--East Malling Research registered office: New Road, East Malling, Kent ME19 6BJ. Tel. 01732-843833. Registered in England No. 5019373. Charity registration No.1102243. The information in this E-Mail and any attachments is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended to be for the use of the intended recipient/s. If you are not the recipient named above please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of …
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Dear Sir/Madam,
In 2013, East Malling Research will be celebrating 100 years of plant science at this world-famous research institute - science that has shaped the way we understand and can manipulate plants to produce high value, nutritious fruit crops across the globe.
To mark this Centenary, East Malling Research is working closely with colleagues at the Association of Applied Biologists (AAB) to organise a two-day international conference on 16-17 April 2013. Entitled, 'Fruit and Roots: A …
[View More]Celebration and Forward Look', this event has confirmed key-note speakers from New Zealand and the United States, as well as the UK.
It is with pleasure that I attach a pdf of the first announcement and call for papers. We very much hope that you can circulate or inform Members of the Rosaceae group some of whom we hope will be able to participate in this event through presenting a paper/poster or attending the conference as a delegate.
To mark this very special year for East Malling Research, we will be organising a number of other events and activities, and I very much hope that we can look forward to welcoming your Members here during 2013.
With kind regards
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Prof. Peter J. Gregory,
Chief Executive
East Malling Research
East Malling Research
New Road
East Malling
Kent ME19 6BJ
Tel: +44 (0) 1732 843833
Fax: +44 (0) 1732 849067<>
--East Malling Research registered office: New Road, East Malling, Kent ME19 6BJ. Tel. 01732-843833. Registered in England No. 5019373. Charity registration No.1102243. The information in this E-Mail and any attachments is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended to be for the use of the intended recipient/s. If you are not the recipient named above please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited and may not represent the views of EMR. Activity and use of the East Malling Research E-mail system and any communications using it are monitored to secure its effective operation and for other lawful business purposes.
--East Malling Research registered office: New Road, East Malling, Kent ME19 6BJ. Tel. 01732-843833. Registered in England No. 5019373. Charity registration No.1102243. The information in this E-Mail and any attachments is confidential, may be legally privileged and is intended to be for the use of the intended recipient/s. If you are not the recipient named above please be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited and may not represent the views of EMR. Activity and use of the East Malling Research E-mail system and any communications using it are monitored to secure its effective operation and for other lawful business purposes.
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