Dear Dr Sook Jung,
This is Gholamreza Rabiei -PhD student- at the University of New England
(Australia). I would like to attend the 4th International Rosaceae Genomics
Conference, but couldn't find any information on how to register and costs
involved. Unfortunately the web page for the conference is not working
It is greatly appreciated if you could kindly provide me with some
information in this regard.
Best regards,
Gholamreza Rabiei
To all, for comment:
The descriptor "ploidy" should be defined as "number of chromosome sets",
not as "number of chromosomes". I suggest inclusion or substitution of a
descriptor called "chromosome number". This number should be expressed in a
manner that expresses ploidy as well as chromosome number; For the
octoploid strawberry, the chromosome number should be expressed as 2n = 8x
= 56, in which the term "2n" indicates a "sporophytic" number as opposed to
a "gametophytic (n) number, the term "x" denotes the number of chromosomes
in a basic set (x=7 for Fragaria), and the coefficient preceding the x
denotes the number of chromosome sets (i.e., the ploidy, which in this case
is 8).
Tom Davis
Professor, Plant Biology/Genetics
Department of Plant Biology
Rudman Hall
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH USA
Phone: 603-862-3217
Fax: 603-862-3784
e-mail: tom.davis(a)
At 12:15 PM 7/26/2007, Volk, Gayle wrote:
><<rosaceaedescriptorlists.xls>> <<Descriptors Lists for RosaceaeNPGS.doc>>
>I apologize for sending a file earlier this week that had some errors in
>it. The descriptor classes (column E) of the former version were
>misaligned with the descriptor names. The attached file has column E
>deleted and has been formatted for easier use and printing. It also has a
>typo of NAGS switched to NPGS in the Source column. The NPGS descriptors
>are those described by the National Plant Germplasm System Crop Germplasm
>Committees and information on the descriptor classes is available on the
>GRIN website (For apple:
>and see attached file for links) The Bioversity descriptors are available
>online at the Bioversity website
>and the Eurisco descriptors are available online as well.
>If other groups have descriptor sets that could be included in the excel
>spreadsheet, please e-mail information to me. I'd be happy to add them.
>Gayle Volk
>1111 S Mason St.
>Ft Collins, CO 80521
>From: Volk, Gayle
>Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 6:32 PM
>To: 'gdr-list(a)'
>Subject: Rosaceae Descriptor meeting at ASHS
>We held a meeting among folks interested in developing (or learning more
>about) some descriptors across Rosacaea at the ASHS meetings last
>week. I've attached the minutes from that meeting (thanks to Jim McFerson
>and Nahla Bassil for their comments), as well as some associated
>spreadsheets. I realize that not all members of the Rosaceae genomics
>community may be interested in receiving e-mail on the descriptor sets in
>the future. We'll continue future discussions among the lists of people
>listed in the minutes (attendees as well as those who couldn't make it at
>that meeting). Please let me know if you would like to be added to that
>mailing list.
>General background and a future direction for deciding upon Rosaceae
>descriptors was discussed at the meeting last week (see attached
>minutes). The next step is to brainstorm sets of descriptors from the
>major classes of interest in breeding/research programs across Rosaceae:
>1) disease, 2) quality, 3) yield, 4) abiotic stress. We ask that anyone
>interested come up with 3-7 descriptors in one or more of the 4 categories
>that could be of interest across at least 2 genera within
>Rosaceae. Eventually, we'll have to scale things to make them relative
>within the genera (i.e. raw data for fruit weight as well as weight
>relative to a standard) and if you'd like to comment on possible ways to
>accomplish this, then please do. I'll compile a list of all the ideas we
>receive and then forward it to those interested being on the mailing
>lists. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (e-mail
>is best since I'll be on travel during much of the next month). I'd like
>to receive a first draft of ideas by August 10th so we can have the
>compiled list available for discussion at the next descriptor meeting to
>be held during the Portland, OR Fireblight meetings on August 13.
>I look forward to hearing from you.
> << File: Rosaceae Descriptors for GRIN7-17-07.doc >> << File:
> Descriptor classes.xls >> << File: trait ontologies.xls >> << File:
> rosaceaedescriptorlists.xls >>
>Gayle Volk
>1111 S Mason St.
