Call for Applications for HortResearch Travel Awards for USA-New Zealand Rosaceae Genomics Partnership Initiative
One of the recommendations from the NSF / MoRSTUSA - New Zealand Rosaceae Genomics Partnership Workshop, held in New Zealand in May 2006, following the 3 rd International Rosaceae Genomics Conference, was to encourage the exchange of young researchers between USA and New Zealand.
In response to this, HortResearch offers partial funding to 2 young scientists currently working in USA laboratories, to work alongside genomics researchers in their laboratories in New Zealand.
HortResearch is best-known for its apple genomics research and has developing programmes in Prunus, Rubus and Pyrus. The Fruit Genomics Group at HortResearch has an extensive collection of ESTs from apple, as well as from kiwifruit, blueberry and avocado. The major bioinformatics capability is complemented by re-sequencing, EST cloning, transient and stable transformation (apple, kiwifruit, tobacco and Arabidopsis), to identify the function of candidate genes , and also oligo arrays, proteomic and metabolomics platforms. Key horticultural production traits focus on bud break and flowering, while consumer trait research focuses on colour and health, as well as fruit texture. There is particular interest in discovering the regulatory genes (transcription factors) that may coordinate these complex horticultural traits.
Research areas offering placements include: 'High throughput mapping /disease, tree and quality traits' - Sue Gardiner; 'Overgos' - Elena Hilario; 'Disease resistance cloning' - Erik Rikkerink; 'Microarrays' - Robert Schaffer; 'In situ hybridisation and immunolocalization' - Toshi Foster; 'Transient expression' - Roger Hellens; 'Transgenics' - Andy Allan; 'Protein expression; enzymology, proteomics' - William Laing; 'Breeding' - Vincent Bus, Richard Volz. Descriptions of team activities can be obtained from SGardiner(a) <> . General information on HortResearch can be found at <>
Applications are being solicited from young scientists (graduate students and postdocs or postdoc equivalents) working in US institutions involved in research in Rosaceae genomics, for funding of NZD 5000 plus bench fees to enable them to spend up to 1 month working with HortResearch Genomics research teams.
Applications for these awards should be sent by e-mail to: SGardiner(a) <> by Friday 2 nd February 2007. Applications must include a cv and a letter from the applicant outlining the benefits of the proposed research visit to themselves and to Rosaceae genomics research in both the US and New Zealand. A letter of support from your advisor / supervisor must also be included. Applications will be evaluated by a screening committee comprised of NZ and US scientists. Priority will be given to applicants who can demonstrate that this opportunity will directly benefit their research experience in genomics of the Rosaceae. Minority applicants are encouraged to apply.
Sue Gardiner will be available at PAG XV for discussions about the Travel Awards, along with Elena Hilario, Emily Buck and Jean-Marc Celton, also from HortResearch.
The US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics, & Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC) will be electing five new members to replace its five outgoing members prior to PAG15. RosEXEC was organized in 2006 to serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics, and breeding community. We have four objectives:
1. Define research priorities based on input from the industry and the research community
2. Foster scientific interaction and dynamic research teams
3. Promote research priorities
4. Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public
A list of the existing USRosEXEC members can be found on GDR at
Elections will be held electronically via the GDR at
(… <…> ). The process is open to Rosaceae researchers currently based in the U.S., regardless of citizenship. Only one vote can be cast per candidate. Please strive to represent the diversity of our community by electing candidates from various crop interests, institutional affiliation, and geographic location.
The US RosEXEC Membership Committee has suggested some candidates on the voting form posted on the GDR (… <…> ), but we urge interested community members to nominate other qualified candidates (also can be done via the voting page) or direct questions to Jim McFerson (mcferson(a) <> ). Outgoing RosEXEC members are eligible for re-election to a new three year term.
Please note that you can also nominate and vote on up to 4 members as international liasons for the US RosEXEC. If you have any problems using the voting page, please email Dorrie Main (dorrie(a) The deadline for voting is 13 Jan 2007, 5pm PST.
