The fall meeting of the US RosEXEC will take place Wednesday, October 6 at the RGC6 in Mezzocorona, Italy.  Meeting Agenda is attached.



RosEXEC Meeting at RGC6 (open meeting)

Mezzocorona –Palarotare, Italy

15:40-16:40 Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Welcome (10 min)


Adopt Minutes of Summer Meeting (July 31, 2012) (Nahla Bassil) (5 min)

·         Proposed revisions

·         Adoption of minutes


2013 RosEXEC election (2 min)


Emerging Technologies (Ksenija Gasic) (20 min)


USDA-NIFA-SCRI RosBREED2 Project Proposal (Amy Iezzoni, Cameron Peace) (8 min)


Coordination (Ksenija Gasic) (15 min)


Meeting reports and announcements for upcoming meetings (10 min)


Other business: (5 min)


Adjourn:  16:40




John (Jay) Norelli, Ph.D.

Research Plant Pathologist


Appalachian Fruit Research Station

2217 Wiltshire Road

Kearneysville, WV 25430

(304) 725-3451  x264

FAX: (304) 728-2340


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