Post-Doctoral Scientist Position in Plant Architecture Available at Michigan State University
The Hollender Lab in the Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University is seeking a post-doctoral scientist for a project on plant architecture. The goal of this project is to identify molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying aspects of shoot architecture, including branch orientation, and apply this knowledge to tree fruit agriculture. This project is part of an on-going program in deciduous fruit tree breeding.
The research project relies on molecular biology, genetics, and genomics techniques and utilizes both model plant systems and fruit trees (eg. apple, cherry, and plum). Requirements include a PhD, a strong background in plant molecular biology and genetics, excellent written and oral communication skills, and an interest in transitioning the research to the field (orchard). A background in plant development or experience with bioinformatics (e.g. genomic and transcriptomic sequencing analysis) is preferred. No prior experience with trees or other crops is necessary, but enthusiasm for horticulture and tree fruit agriculture is required.
Candidates should email a single PDF file containing their CV, contact information for three references, and a cover letter describing their interests in plant biology and future goals to Dr. Courtney Hollender (chollend@msu.edu). Please write “Tree Architecture Post-Doc” in the subject line. The position is available as early as December 2016.