Hi all fellow Rosaceae Community members!

(My apologies if you have this already - I have 2 mailing lists.....)


We have an open meeting scheduled at PAGXV in San Diego, Sunday Jan 14th 2007 from 10am -12 midday.   Room to be notified.


This is our first chance for a get-together since RGC3 in Napier earlier this year.  


Can you please let me know;


1. If you will be at this meeting - so that we can distribute any papers to you prior to the meeting.


2. Items you would like to discuss.......


-  I can think of our White Paper as a matter of urgency;


- It would be good to have an update on the progress of RosPOP


- And any information on international sequencing project plans,


- Genetic marker exchanges.......


- Reviews / books planned, in progress


- What else is dear to you?


Best wishes,


Sue Gardiner,


Chair, RosIGI steering committee.


Dr. Susan Gardiner,

Principal Scientist, Plant Gene Mapping,

HortResearch, Private Bag 11030,

Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Telephone: +64 6 356 8080 ext. 7772

Fax: +64 6 354 6731




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