Dear ICGI Members,

A Cotton SNP Consortium is about to produce a Cotton SNP Chip with up to 70,000 public SNPs in the "Fixed Content" (on all Chips), including up to 50k intraspecific and 20k interspecific; up to 65k will involve the primary gene pool.  In addition, up to 20,000 additional SNPs can be added to the sector known as "Add-on" content, which can vary from one batch of chips to another.  The initial period for purchase is expected to end mid-November.  

Please note that while most if not all of the multi-national participants in the Consortium are members of ICGI, neither the Consortium or Chip is ICGI-organized or sponsored.  

If you are interested in obtaining additional information about the Chip, please contact me at the following EMAIL ADDRESS and SUBJECT LINE:

David M. Stelly <>            SUBJECT LINE:  "Cotton SNP Chip Information Request"

Some time after sending your email, you should receive an acknowledgment email in return.


David Stelly