Dear AG2PI Partner Organization leaders and community members,


Please share the below message with your members:


We need your help to gather feedback on the USDA-funded Agricultural Genomes to Phenomes Initiative (AG2PI) and to help direct future funding opportunities in agriculture. Your responses will be used to inform USDA NIFA about access and barriers to resources in the area of G2P research, training, connections and other efforts. The below URL is reusable and not unique; anyone with this link will have the ability to participate. We ask that you finish the survey in one session, which should take around 10 minutes.


This survey will remain open until December 3, 2021:


As a reminder, the focus of the AG2PI project is to build cross-kingdom research communities to address the challenges of genome to phenome (G2P) research and find opportunities to work together to identify shared critical research gaps. Importantly, this is an opportunity for the community to create a vision that may be used to guide future funding opportunities in this space.


Please note: If you have joined an AG2PI mailing list then you will receive a direct email from this project asking you to fill out the survey. You should only fill out the survey once. General results of this survey will be made available to the public on the AG2PI website, on our Community Survey page (you can review results of our 2020 survey there now).


We appreciate your help with this survey and telling us how the AG2PI project can be used to better your own agricultural endeavors and inform funding agencies of your needs.



Nicole Scott, PhD


Program Specialist

Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative

Iowa State University

1111 WOI Rd

Ames, IA 50011


office: 1077 Roy J. Carver Co-Lab

phone: 515-294-3945



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