Hi Folks,

The GDR team wish you all a wonderful 2018, may it be the best of years 😊

Please find attached the first GDR newsletter of 2018.

The next one will be sent before the RCG9 conference in June. 

This new schedule enables us to update you before major conferences and meetings so you are current on GDR activities and can catch Sook or I in person with any questions (although feel free to contact us at any time of course).

Just a reminder for those of you attending PAG,  the USRosexec/RosIGI has been combined into one 2 hr meeting, to be held Sunday 10-12 in the Hampton room (note the later start - no longer 8AM). Thanks to the new RosEXEC members (who also serve as the steering committee for GDR) and to those rotating off for their service to the community and GDR, it is much appreciated.

Below is a list of the GDR and associated Mainlab presentations at PAG. We will also be at the AgBioData booth.

As always we are grateful for your support and of course your data - more please!!! 😊 Where you use GDR please remember to cite us in publications and not just by URL (citations are listed on the website). Thanks to the USDA, NSF, US Land Grant Universities and Industry for funding GDR (2003-2019).

Dorrie and Sook

Dorrie Main, PhD
Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414

Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie@wsu.edu
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu