Presenters: Dr. Nicholas J. Provart, the University of Toronto
Host: Dr. Sunita Kumari
Raising the BAR for Hypothesis Generation in Plant Biology Using Open Big Data.
We have developed tools, available as part of the Bio-Analytic Resource at, for exploring large data sets from plants, to allow deeper insights into biological questions. My lab’s three visual analytic tools for transcriptomic data (eFP Browser, ePlant, and eFP-Seq Browser) allow for rapid access to comprehensive gene expression compendia we have curated for identifying tissues, cell-types, or perturbations in which a gene is active or alternatively spliced. Interactions, be they protein-protein or regulatory, create networks. We have developed new tools for exploring such data, either from large collections of experimentally-supported protein-protein or protein-DNA interactions or from predicted interactions, including protein-protein interactions inferred from molecular docking studies. We are currently working on integrating large-scale phenotype data from field trials monitored by drone-based sensors into ePlants we have developed for several agronomically-important species to improve understanding of links between genotype and phenotype.
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