This is a special note to MAINLAND CHINA COTTON RESEARCHERS —  you likely cannot access the WCRC-6 website for information or registration for the upcoming joint meeting:  WCRC-6 / ICGI: 

The organizers are aware of your website access issues, and they want you to come, so they urge you — PLEASE ask for information by email

 PLEASE contact the Conference Secretary: 


     phone +55 (62) 3241-3939, 


David M. Stelly 
Chair, ICGI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   (for urgent messages (TEXT ONLY) * * 

Office:    (979) 845-2745  
Mobile:   (979) 676-2087 (iPhone)


Begin forwarded message:

 The registration website is not accessible to IP from China. It will be better to send a particular note to tell us about the secretoria email address to get assisting with the registration and payment on time.