>Ft Collins, CO 80521
>Main Bioinformatics Laboratory
>GDR-LIST mailing list
<<rosaceaedescriptorlists.xls>> <<Descriptors Lists for
I apologize for sending a file earlier this week that had some errors in
it. The descriptor classes (column E) of the former version were
misaligned with the descriptor names. The attached file has column E
deleted and has been formatted for easier use and printing. It also has
a typo of NAGS switched to NPGS in the Source column. The NPGS
descriptors are those described by the National Plant Germplasm System
Crop Germplasm Committees and information on the descriptor classes is
available on the GRIN website (For apple: and see
attached file for links) The Bioversity descriptors are available
online at the Bioversity website
IE=13 and the Eurisco descriptors are available online as well.
If other groups have descriptor sets that could be included in the excel
spreadsheet, please e-mail information to me. I'd be happy to add them.
Gayle Volk
1111 S Mason St.
Ft Collins, CO 80521
> _____________________________________________
> From: Volk, Gayle
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 6:32 PM
> To: 'gdr-list(a)'
> Subject: Rosaceae Descriptor meeting at ASHS
> We held a meeting among folks interested in developing (or learning
> more about) some descriptors across Rosacaea at the ASHS meetings last
> week. I've attached the minutes from that meeting (thanks to Jim
> McFerson and Nahla Bassil for their comments), as well as some
> associated spreadsheets. I realize that not all members of the
> Rosaceae genomics community may be interested in receiving e-mail on
> the descriptor sets in the future. We'll continue future discussions
> among the lists of people listed in the minutes (attendees as well as
> those who couldn't make it at that meeting). Please let me know if
> you would like to be added to that mailing list.
> General background and a future direction for deciding upon Rosaceae
> descriptors was discussed at the meeting last week (see attached
> minutes). The next step is to brainstorm sets of descriptors from the
> major classes of interest in breeding/research programs across
> Rosaceae: 1) disease, 2) quality, 3) yield, 4) abiotic stress. We ask
> that anyone interested come up with 3-7 descriptors in one or more of
> the 4 categories that could be of interest across at least 2 genera
> within Rosaceae. Eventually, we'll have to scale things to make them
> relative within the genera (i.e. raw data for fruit weight as well as
> weight relative to a standard) and if you'd like to comment on
> possible ways to accomplish this, then please do. I'll compile a list
> of all the ideas we receive and then forward it to those interested
> being on the mailing lists. If you have any questions, please feel
> free to contact me (e-mail is best since I'll be on travel during much
> of the next month). I'd like to receive a first draft of ideas by
> August 10th so we can have the compiled list available for discussion
> at the next descriptor meeting to be held during the Portland, OR
> Fireblight meetings on August 13.
> I look forward to hearing from you.
> << File: Rosaceae Descriptors for GRIN7-17-07.doc >> << File:
> Descriptor classes.xls >> << File: trait ontologies.xls >> << File:
> rosaceaedescriptorlists.xls >>
> Gayle
> Gayle Volk
> 1111 S Mason St.
> Ft Collins, CO 80521
> 970-495-3205
We held a meeting among folks interested in developing (or learning more
about) some descriptors across Rosacaea at the ASHS meetings last week.
I've attached the minutes from that meeting (thanks to Jim McFerson and
Nahla Bassil for their comments), as well as some associated
spreadsheets. I realize that not all members of the Rosaceae genomics
community may be interested in receiving e-mail on the descriptor sets
in the future. We'll continue future discussions among the lists of
people listed in the minutes (attendees as well as those who couldn't
make it at that meeting). Please let me know if you would like to be
added to that mailing list.
General background and a future direction for deciding upon Rosaceae
descriptors was discussed at the meeting last week (see attached
minutes). The next step is to brainstorm sets of descriptors from the
major classes of interest in breeding/research programs across Rosaceae:
1) disease, 2) quality, 3) yield, 4) abiotic stress. We ask that anyone
interested come up with 3-7 descriptors in one or more of the 4
categories that could be of interest across at least 2 genera within
Rosaceae. Eventually, we'll have to scale things to make them relative
within the genera (i.e. raw data for fruit weight as well as weight
relative to a standard) and if you'd like to comment on possible ways to
accomplish this, then please do. I'll compile a list of all the ideas
we receive and then forward it to those interested being on the mailing
lists. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (e-mail
is best since I'll be on travel during much of the next month). I'd
like to receive a first draft of ideas by August 10th so we can have the
compiled list available for discussion at the next descriptor meeting to
be held during the Portland, OR Fireblight meetings on August 13.
