Hi Folks,

This year at PAG we will have a GDR workshop focusing on users of GDR providing training on various aspects of GDR.

The 2 hr workshop (#4316) will be held between 4 to 6 PM on Saturday January 14 in the California Room and afterwards we can go and socialize somewhere :-) 

The topics and presenters are as follows:

04.00 PM Using GDR: An Overview - Sook Jung
04:20 PM Use of Strawberry Genomic Resources in GDR - Richard J. Harrison
04:40 PM Using the New Apple Genome Assembly v4.0 Data in GDR - Riccardo Velasco,
05:00 PM The GDR Is a Critical Resource for Developing and Refining Trait-Predictive DNA Tests - Cameron Peace
05:20 PM Using the Field Book App and BIMS in GDR for Peach Breeding - Ksenija Gasic,
05:40 PM - Open Discussion on GDR - Michael Coe

If you are able to attend, would appreciate if you could add your name to the doodle poll that was emailed to you separately.
Please forward to any students or other program members who may not be part of this list.


Dorrie and Sook

Dorrie Main, PhD
Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414

Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie@wsu.edu
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu