We will be having a U.S. RosEXEC meeting at PAG, 2015, scheduled for the Stratford Room at the Town and Country Hotel, Sunday Jan 11, 2015 from 8-10 am. This will be followed by the RosIGI meeting from 10-11 am (chaired by Dorrie Main)
in the same room. As members of the Rosaceae community, you are invited to join us.
If you are unable to attend the meetings, Dorrie Main will make both the RosEXEC and RosIGI meetings available via Skype. Her address is dorrie.s.main
For more information about U.S. RosEXEC and RosIGI, please see the following websites:
Gayle Volk (soon-to-be RosEXEC Chair)
1111 S. Mason St.
Fort Collins, CO 80521