Dear colleagues,
GDR will be trying to more actively incorporate ontology terms to describe traits/QTLs and also to further develop the terms required for Rosaceae, in collaboration with Plant Ontology Consortium ( and gramene.
Inputs from researchers like you will be of great help for this effort, so we'd appreciate if you can share your expertise in this effort.
Below is the excerpt from an email sent by Dr. Chih-Wei Tung, a POC curator.
"To start this collaboration, POC researchers encouraged Rosaceae researchers to browse and search current plant ontology (, as well as trait ontology (, your feedback is very important for us to know what type of terms are missing or what types of terms can be modified or add as synonyms to existing ontologies, these are the information we'd really like to know from experts in Roseaceae community. If you know of any references (books, websites, etc.) which can helps us to understand the morphology, developmental stage, as well as phenotypes of Rosaceae, please share with us, this will serve as a starting point for POC curators to be familiar with these two families and facilitate us to curate new terms when needed. Thank you so much! "
You can post your opinions in GDR mailing list ( so that we can share and discuss the suggestion. If needed, we can make a separate mailing list for this purpose.
Thank you,
Sook Jung