New members will be selected by vote totals and will serve three year terms. RosEXEC meets in person at the PAG and holds quarterly teleconferences. Amy Iezzoni is the outgoing and Kevin Folta is the incoming Chair.
We will be meeting on 14 Jan, 2007, 8.00 am to 10.00 am at the XV PAG Conference, San Diego, USA.
For more information see <>
Jim McFerson
RosEXEC Membership Committee
Lic. Gerardo Sánchez
Grupo Horticultura
INTA - EEA San Pedro
Ruta 9 km 170
2930 San Pedro, Buenos Aires, Argentina
TE: 54+03329+423321
e-mail: gsanchez(a)
Hi all fellow Rosaceae Community members!
(My apologies if you have this already - I have 2 mailing lists.....)
We have an open meeting scheduled at PAGXV in San Diego, Sunday Jan 14th
2007 from 10am -12 midday. Room to be notified.
This is our first chance for a get-together since RGC3 in Napier earlier
this year.
Can you please let me know;
1. If you will be at this meeting - so that we can distribute any papers to
you prior to the meeting.
2. Items you would like to discuss.......
- I can think of our White Paper as a matter of urgency;
- It would be good to have an update on the progress of RosPOP
- And any information on international sequencing project plans,
- Genetic marker exchanges.......
- Reviews / books planned, in progress
- What else is dear to you?
Best wishes,
Sue Gardiner,
Chair, RosIGI steering committee.
Dr. Susan Gardiner,
Principal Scientist, Plant Gene Mapping,
HortResearch, Private Bag 11030,
Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Telephone: +64 6 356 8080 ext. 7772
Fax: +64 6 354 6731
The contents of this e-mail are privileged and/or confidential to the
named recipient and are not to be used by any other person and/or
organisation. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify
the sender and delete all material pertaining to this e-mail.
Please forward to anyone interested in your organization. Position is
also listed on the GDR website.
ASSOCIATE IN RESEARCH - Washington State University is seeking a highly
motivated, talented, and creative scientist for a plant genomics
project. Position is initially available for two years with the
possibility of extension. We are looking for an individual with the
demonstrated ability to primarily carry out research and manage labs.
The individual will be responsible for implementing experiments as well
as upkeep of lab equipment, ordering lab supplies, and training students
in the lab.
The successful candidate must have strong interest in plant molecular
biology, bioinformatics, genomics and tissue culture. Required: a B.S.
degree. Preferred: 1) a M.S. degree 2) prior experience in basic plant
molecular biology techniques such as DNA extraction, cloning of PCR
products, DNA sequencing, RT-PCR, plant growth, plant transformation,
computer programming, and general microbial techniques; 3) ability to
interact and work collaboratively with others.
Application review begins immediately. Application materials includes a
brief cover letter outlining interests and qualifications, curriculum
vitae, transcripts, and the names and e-mail addresses of three
references (please send all materials as a single PDF file). Send
applications materials to Dr. Amit Dhingra, Dept. of Horticulture &
Landscape Architecture, WSU, P.O. Box 646414, Pullman, WA 99164-6414.
Fax: (509)335-8690; e-mail: adhingra(a) AA/EE0/ADA
Amit Dhingra, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
PO Box 646414
46 Johnson Hall
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Phone: (509) 335-3625
Cell: (352) 246-4092
Fax: (509) 335-8690
Email: adhingra(a)
Please forward to anyone interested in your organization. Position is
also listed on the GDR website.
ASSOCIATE IN RESEARCH - Washington State University is seeking a highly
motivated, talented, and creative scientist for a plant genomics
project. Position is initially available for two years with the
possibility of extension. We are looking for an individual with the
demonstrated ability to primarily carry out research and manage labs.
The individual will be responsible for implementing experiments as well
as upkeep of lab equipment, ordering lab supplies, and training students
in the lab.
