New Year’s Greetings to All,
The PAG-ICGI Workshop <> is quickly approaching! We would like to draw attention of those ICGI members who are traveling next week to the International Plant and Animal Genome Conference
in San Diego, California.
The ICGI workshop will be held at 4:00pm-6:10pm on the coming Sunday, January 10, 2016, in Sunset Room of Meeting House in Town and Country Hotel. Please note the change of our meeting room this year from the previous years.
The workshop’s co-organizer and our organization’s overall chair, Dr. David Stelly, will give us an update of ICGI including the upcoming joint WCRC-ICGI Conference in Brazil at the beginning of the workshop. So please arrive and be
seated promptly.
We look forward to your full participation in this informative and interactive workshop. Thanks!
John Yu