Hi Folks,
Just wanted to let you know that GDR has been funded for the next 5 to 10 years by the USDA NIFA Specialty Crop Research Program. We are also receiving funds for the next 5 to 10 years to further develop the Tripal database platform that GDR uses and this
will further help us deliver a sustainable database that we hope meets the communities short and long term needs. To help ensure this the US Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics and Breeding Executive Committee, known as RosEXEC (which contains non US international
liaisons) has kindly agreed to serve as the GDR steering committee. We will present quarterly progress reports to them, together with planned activities for the next quarter and receive feedback from them. Our plans for the next 5 years will be posted on
GDR in the next couple of weeks and we will start issuing quarterly newsletters to the GDR mailing list.
Thank you for your tremendous support over the last 12 years of GDR, clearly we could not do this without you. Here is to the next ten years of GDR development.
Dorrie, Sook, and the rest of the GDR development team
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie@wsu.edu
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu