Hi Everyone,


Reminder about the nominations for the RosEXEC elections.  See details below.


Best wishes,




From: "Main, Doreen" <dorrie@wsu.edu>
Date: Monday, December 2, 2019 at 1:27 PM
To: Chris Saski <saski@clemson.edu>, Ellen Thompson <Ellen@pacificberrybreeding.com>
Cc: "gdr-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu" <gdr-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu>, "rosexec-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu" <rosexec-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu>, "bioinfo@wsu.edu" <bioinfo@wsu.edu>
Subject: Clarification re RosEXEC Elections


Hi Folks,

Just to clarify, we are looking for people to be nominated to serve on the RosEXEC. If you are nominating someone, please check with them that they are willing to be nominated and understand what is required if they are elected.

For current members and their terms, please see the membership page at https://www.rosaceae.org/community/rosexec_2019.

Many thanks


term starts (jan) term ends (jan) last name first name crop group focus inst region; rosoid pome stone; 2017: 2020: chavez: dario 1.0: univ: s: 2017: 2020: saski ...




Dorrie Main, PhD
Professor of Bioinformatics
Interim Chair, Department of Horticulture
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414

Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie@wsu.edu
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu



From: Christopher Saski <saski@clemson.edu>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2019 10:05 AM
To: Ellen Thompson <Ellen@pacificberrybreeding.com>
Cc: gdr-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu <gdr-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu>; rosexec-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu <rosexec-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu>; bioinfo@wsu.edu <bioinfo@wsu.edu>
Subject: [GDR] Re: [Rosexec-list] RosEXEC Elections


Hi All,


My apologies.  If you are already a RosEXEC member, please disregard. 


Best wishes,




From: Ellen Thompson <Ellen@pacificberrybreeding.com>
Date: Monday, December 2, 2019 at 1:04 PM
To: Chris Saski <saski@clemson.edu>
Cc: "bioinfo@wsu.edu" <bioinfo@wsu.edu>, "gdr-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu" <gdr-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu>, "rosexec-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu" <rosexec-list@bioinfo.wsu.edu>
Subject: Re: [Rosexec-list] RosEXEC Elections


Hi Chris,


Thank you for the nomination, however I am currently sitting on the RosExec committee as an industry resource.  If I'm not mistaken, I think I have 1 year of service left. 


Perhaps you are suggesting a re-nomination?  Please clarify.




Ellen Thompson

Pacific Berry Breeding, LLC




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On Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 6:25 AM Christopher Saski <saski@clemson.edu> wrote:

Dear Colleague,


I want to nominate you for a three-year-term U.S. membership in RosEXEC – the U.S. Rosaceae Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding Executive Committee (www.rosaceae.org/community/us_rosexec).


The mission of RosEXEC is to:


  • Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics, and breeding community.
  • Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research community.
  • Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams.
  • Promote research priorities.
  • Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.
  • Serve as an official steering committee for the Genome Database for Rosaceae


An election will take place from December 13th to January 11th. Any U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics, and breeding researcher or interested party is allowed to cast a vote. The five candidates with the most votes will join RosEXEC from January 2020 to January 2023.


To help inform voters, two items are provided on every candidate:


(1) a brief statement (100-word max) on proposed contributions to the RosEXEC mission

(2) a short CV (1-2 pages is fine)


If you are willing to become a RosEXEC member, could you please send me the above two items for you? These documents will be uploaded to the GDR, with links to them on the voting page.


Thanks for considering officially supporting the RosEXEC mission.




Chris Saski


Christopher A. Saski

Chair, RosEXEC

Associate Professor of Systems Genetics

Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences

306B Biosystems Research Complex

105 Collings StreetClemson University, Clemson, SC 29634

saski@clemson.edu | 864-656-6929



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