-12649101-MDS<>
More information:<>
Carolyn Scagel
Research Leader
United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Research Service
Corvallis National Clonal Germplasm Repository
33447 Peoria Road, Corvallis, OR 97333
Cell: 541-452-2260 | Carolyn.Scagel(a)<>
Plants and People: Value, Protect, Nurture, Respect.
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.
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Rosaceae Community members,
Just a reminder to please vote in the election of new U.S.-based members and international liaisons to the RosEXEC committee. We are trying to wrap up the election today (December 6th)
Here's the link:
Per McCord
RosEXEC Vice-chair
Rosaceae Community members,
The election of new U.S.-based members and international liaisons to the RosEXEC committee is open. The election ends this Friday (December 6th). Here's the link:;!!JmPEgB…
My apologies for the short window; I mistakenly sent it to just RosEXEC members before Thanksgiving. Please vote!
Per McCord
RosEXEC Vice-chair