Hi Folks,

Please join us for the NRSP10 workshop at PAG which covers many aspects of using GDR for research.

Workshop: Database Resources for Crop Genomics, Genetics and Breeding: NRSP10
When: Sunday January 13, 1.30 – 3.40 PM
Where: Meeting Room


1.30:   Overview of NRSP10 - Achievements and Future Plan (Dorrie Main)
1.45:   Using the Online GenSAS Platform for Community Genome Annotation (Jodi Humman)
2.00:   Tripal v3, the Collaborative Online Database Platform for Genomic, Genetic and Breeding   
2.15:   Using NRSP10 Data and Tools for Basic Research (Sook Jung)
2.30:   Using NRSP10 Data and Tools for Translational Research (Cameron Peace)
2.45:   Using NRSP10 Data and Tools for Breeding (Ksenija Gasic)
3.00:   Global Performance Prediction Tool in Tripal BIMS (Craig Hardiner)
3.15:   Open Discussion of NRSP10

NRSP10 is a USDA NIFA, industry and US Land Grant Universities funded project which provides standardized database and informatic resources for undeserved or specialty crops such as tree fruit, nuts, cotton and berries. It builds on existing database resources developed for Rosaceae (Genome Database for Rosaceae, www.rosaceae.org), Citrus (Citrus Genome Database, www.citrusgenomedb.org), Vaccinium (Genome Database for Vaccinium, www.vaccinium.org), Cool Season Food Legumes (Cool Season Food Legume Genome Database, www.csfl.org) and Cotton (CottonGen, www.cottongen.org). Developed using Tripal, an open-source, resource-efficient, modular, well supported software platform, these community databases provide centralized access to integrated genomic, genetic and breeding data and analysis tools for 24 crops representing a combined annual production value of over $25B.  In this training workshop, we present progress in NRSP10 through a series of presentations by users and discuss the next 5 year plan for this project.



Dorrie Main, PhD
Professor of Bioinformatics
Department of Horticulture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall
Pullman, WA 99164-6414

Tel: 509-335-2774 (office)
Email: dorrie@wsu.edu
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu