(This message is the same as one just distributed to ICGI members via the ICGI listserv, and so if you receive it as well as the CottonGen listserv, I apologize for the duplication.)
Please recognize approaching deadlines and upcoming events:
Nov. 1, 2013 PAG Discounted Registration rate deadline -- PAG Meeting (Jan.11-15)
Nov. 1 2013 PAG Poster Abstract Submission (submit through PAG website; presenters must register)
Nov. 8, 2013 PAG Deadline for 2014 PAG Cotton Workshop Abstract Submissions (invited speakers only; submit through PAG website)
Nov. 15, 2013 Discounted rate deadline for the "Cotton SNP Chip" (see information, see "News" at and previous email (copied below))
Dec. 13, 2013 Discounted Registration rate deadline -- Beltwide Cotton Conference ( Jan 6-8)-
Jan. 6-8, 2014 Beltwide Cotton Conference (New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Jan 6-8)-
Jan. 11-15, 2014 Plant and Aniimal Genome (PAG) Meeting (San Diego, California, USA, Jan.11-15)
Jan. 12, 4pm Cotton Genome Workshop, at PAG Meeting
Sept. 25, 2014 Biennial meeting of ICGI, Wuhan, Hubei, China (more information is forthcoming)
Best wishes,
David Stelly
Co-Chair, ICGI
A Cotton SNP Consortium is about to produce a Cotton SNP Chip with up to 70,000 public SNPs in the "Fixed Content" (on all Chips), including up to 50k intraspecific and 20k interspecific; up to 65k will involve the primary gene pool. In addition, up to 20,000 additional SNPs can be added to the sector known as "Add-on" content, which can vary from one batch of chips to another. The initial period for purchase is expected to end mid-November.
Please note that while most if not all of the multi-national participants in the Consortium are members of ICGI, neither the Consortium or Chip is ICGI-organized or sponsored.
If you are interested in obtaining additional information about the Chip, please contact me at the following EMAIL ADDRESS and SUBJECT LINE:
David M. Stelly <stelly(a)> SUBJECT LINE: "Cotton SNP Chip Information Request"
Some time after sending your email, you should receive an acknowledgment email in return.
David Stelly
Dear CottonGen Members,
A Cotton SNP Consortium is about to produce a Cotton SNP Chip with up to 70,000 public SNPs in the "Fixed Content" (on all Chips), including up to 50k intraspecific and 20k interspecific; up to 65k will involve the primary gene pool. In addition, up to 20,000 additional SNPs can be added to the sector known as "Add-on" content, which can vary from one batch of chips to another. The initial period for purchase is expected to end mid-November.
Please note that while most if not all of the multi-national participants in the Consortium are members of ICGI, neither the Consortium or Chip is ICGI-organized or sponsored.
If you are interested in obtaining additional information about the Chip, please contact me at the following EMAIL ADDRESS and SUBJECT LINE:
David M. Stelly <stelly(a)> SUBJECT LINE: "Cotton SNP Chip Information Request"
Some time after sending your email, you should receive an acknowledgment email in return.
David Stelly
ICGI Co-Chair