Dear Rosaceae Community Members:
We are ready to vote on the 2016 candidates for RosEXEC.
Voting begins November 24 and ends December 11th.
Please go to the following web site on GDR to fill out your electronic ballot. You can learn more about any candidates’ background and vision for RosEXEC contribution by clicking on their name.…
The community will elect five new U.S. members and two new International members to a 3-year term. U.S.-based members will vote for both U.S. candidates and International candidates. International community members will vote for International candidates only.
This year’s slate is diverse. We encourage you to consider voting to create a leadership group that will appropriately represent the amazing diversity of the Rosaceae community. Current RosEXEC membership can be found at…
As a reminder, the mission of RosEXEC is to:
* Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S.
Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community
* Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research
* Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams
* Promote research priorities
* Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the
industry and the public.
Thanks again to the following U.S. and International members rotating off for their service to our community:
U.S. International
JD Swanson Fabrizio Costa
Stan Hokanson Michael Considine
Desmond Layne
Judson Ward
Michael Wisniewski
On behalf of Cameron Peace, Chair Elect of Rosexec
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie(a)<>
Assistant/Associate Professor
Tree Physiology - Fruits
Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University
The Department of Horticulture (<…>) in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University (MSU) is seeking candidates for an Assistant/Associate Professor (12-month tenure system, 80% research, 20% teaching) position to lead an internationally recognized, innovative and competitively funded research program in tree physiology that will advance sustainable fruit production in the Great Lakes region. Potential areas of research pertinent to this position include, but are not limited to: reproductive, developmental and/or stress physiology; plant nutrient acquisition, root biology, orchard floor management and/or rhizosphere/soil health; functional-structural plant modeling; and development/adaptation of plant bioregulators, canopy training systems and/or orchard technologies to optimize fruit quality, yields, tree performance and labor efficiencies. The successful candidate will join a well-established fruit research and extension team that includes horticulturists, physiologists, molecular biologists, geneticists, plant pathologists, entomologists, and agricultural engineers, as well as a network of extension educators across the state. MSU operates four field facilities for tree fruit research in key growing areas as well as on campus. Michigan is a leading producer of apples, cherries, and other tree fruits that are valued at over $350 million annually, and the tree fruit industries provide more than $1 million annually in competitive funding and directed support of research and extension pertinent to tree fruit production in the state.
The successful candidate will be expected to develop research and outreach collaborations within the MSU fruit team as well as with extramural peer and interdisciplinary scientists; procure competitive external grant funding; publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals; develop leadership activities in regional, national, and international professional scientific associations; and mentor graduate and undergraduate students. Instructional responsibilities include teaching an undergraduate course in pomology (HRT 332) and contributing to a graduate course in her/his area of expertise. Outreach activities involve service as a core resource for the MSU Fruit Extension educator team and its development of pertinent outreach tools and activities to disseminate critical new information to the fruit production industries in Michigan and beyond. Benefits include a salary commensurate with the candidate’s experience, a competitive start-up package, and attractive health, dental and retirement plans.
- Ph.D. in plant physiology/biology, horticulture, forestry, or other plant science-related fields
- Demonstrated capacity to conduct and publish independent, original, innovative research
- Excellent oral and written communication skills appropriate for both scientific peers as well as agricultural stakeholder constituencies
- Postdoctoral experience in plant physiology/biology
- Ability to work collaboratively, both as a team member and a leader
- Experience in competitive grant proposal writing and administration
- Knowledge of temperate fruit or forest tree physiology
- Experience in fruit production/orchard management systems
- Experience in teaching undergraduate and/or graduate courses
Plant Sciences at MSU: MSU is a global leader in basic and applied plant science research, with over 150 faculty members engaged in research ranging from sustainable agriculture and ecology to breeding, genomics and biochemistry. State-of-the-art laboratory, greenhouse, growth chamber, and field-based facilities are available for plant growth research, including biochemical, imaging, and gene expression analyses, bioinformatics support, and plant transformation. Plant science faculty, staff, and graduate students represent an inclusive, diverse community committed to the advancement of science and the recruitment and retention of persons from richly varied backgrounds and perspectives to maintain and enhance the excellence of the University.