The successful candidate must have strong interest in plant molecular
biology, bioinformatics, genomics and tissue culture. Required: a B.S.
degree. Preferred: 1) a M.S. degree 2) prior experience in basic plant
molecular biology techniques such as DNA extraction, cloning of PCR
products, DNA sequencing, RT-PCR, plant growth, plant transformation,
computer programming, and general microbial techniques; 3) ability to
interact and work collaboratively with others.
Application review begins immediately. Application materials includes a
brief cover letter outlining interests and qualifications, curriculum
vitae, transcripts, and the names and e-mail addresses of three
references (please send all materials as a single PDF file). Send
applications materials to Dr. Amit Dhingra, Dept. of Horticulture &
Landscape Architecture, WSU, P.O. Box 646414, Pullman, WA 99164-6414.
Fax: (509)335-8690; e-mail: adhingra(a) AA/EE0/ADA
Amit Dhingra, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Horticulture & Landscape Architecture
PO Box 646414
46 Johnson Hall
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Phone: (509) 335-3625
Cell: (352) 246-4092
Fax: (509) 335-8690
Email: adhingra(a)
Personally, I think q-Mat would be sufficient, and I like simplicity. There are other ways to address the rest of that information. Just my opinion.
Dr. Kim Lewers
USDA/ARS Fruit Lab
BARC-West, Bldg. 010A, rm. 210
10300 Baltimore Avenue
Beltsville, MD 20705
office: 301-504-6768
lab: 301-504-6498
fax: 301-504-5062
e-mail: lewersk(a)
>>> Jim Olmstead <jwolmstead(a)> 09/13/06 02:17PM >>>
Dear Rosaceae Community Members,
During the Prunus workshop at the RGC3 Conference in New Zealand,
Cameron Peace, Eben Oqundiwin and I were asked to work on developing a
draft of QTL nomenclature suggestions that could be used to standardize
QTL reporting within Prunus. I've attached a working document for the
community as a whole to comment on. Although we have concentrated on
Prunus, please note that the opportunity exists to expand these
suggestions to the entire Rosaceae family.
If you find this topic interesting and would like to be included in
future mailings, please follow this link to the Genome Database for
Rosaceae website
and sign up for the QTL topics mailing list. Once you have signed up
for the mailing list, you can use the email address
rosaceae-qtl-list(a) to send mail to the subscribed
group. Communications from this mailing list can then be viewed at:
You may also address any comments and suggestions concerning this topic
directly to me - you'll find the contact information below. I look
forward to hearing from you!
Jim Olmstead
Cherry Breeding - Washington State University
James Olmstead
24106 N. Bunn Rd.
Prosser, WA 99350
Office: 509-786-9249
Fax: 509-786-9370
Email: jwolmstead(a)
Dear Rosaceae Community Members,
During the Prunus workshop at the RGC3 Conference in New Zealand,
Cameron Peace, Eben Oqundiwin and I were asked to work on developing a
draft of QTL nomenclature suggestions that could be used to standardize
QTL reporting within Prunus. I've attached a working document for the
community as a whole to comment on. Although we have concentrated on
Prunus, please note that the opportunity exists to expand these
suggestions to the entire Rosaceae family.
If you find this topic interesting and would like to be included in
future mailings, please follow this link to the Genome Database for
Rosaceae website
and sign up for the QTL topics mailing list. Once you have signed up
for the mailing list, you can use the email address
rosaceae-qtl-list(a) to send mail to the subscribed
group. Communications from this mailing list can then be viewed at:
You may also address any comments and suggestions concerning this topic
directly to me - you'll find the contact information below. I look
forward to hearing from you!
Jim Olmstead
Cherry Breeding - Washington State University
James Olmstead
24106 N. Bunn Rd.
Prosser, WA 99350
Office: 509-786-9249
Fax: 509-786-9370
Email: jwolmstead(a)