Dear Rosaceae Community Members:

We are ready to vote on the 2016 candidates for RosEXEC. 

Voting begins  November 24 and ends December 11th. 

Please go to the following web site on GDR to fill out your electronic ballot. You can learn more about any candidates’ background and vision for RosEXEC contribution by clicking on their name.


The community will elect five new U.S. members and two new International members to a 3-year term. U.S.-based members will vote for both U.S. candidates and International candidates. International community members will vote for International candidates only.
This year’s slate is diverse.  We encourage you to consider voting to create a leadership group that will appropriately represent the amazing diversity of the Rosaceae community.  Current RosEXEC membership can be found at


As a reminder, the mission of RosEXEC is to:

  •       Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S.
          Rosaceae  genomics, genetics and breeding community
  •       Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research
  •       Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams
  •       Promote research priorities
  •       Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the
          industry  and the public.

  Thanks again to the following U.S. and International members rotating off for their service to our community:

U.S.                                    International
JD Swanson                      Fabrizio Costa

Stan Hokanson                 Michael Considine

Desmond Layne

Judson Ward

Michael Wisniewski

On behalf of Cameron Peace, Chair Elect of Rosexec

Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414

Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)