Dear Rosaceae Genomics community,


Especially for those genetic mappers among you who will be attending RGC4 in a few days, you are invited to a 2-hour mini-workhop on how to create your own bin-set, hosted by Cameron Peace and Werner Howad. We will also provide an overview and update of RosPOP (The Rosaceae Consortium of Mapping Populations; www.



When: Sunday March 16th 13:30- 15:30   (i.e. during Registration)

Where: Araucania Salon



An agenda for this mini-workshop follows. Learn how to develop an informative subset of your mapping population, or share your own experiences. This will be an informal meeting based on the community approach of RosPOP.



13:30-13:45 RosPOP overview


13:45-13:50 Update on RosPOP setup on the GDR


13:50-14:00 General discussion on RosPOP


14:00-14:20 Bin-mapping overview


14:20-14:30 General discussion on bin-mappping


14:30-15:10 How to create a bin-set (whether you have a saturated or a less-than-perfect map)


15:10-15:30 General discussion on how to create a bin-set




We look forward to seeing you in Pucon!


Cameron Peace & Werner Howad