We are seeking US and international scientist nominations for the 2015-2017 term of RosEXEC members.
The RosEXEC mission is as follows:
· Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams.
· Promote research priorities.
· Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
· Serve as an official steering committee for the Genome Database for Rosaceae
The committee seeks to have a diverse representation of scientists from industry, university, and government as well as pome, stone, and rosoid
crop groups. Self-nominations are welcome, as are nominations of colleagues in the Rosaceae community. The committee meets annually at the Plant and Animal Genome Conference, and several conference calls are held throughout the year.
The current membership of RosEXEC can be viewed at:
And the RosEXEC page is:
Five members (Chris Dardick, David Byrne, Thomas Chao, Bob Curtis, and Sook Jung) will be rotating off the committee in January 2015, so five US slots will be filled. International representatives
Dan Sargent and Felicidad Fernandez are rotating off the committee, so two international slots will be filled. Scientists rotating off the RosEXEC committee are not eligible for re-nomination for one year.
To submit a nomination, please submit
1) a short biography
2) picture
3) e-mail address
4) mailing address
to RosEXEC Vice-Chair Gayle Volk (Gayle.Volk@ars.usda.gov) by November 21, 2014.
Elections will be held in December 2014 and new members will begin their assignments at the RosExec meeting to be held at the Plant and Animal Genome Meeting (PAG) in January, 2015.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your participation.
Gayle Volk
National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation
1111 S. Mason Street
Fort Collins, CO 80521