Hi all,

This may not apply to many of you directly but you may have colleagues, or know of graduate students who are close to graduating in this field that you could encourage to apply. 
Salve currently has a Tenure-Track position open for an Animal Physiologist/Biologist,  in particular we are most interested in an invert person who can work with marine organisms, in addition, if they look at either the behavior or neuro aspects it would be a plus.  They would have a strong interest in working with Undergraduate students.
Salve is a great place to work, and the department is very close and works very well together.  The students are bright and work hard.  There are also opportunities for funding through either the RI EPSCoR programs, or through RI INBRE.  Not to mention living in Newport RI which is a certainly a perk!
I have attached the job description below, if you know of anyone who could fit this description and be on the job market right now, please encourage them to apply, or contact me if they need any further information. 
Thanks all!


JD Swanson, Ph.D.
Asst. Professor of Biology and Class Dean
Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences
Salve Regina University
100 Ochre Point Ave
Newport RI 02840

Ph) 401-341-3165

To book an appointment please go to

Salve Regina University - Asst or Assoc Professor in Biology/Physiology
Thank you for considering Salve Regina University in your search.
Category: Academic / Faculty
Department: Biology
Locations: Newport, RI
Posted: Oct 23, '13
Type: Full-time
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About Salve Regina University:

Salve Regina University, ranked among the best institutions of higher education in the United States by U.S. News & World Report, is a Catholic Liberal Arts University located in scenic Newport, Rhode Island. Salve Regina offers challenging academic programs in a highly supportive environment and an innovative core curriculum that provides students with a solid foundation and broader perspective. The historic, 75-acre campus enrolls approximately 2,500 men and women and offers Associate, Baccalaureate, and Master's degrees, the Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study, and the Ph.D. in Humanities.

Job Description:

The Department of Biology and Biomedical Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track position beginning September 2014. The successful candidate will be a broadly educated animal physiologist knowledgeable in molecular, cell and in vivo techniques. Expertise with non-mammalian vertebrates or marine or freshwater invertebrates is required. Interest in neurobiology or behavior is desirable. Teaching responsibilities include participating in freshmen and sophomore level majors curriculum and non-majors courses, as well as teaching courses in the area of expertise on the advanced level. Maintaining an active research program with undergraduate students is required.


The candidate must hold an earned doctorate in Biology or in a related field. Post-doctoral experience or similar research experience is expected. The candidate will have a demonstrable record of excellence in teaching and the ability to maintain a successful research program with undergraduate majors.

Additional Information:

Salve Regina University offers generous benefits to eligible employees including: health and dental coverage, life insurance, long-term disability, 403B plan, tuition benefits and more.


Salve Regina University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.  The University actively seeks diversity among its employees.

Application Instructions:

The candidate should supply 1) a letter of application, 2) a CV, 3) names and contact information from three references; 4) a statement of teaching philosophy and ideas for integrating new courses into our current curriculum and 5) a tentative plan for engaging our Biology majors in research and out-of-classroom activities.

Candidates must apply on-line only at http://www.salve.edu/offices/hr/employment.cfm