We are seeking nominations of individuals to serve for a three-year term on the U.S. Genomics, Genetics, and Breeding Executive Committee (RosEXEC).  There are five open seats on the 15 member Committee and 2 open seats for international liaisons. While we do have six individuals nominated already, we would like to receive at least another six nominations.
Please consider nominating a colleague you believe would contribute to supporting the mission of RosEXEC:

·      Serve as a communication and coordination focal point for the U.S. Rosaceae genomics, genetics and breeding community.
·      Define research priorities based on input from the industry and research community.
·      Facilitate scientific interaction and foster dynamic research teams.
·      Promote research priorities.
·      Coordinate educational efforts from the research community to the industry and the public.

Nomination of candidates who have not previously served on the RosEXEC and
representatives of industry are encouraged.  Members who will continue to serve in 2010 include Angela Baldo, Jim Hancock, Jim McFerson, Bryon Sosinski, Philip Stewart, Nahla Bassil, John Clark, Kevin Folta, Ksenija Gasic, Amy Iezzoni and Jay Norelli, so no need to nominate them as they will already be serving.

International liaison members rotating off this year include Jasper Rees (Africa), Eric van de Weg (Europe). Remaining members through 2012 are Herman Silva (South America) and David Chagne (Aus/NZ). Two new members are needed to serve two year terms and we are seeking at least one to be in Europe.

Prior to nomination, the nominator is required to contact the nominee and confirm willingness to serve on RosEXEC.  Committee members are expected to participate in quarterly telephone conference meetings and provide several hours of work in support of the RosEXEC mission.  
Send nominations to Jim McFerson (mcferson@treefruitresearch.com), Chair of the RosEXEC membership committee, by 15 Oct 2010.  
Nominees will then be contacted by the membership committee and asked to provide a brief bio and vision statement.  The community-wide election will be managed by the Genome Database for the Rosaceae (GDR) and held via internet from 25 Oct-19 Nov 2010.
The next meeting of RosEXEC will be on 16 Jan 2011 in conjunction with the PAG Conference, San Diego CA.
Dorrie Main, PhD
Associate Professor of Bioinformatics
Dept of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
Washington State University
45 Johnson Hall, Pullman, WA 99164-6414
Email: dorrie@wsu.edu
Tel: (509) 335 2774
Fax: (509) 335 8690
URL: www.bioinfo.wsu.edu