I look forward to hearing from you.
<<Rosaceae Descriptors for GRIN7-17-07.doc>> <<Descriptor
classes.xls>> <<trait ontologies.xls>> <<rosaceaedescriptorlists.xls>>
Gayle Volk
1111 S Mason St.
Ft Collins, CO 80521
Hi Everyone,
Gayle Volk had difficulty posting this message to the gdr-list, so I'm
going to try forwarding it for her.
Anyone who is going to ASHS in Scottsdale next week and/or is interested
in phenotyping of Rosaceae by the NPGS will want to read it.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: Volk, Gayle <Gayle.Volk(a)ARS.USDA.GOV>
> To: Baldo, Angela <Angela.Baldo(a)ARS.USDA.GOV>
> Subject: FW: Phenotypes for Rosaceae
> Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 10:36:08 -0400
> At the Rosaceae Specialty Crops planning workshop in East Lansing a
> few weeks ago, I understand that there was some discussion on
> developing lists of uniform descriptors across Rosaceae species. The
> USDA-ARS-National Plant Germplasm System has lists of descriptors that
> have been developed by crop-specific Crop Germplasm Committees
> (membership information attached). There are also lists of
> descriptors that have been developed through European Working Groups.
> I believe there is an interest within the Rosaceae community to review
> these lists of descriptors (NPGS descriptors are attached) and decide
> if changes or additions are necessary. Nahla Bassil has proposed that
> we have a meeting among interested researchers at the ASHS meetings in
> Scottsdale next week to discuss this subject. We would appreciate
> hearing from you (bassiln(a);
> gvolk(a) if you would like to participate in this
> meeting, and Nahla will set up the time and location. FYI, the annual
> Prunus CGC meeting will also be held during the ASHS meetings next
> week.
> We'd appreciate hearing from you by Wednesday afternoon, July 11 if
> you are willing to attend a meeting next week to discuss descriptors
> at ASHS. If you won't be attending the ASHS meetings, but have input
> you'd like to provide, please e-mail us. We'd like to find out which
> members of the Rosaceae community are interested in this topic.
> <<rose_cgc.pdf>> <<Descriptors Lists for Rosaceae.doc>>
> Thanks,
> Gayle Volk
> National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation
> 1111 S Mason St.
> Ft Collins, CO 80521
> 970-495-3205
Angela M. Baldo, PHD
Computational Biologist
USDA, ARS Plant Genetic Resources Unit
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
630 W. North Street
Geneva, NY 14456-0462
voice 315 787-2413 or 607 254-9413
fax 315 787-2339 or 607 254-9339
> At the Rosaceae Specialty Crops planning workshop in East Lansing a
> few weeks ago, I understand that there was some discussion on
> developing lists of uniform descriptors across Rosaceae species. The
> USDA-ARS-National Plant Germplasm System has lists of descriptors that
> have been developed by crop-specific Crop Germplasm Committees
> (membership information attached). There are also lists of
> descriptors that have been developed through European Working Groups.
> I believe there is an interest within the Rosaceae community to review
> these lists of descriptors (NPGS descriptors are attached) and decide
> if changes or additions are necessary. Nahla Bassil has proposed that
> we have a meeting among interested researchers at the ASHS meetings in
> Scottsdale next week to discuss this subject. We would appreciate
> hearing from you (bassiln(a);
> gvolk(a) if you would like to participate in this
> meeting, and Nahla will set up the time and location. FYI, the annual
> Prunus CGC meeting will also be held during the ASHS meetings next
> week.
> We'd appreciate hearing from you by Wednesday afternoon, July 11 if
> you are willing to attend a meeting next week to discuss descriptors
> at ASHS. If you won't be attending the ASHS meetings, but have input
> you'd like to provide, please e-mail us. We'd like to find out which
> members of the Rosaceae community are interested in this topic.
> <<rose_cgc.pdf>> <<Descriptors Lists for Rosaceae.doc>>
> Thanks,
> Gayle Volk
> National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation
> 1111 S Mason St.
