Hello everyone,
First I apologize if you get this email twice. I have sent it to the GDR mailing list and the conference attendee list.
All of the abstracts from RGC7 have been made public. Some abstracts, also have a poster PDF or presentation recording associated with them (with permission from authors). To access the abstracts, got to http://www.rosaceae.org/conferences/rgc7. There are quick links on the left to the abstract list (click on abstract title to see complete info) and a link on how to cite the abstracts. On the conference home page, there are links to a PDF of the abstract book and Dr. Rex Bernardo's wonderful keynote address.
Thanks again to all of you who attended and were involved in the planning of the conference. It went really well. Plan to attend RGC8 in France in 2016!
Jodi Humann, Ph.D. Main Lab Bioinformatics Project Coordinator Department of Horticulture Washington State University PO Box 646414 Pullman, WA 99164-6414 509-335-3206 jhumann@wsu.edu