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From: McCord, Per Hilding via Rosexec-list <rosexec-list(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 8:56:08 PM
To: rosexec-list(a) <rosexec-list(a)>
Subject: [Rosexec-list] Request for Nominations for new ROSEXEC Members
RosEXEC and Rosaceae community members,
We are seeking nominations for individuals to serve a three-year term (U.S. members) and two- year term (International Liaisons) on the U.S. Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC). There are 3 open seats on the 15 member Committee and 3 open seats for International Liaisons.
Please consider nominating a colleague you consider would actively contribute to supporting the mission of RosEXEC:
* Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community
* Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research community
* Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams
* Promote research priorities
* Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public
Committee members are expected to participate in quarterly telephone conference meetings. Additional roles and responsibilities are available on the RosEXEC website (… ).<…>
Nominators must contact nominees and confirm willingness to serve on RosEXEC, then submit their name and email address to the Vice-Chair (Per McCord). Nominees should then submit a brief bio and vision statement. A community-wide election will be managed by the Genome Database for Rosaceae from November 11 -25 2024.
Thank you for your help in maintaining a strong and active RosEXEC!
Per McCord
RosEXEC Vice-Chair
From: McCord, Per Hilding via Rosexec-list <rosexec-list(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 11:55 PM
To: rosexec-list(a) <rosexec-list(a)>
Subject: [Rosexec-list] Request for Nominations for new ROSEXEC Members
RosEXEC Members,
We are seeking nominations for individuals to serve a three-year term (U.S. members) and two- year term (International Liaisons) on the U.S. Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC). There are 3 open seats on the 15 member Committee and 3 open seats for International Liaisons.
Please consider nominating a colleague you consider would actively contribute to supporting the mission of RosEXEC:
* Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community
* Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research community
* Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams
* Promote research priorities
* Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public
Committee members are expected to participate in quarterly telephone conference meetings. Additional roles and responsibilities are available on the RosEXEC website (… ).<…>
Nominators must contact nominees and confirm willingness to serve on RosEXEC, then submit their name and email address to the Vice-Chair (Per McCord). Nominees should then submit a brief bio and vision statement. A community-wide election will be managed by the Genome Database for Rosaceae from November 4 -18, 2024.
Thank you for your help in maintaining a strong and active RosEXEC!
Per McCord
RosEXEC Vice-Chair
Rosaceae Community,
Please, spread the word, the USDA - Agricultural Research Service, Pacific West Area, Crop Diseases, Pests & Genetics Research Unit in Parlier, California is looking to hire a Research Geneticist (Plants) Prunus breeder.
Information about the job is available here:
Inquiries about the position can be directed to Dr. Lindsay Burbank (lindsey.burbank(a)<>) and Dr. Rodrigo Krugner (rodrigo.krugner(a)<>).
Rosaceae community and RosEXEC membership,
This is friendly reminder and reiteration of the invitation to attend the first RosEXEC meeting of 2024. The information to join the meeting through zoom is provided below. The meeting will take place between noon and 1:30 PM EST.
Attached, you will find the agenda that we will try to cover during the meeting, and as usual we plan to have the minutes of the meeting available in the RosEXEC website<>.
Hope to see many of you tomorrow!
RosEXEC Leadership
Jonathan Fresnedo Ramirez is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting fort the 1stRosEXEC meeting, 2024.
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The Ohio State University
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