> Ft Collins, CO 80521
> 970-495-3205
Dear Rose researchers,
We are pleased to invite you to *the first International Rose Genomics
meeting in Angers (France) from the 11th to 13th of December 2007*. The
aim of the meeting is to provide a setting where all private and public
researchers involved in rose breeding, genetics, and genomics
interchange information and, set priorities in the emerging area of rose
genomics to best direct our efforts to improve rose breeding. The
development of rose genomics needs an international effort from public
and private groups to launch collaborations for the creation of
international initiatives for funding projects.
You will find all the information concerning the meeting on the the
following website : We asked
you to preregister on line (with no payment) in order to evaluate the
number of participants. The registration (with payment) will be opened
later in September. We encourage you to submit an abstract for selection
to an oral presentation.
Feel free to circulate this 1st announcement to your colleagues and
collaborators involved in rose breeding, genetics and genomics.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the organization
committee (rose.genomics2007(a)
We hope to see you in Angers.
Fabrice Foucher
For the organization committee.
Hi Everyone,
Gayle Volk at the USDA-ARS National Center for Genetic Resources
Preservation in Ft. Collins, CO has put together some resources that we
might find helpful:
summarizing recent changes in the USDA-ARS National Plant Germplasm
System "NPGS" (genotyping Rosaceae, and improvements to the Genetic
Resources Information Network "GRIN")
Rosaceae inventory.xls
A summary of the Malus, Pyrus, Fragaria, Prunus, Rubus, and Rosa
accessions held in the germplasm system
Descriptors Lists for Rosaceae.doc
A large file with links in it, listing all the morphological descriptors
for which there is information in GRIN.
Feel free to contact Gayle directly if you have any questions, comments,
or suggestions; or if you'll be in Michigan this week, I can try and
clarify things.
Angela M. Baldo, PHD
Computational Biologist
Plant Genetic Resources Unit
& Grape Genetics Research Unit
New York State Agricultural Experiment Station
630 W. North Street
Geneva, NY 14456-0462
voice 315 787-2413 or 607 254-9413
fax 315 787-2339 or 607 254-9339
***Sorry to those of you who have already received this message - this
time it is being sent to a wider audience***
Dear Rosaceae crops genomics, genetics, and breeding community,
To help focus our community during the upcoming Rosaceae Specialty Crops
Planning Workshop (RSCPW - say three times fast!) in East Lansing, June
22-23, we solicit your input for core ideas for a full CAP proposal to
USDA-NRI. Note that this is a US funding opportunity and must have clear
outcomes for the US. However, international collaborations are welcome,
especially those that leverage existing resources and expertise.
The Workshop foremost will be a community-building effort, bringing
together a diverse range of stakeholders in the future of Rosaceae crop
improvement. At the same time, we will seek to develop strategies for
practical application of genomics to provide positive outcomes for
industry and society. One channel for such strategies is through
individual project proposals that are aligned with community objectives
(White Paper and Roadmap). Another is on a broader scale via an Applied
Plant Genomics Coordinated Agricultural Project (CAP) through the
USDA-NRI. To show development as a community, and to have any chance of
getting funded at the CAP level, we need consensus - we all need to get
behind something! A CAP project will involve many institutions across
the US and abroad. No CAP proposal will cover all of our needs - that's
a reality that our diversity entails. But any funded RosCAP would be a
massive boost to us all, and a stepping stone to so much else we want to
achieve. In the end, a successful RosCAP requires that we all get behind
a single idea to spearhead applied genomics in Rosaceae.
Our workshop duration is short, and our experience, expertise, and
opinions diverse. The RSCPW steering committee agrees that would be
useful if we entered the meeting with some ideas for CAP proposals in
hand. This would save time during the proceedings and give all
participants the chance to consider these various ideas prior to the
workshop and to prepare for further discussion. It enables active
community members to be active, requires nothing further from less
active members, and will provide solid foundations to build a CAP
proposal with wide community involvement.
We do not intend to put the cart before the horse. It is understood that
before, during, and after the workshop we will be discussing obstacles
and opportunities for applied genomics in Rosaceae. Some of you will
raise valid points that have never before been thought of by the rest of
us. All of this will be considered, and we must keep our ideas open for
such input. However, we increase our chances of coming out with a clear
strategy and make greater gain if we start the workshop with some core
project ideas in mind - circulated widely before the workshop, to be
discussed during the workshop.