Application Procedure: Qualified applicants should submit the following materials to… Faculty/Academic Staff and apply to posting #2349): a letter of application, a summary of research accomplishments and future research interests, a statement of teaching philosophy, a current resume, and contact information for at least three references who will be contacted directly by the search committee as needed. Questions about the position or the search and interview timetable can be directed to Dr. Gregory Lang, Search Committee Chair (langg(a) Questions on submitting applications through… be directed to hrt(a) Review of applications will begin December 15, and continue until the position is filled.
MSU is an affirmative action, equal-opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. The University actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities.
Reminder: Nominations for RosEXEC close this coming Monday (9 Nov).
Full details in previous message (below).
Hi everyone,
As another successful year winds down, RosEXEC (the U.S. Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding Executive Committee,) is ready for another round of elections to renew membership for 2016. In short, RosEXEC helps coordinate research initiatives in the U.S. Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding community (<…>).
We need nominations! We are looking to add five new U.S. members (three-year terms) and two new international liaisons (two-year terms). If you are willing to join or know of someone else who would be great for RosEXEC participation, please email me at cpeace(a)<> the following info for each nominated candidate prior to Monday 9 November:
* name
* CV (short version)
* brief statement (100-word max) on proposed contributions to the RosEXEC mission
Just names are good enough to get us moving - although if you are nominating someone else, it's best if you have checked their interest first. I can contact them soon after to obtain the CV and brief statement.
Past service: Five U.S. people will be rotating off as of Jan 2016, after three-year terms: Stan Hokanson, Des Layne, Judson Ward, Michael Wisniewski, and JD Swanson who served as Chair in 2014. Two international liaisons will also be rotating off after two-year terms: Fabrizio Costa and Michael Considine. Thanks to all of these RosEXEC members for their service! As a reward, these people get a one-year respite (unless voted in as the 2016 Secretary) and so are not eligible for immediate re-election. However, those who rotated off in prior years are allowed to rejoin.
Current members continuing into 2016 are Gayle Volk (Chair -> Past Chair), Cameron Peace (Vice chair -> Chair), Ksenija Gasic (Secretary -> Vice Chair), Gina Fernandez, Briana Gross, Duke Lane, Greg Reighard, Richard Bell, Jill Bushakra, Chunxian Chen, Amy Iezzoni, Kenong Xu, Michael Dossett (Intl), Riccardo Velasco (Intl), and Dorrie Main (ex officio).
Diversity is important to any committee - we aim to represent (1) roughly equally the various Rosaceae crop production and research regions of the U.S., (2) at least a couple members each of university, government / USDA-ARS, and industry, (3) rosoid, pome, and stone fruit research focuses, roughly equally, and (4) various parts of the rest of the research world. Current members continuing into 2016 add up to:
U.S. regions: 4 south, 4 east, and 4 west - well balanced
Institutions: 7 university, 3 government, 1 industry - need more industry and govt
Crop groups: 2.1 rosoid, 4.3 pome, and 5.6 stone - need more rosoid then pome
International: 1 Canada, 1 Europe - need Asia, S. Africa, Down Under, S. America
The only mandate for new 2016 membership is that one U.S. member must be industry. Details above are just a guide for areas most needing representation. Another area that would be particularly useful to have represented is bioinformatics (in Rosaceae), given RosEXEC's recently acquired new role as steering committee for the GDR.
Our next in-person, open meeting will be within the Plant & Animal Genome (PAG) Conference in San Diego, CA at the usual time (Sunday 8-10 am). All welcome! Specific details will be distributed closer to the event.
Nominations to me by Monday 9 November
Voting will be carried out 16 Nov to 18 Dec (U.S. researchers [and any other U.S.-based interested parties] may cast votes)
New members will be announced by Christmas
Secretary nominations and election (internal RosEXEC process) by the PAG meeting
Cameron Peace
2015 RosEXEC Vice Chair and Membership Subcommittee Chair