Dear Rosaceae researchers,
Gene Naming Guideline has been put together by Rosaceae Gene Name
Standardization Subcommittee of RosEXEC/RosIGI and is available in
GDR. This information is found on the main menu at 'Help' ->'Gene Naming
We recommend authors to refer to the list of gene class symbols in Rosaceae
and gene naming guidelines and submit the gene/gene class data. As in the
guideline, the data can be submitted in the template …
[View More]available from the
page below.
*If you are working on Rosaceae genes, we would like to ask you to submit
your gene data using the guideline and give us any feedback. If you know of
any researchers who are actively working on genes, please forward this
The gene data includes gene name, gene symbol, species, gene model ID,
evidence code, etc.
After getting enough feedback from the community researchers, we will work
with editors of journals to check whether the authors are following the
nomenclature guidelines and make sure that novel gene names have been
submitted to NCBI and/or GDR before accepting a paper as publishable.
Unlike, NCBI, GDR will accept genes that do not come from single molecule
sequencing with appropriate evidence code.
GDR team
Sook Jung, PhD
Assistant Research Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Email: sook_jung(a)
Follow GDR on Twitter!
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