
Dear colleagues,

I am very please to announce that the 8th Rosaceae Genome Conference (RGC8) will be held in Angers, France on 21-24 June 2016.

Go on our website :

It will be a great scientific event with plenty of  social events....

Enjoy RGC8 and Angers !!!

François Laurens 
Institut de Recherche en Horticulture et Semences UMR1345 (INRA / Agrocampus-ouest / Université d'Angers) 

Centre Angers-Nantes 
42 rue Georges Morel – BP 60057 
49071 Beaucouzé cedex - France 
Tel. : +33 (0)2 41 22 57 63 
Fax : +33 (0)2 41 22 57 55

Sook Jung, PhD
Assistant Research Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Follow GDR on Twitter!