Dear agricultural genome or phenome researcher:


This is a further announcement of the series of four “Field Days” on Single Cell genomics in agriculture. Also, please see below for a second reminder on travel funding for attending the AG2PI Single Cell Workshop March 29-30!


Details on the four sessions can be found at:


If you are interested in attending one or more of these free online sessions, please register at least 2 days in advance at:


We will follow up with registered people to provide Zoom information one day before the session and provide information on obtaining the sessions' recordings once they are available.



**We still have a handful of seats available for early career researchers to request $600 funding that will cover costs for the SC Workshop in Orlando, Florida:

If you are interested in this, have your advisor send confirmation you are eligible: that you are currently in graduate school or within 5 years of attaining your PhD.**


Thanks for your interest!


Chris Tuggle for the AG2PI Single Cell Workshop Organizing Committee