Hi Folks,

The RosEXEC meeting will be followed by the RosIGI meeting in the same room at PAG. Both meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend from the Rosaceae community. We don't have a specific agenda for the RosIGI meeting, rather it will be the usual  discussion of information pertaining to global Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding efforts.

Best regards


Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414

Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie@wsu.edu
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu

From: Peace, Cameron
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 10:21 PM
To: jd.swanson@salve.edu; hokan017@umn.edu; Layne, Desmond; judson.ward@driscolls.com; michael.wisniewski@ars.usda.gov; gayle.volk@ars.usda.gov; gina_fernandez@ncsu.edu; kgasic@clemson.edu; blgross@d.umn.edu; duke3@lanepacking.com; grghrd@clemson.edu; richard.bell@ars.usda.gov; jill.bushakra@ars.usda.gov; chunxian.chen@ars.usda.gov; iezzoni@msu.edu; kx27@cornell.edu; fabrizio.costa@fmach.it; michael.dossett@agr.gc.ca; riccardo.velasco@fmach.it; sjknapp@ucdavis.edu; rcurtis@almondboard.com; mercy1@ufl.edu; McFerson, James R; vwhitaker@ufl.edu; eric.vandeweg@wur.nl; david.chagne@plantandfood.co.nz
Cc: Main, Doreen; Sook Jung
Subject: RosEXEC meeting on Sunday



Attached is the agenda for Sunday’s RosEXEC meeting, 8-10 am. It will be in the Stratford Room, which is the same as last year.

If you won’t be in San Diego, details for how to attend the meeting electronically will be sent out beforehand.


Also attached are the updated membership list and the minutes to last October’s teleconference.





From: Peace, Cameron
Sent: Monday, January 4, 2016 3:20 PM
To: 'jd.swanson@salve.edu' <jd.swanson@salve.edu>; 'hokan017@umn.edu' <hokan017@umn.edu>; 'Layne, Desmond R' <desmond.layne@wsu.edu>; 'judson.ward@driscolls.com' <judson.ward@driscolls.com>; 'michael.wisniewski@ars.usda.gov' <michael.wisniewski@ars.usda.gov>; 'gayle.volk@ars.usda.gov' <gayle.volk@ars.usda.gov>; 'gina_fernandez@ncsu.edu' <gina_fernandez@ncsu.edu>; 'kgasic@clemson.edu' <kgasic@clemson.edu>; 'blgross@d.umn.edu' <blgross@d.umn.edu>; 'duke3@lanepacking.com' <duke3@lanepacking.com>; 'grghrd@clemson.edu' <grghrd@clemson.edu>; 'richard.bell@ars.usda.gov' <richard.bell@ars.usda.gov>; 'jill.bushakra@ars.usda.gov' <jill.bushakra@ars.usda.gov>; 'chunxian.chen@ars.usda.gov' <chunxian.chen@ars.usda.gov>; 'iezzoni@msu.edu' <iezzoni@msu.edu>; 'kx27@cornell.edu' <kx27@cornell.edu>; 'fabrizio.costa@fmach.it' <fabrizio.costa@fmach.it>; 'michael.dossett@agr.gc.ca' <michael.dossett@agr.gc.ca>; 'riccardo.velasco@fmach.it' <riccardo.velasco@fmach.it>; 'sjknapp@ucdavis.edu' <sjknapp@ucdavis.edu>; 'rcurtis@almondboard.com' <rcurtis@almondboard.com>; 'mercy1@ufl.edu' <mercy1@ufl.edu>; McFerson, James R <jim.mcferson@wsu.edu>; 'vwhitaker@ufl.edu' <vwhitaker@ufl.edu>; 'eric.vandeweg@wur.nl' <eric.vandeweg@wur.nl>; 'david.chagne@plantandfood.co.nz' <david.chagne@plantandfood.co.nz>
Cc: Main, Doreen <dorrie@wsu.edu>
Subject: New RosEXEC members!
Importance: High


Dear RosEXEC,


Happy New Year!


Congratulations to the following people for being voted in to join RosEXEC in 2016!


U.S. members:

Bob Curtis

Steve Knapp

Jim McFerson

Mercy Olmstead

Vance Whitaker


International Liaisons:

David Chagne

Eric van de Weg


Between now and Sunday’s in-person meeting in San Diego, we have a Secretary to elect. This election will involve two steps:


(1) Identifying who is willing to run for Secretary (between now and Wed pm)


(2) Voting for the candidates (between Thu and Sunday’s meeting)


All new, ongoing, and rotating-off U.S. members are eligible to become Secretary candidates, except for the current officers (JD, Gayle, me, and Ksenija). However, all of you receiving this email may vote, except ex officio Dorrie. As a reminder, the Secretary for 2016 automatically becomes Vice-Chair for 2017 and then Chair for 2018. The 2016 Secretary is also responsible for taking minutes of RosEXEC minutes during 2016, including this Sunday’s meeting (although if the Sec is not in attendance, we’ll find an alternative).


So, to get this going, if you are willing to become Secretary, please email me back by this Wednesday evening.


And please let me know if you have any suggested agenda items for Sunday’s meeting.

