Postdoc Opportunities in U.S. with RosBREED Project
Application window is closing at Christmas!
We are seeking postdoctoral associates for key positions in the newly funded RosBREED project ( RosBREED
is a U.S-wide collaboration among breeders, geneticists, physiologists, pathologists, and socio-economists of Rosaceae crops. This project seeks to develop and apply modern DNA-based diagnostic tools to help deliver new cultivars with superior horticultural
quality and disease resistance.
We are seeking two postdocs to begin 1 January 2015. The
Prunus Postdoc will be based at Clemson University under the guidance of Dr. Ksenija Gasic and will focus on
Prunus crops, primarily peach but not cherry. The Apple & Cherry Postdoc will be based at Washington State University under the guidance of Dr. Cameron Peace and will focus on apple, sweet cherry, and tart cherry. A third postdoc focusing on strawberry,
blackberry, rose, and pear will later be sought to begin from 1 September 2015, to be based at USDA-Corvallis. All positions are funded through to 31 August 2019 – i.e., at least four years.
Activities: All postdocs will conduct genetic research in QTL discovery, DNA test development both locus-specific and
genome-wide, and applied marker-assisted breeding (MAB). These research associates will be the primary liaisons helping U.S. Rosaceae crop breeders to convert new DNA information and other project advances into breeding impact, using cutting-edge technologies,
software, and knowledge. Two six-month internships with project partners outside the U.S. (e.g., in Europe, New Zealand, & Australia) are expected for each postdoc during the project’s
Qualifications: Active research communication is expected in the form of scientific publications, extension articles, participation
in conferences and project meetings, and networking across breeding programs and allied science programs both U.S-wide and internationally. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Plant Breeding, Horticultural Genetics, or a closely related field. The successful candidate
will be a highly motivated team player with excellent communication skills and extensive experience in statistical genetics and linkage analysis. Preference will be given to candidates with evidence of successful management of large datasets, substantial research
productivity, a strong publication record, experience with perennial, clonally propagated crop genetics, and a commitment to practical application. Familiarity with Rosaceae crop breeding germplasm and Pedigree-Based Analysis software are also advantageous.
Applying: If you are interested in the
Prunus Postdoc or the Apple & Cherry Postdoc position, please email a cover letter highlighting your qualifications, your current CV, copies of graduate degree transcripts, and contact information (phone number and email address) of three referees to
Prunus: Dr. Ksenija Gasic at
Apple & Cherry: Dr. Cameron Peace at
Please direct questions on either position to the same email addresses.
Consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.