Details for core idea submission:
The outlines should be short - 2 pages maximum.
To enable dissemination to the rest of the community before the
workshop, they must be submitted by Monday 11 June. Submit to the RSCPW
core idea coordinator, Cameron Peace via email: cpeace(a)
Use the following headings:
Working title
Alignment with US White Paper and Roadmap
You should consult the USDA-NRI 2007 RFA
(, pp34-39) for
the scope and particulars of a CAP proposal, and read up on successfully
funded CAPs.
White Paper, March 2006:
Roadmap, February 2007:
I don't see why individual people can't support multiple core ideas at
this stage, so if you think of or hear of more than one potentially
useful core idea, put your name down on each. But remember that in the
end, there can be only one CAP proposal from our community.
The expectation of the RSCPW steering committee is that ideas will be
hatched, discussed among colleagues to refine details and garner
support, written in the above format, and submitted by Monday June 11.
Shortly thereafter, I will distribute your core ideas, on behalf of the
RSCPW steering committee, to Rosaceae participants of the workshop, so
that each idea can be considered and discussed by this wider audience in
the week before the workshop, and then used as foci and jumping-off
points for discussion during the workshop, both informally and formally.
We can refine, amalgamate, or discard ideas as we go. During Day 1 of
the workshop, speakers may refer directly to the pros or cons of a
particular core idea. During Day 2, our discussions will be more focused
and can directly refer to the merits of these suggested core ideas,
putting us ahead in developing our strategic plan and implementation
plan. This will greatly help us achieve Workshop Deliverables 2 and 3.
Workshop deliverables:
1) We will develop a final workshop report to summarize the outcomes of
the discussions...
2) A strategic plan for development of "science to the marketplace" for
Rosaceous crops to guide individual future funding efforts in the
3) A community framework for a CAP in Rosaceae that can be translated
into proposals to relevant agencies.
If you have any other comments/ ideas/suggestions for workshop
consideration that are not formalized as a core idea in the above
format, you are strongly encouraged to submit them in the web form
hosted on the GDR
t_form.cgi). These comments will be compiled and made available as part
of the workshop packet that will be disseminated prior to the workshop,
and presented at the workshop within planned discussion sessions.
Cameron Peace, on behalf of the RSCPW steering committee
Dear All,
I am deeply disappointed with this development (or rather lack of it!).
I had not yet attended any GDR meetings or formally collaborated with
you but had been working towards that point. We have a relatively
successful apple breeding program here in Western Australia (Cripps
Pink, ie Pink Lady and Cripps Red, ie Sundowner among the releases).
Although very much based on conventional breeding, we are developing
molecular capacity and hoping to develop international collaboration.
The withdrawal of funding for GDR is a setback for us all.
Kind regards, Mick
Dr Michael Considine
Research Scientist
Department of Agriculture WA
3 Baron-Hay Crt, South Perth, WA, 6151
alt email. mickcons(a)
ph. +61 8 9368 3209
fax. +61 8 9368 2958
-----Original Message-----
From: gdr-list-bounces(a)
[] On Behalf Of riccardo velasco
Sent: Sunday, 20 May 2007 1:28 AM
To: Main, Doreen; gdr-list(a)
Subject: Re: [GDR] GDR Renewal
Dear Doreen
although I am just arrived in the Rosaceae world I can
say you have done one of the best works ever seen. I
hope things will go better again soon, in between
thanks a lot for your efforts and nice collaboration
hopefully we will meet soon in Zaragoza, I will keep
you and the community informed about the progress on
apple genome.
best regards
--- "Main, Doreen" <dorrie(a)> ha scritto:
> Hi Folks,
> NSF are unable to support a renewal for GDR this
> year although a small supplementary award to the
> original grant may be possible. While it is very
> dissapointing, we will continue to do what we can
> while we pursue other sources of funding but please
> be aware we don't have any resources available to us
> at the current time.
> You have been a really great community to work with
> and we appreciate all your support as we have built
> the database.
> Cheers
> Dorrie, Sook and Bert
> Dorrie Main, PhD
> Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
> Center for Integrated Biotechnology
> Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
> Washington State University
> 45 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6414
> Email: dorrie(a)
> Tel: (509) 335 2774
> Fax: (509) 335 8690
> > _______________________________________________
> Main Bioinformatics Laboratory
> GDR-LIST mailing list
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