Dear ICGI members,

The ICGI 2023 Election is ending at the midnight 12am PDT tomorrow (the 27th of July, 2023). If you haven't cast your ballot yet, please make sure to exercise your right to vote!

IF YOU RECEIVE THIS EMAIL from icgi-list, BUT DON’T SEE THE BALLOT AFTER LOGIN, please go to your membership profile and check the box ‘ICGI Voting Member’.

To access candidate statements and vote, kindly visit the following page at and carefully follow to the instructions provided.

You will need to log in your ICGI Membership to vote. If you forget your ICGI username and/or password, you can retrieve your ICGI Membership Profile and reset your password by clicking on the word 'Login' from CottonGen Home (, then select 'Request new password' and follow the instructions.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have other questions about your ballot,

Thank you!

Jing Yu Ph.D. (she/her)

ICGI Website/Membership Coordinator